Sunday, September 20, 2009


SEEK HOW WE ARE EQUAL GODS, Like The Word Of Truth Of God, Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), John 17:17(1-26), In Psalm 82:6, Which Cannot Be Made To Lie Declares And Find It In Heaven Where The Word Of God Is Settled Forever In The Kingdom Of God Within Your Own Heart When You Look For It With All Your Heart! Jesus Christ Came To Make The Scriptures Come True, Like He Declared Through Simon Peter Who Now Believes That God Is No Respecter Of Persons! Jesus Christ Also Told Us That He Did Not Come To Bring Peace On The Earth When He Was First Manifested 2000 Years Ago Which Is Like 2 Days Ago Spiritually To Destroy The Works Of Cain The Devil! Psalm 119:89, Luke 17:21, Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13, Mark 12:29-31, John 10:34-38, Acts 10:34-38, 1 John 3:8-12, 2 Peter 3:8. He Came With The Sword Of The Spirit, That He Told His Disciples To Sell Their Possessions And Buy One To Take When He Gave Them Their Final Marching Order! Hebrews 4:12, Luke 22:36, John 13:34, 2 Timothy 2:3-4. Christ Jesus Spoke In Parables To All Men Including His Disciples, Students And Pupils During His Lifetime On Planet Earth! Matthew 13:34-43. He Asked His Disciples, How Will You Understand All The Parables, When You Cannot Understand The Simple Parable Of The Sower? Mark 4: 13(11-20). The Candle That Is Lit Is Put On A Candlestick To Give Light To Everybody In The House, Mark 4:21-23, Like I Do By Writing It Clearly For Everybody To Receive And Run With It And See, Habakkuk 2:2-14, How His Or Her Own Spirit Is The Candle Of The Lord, Of The Scriptures Who Is God’s Spirit In Who Alone There Is True Liberty, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, That Searches The Hidden Agenda In The Heart Of Every Living Soul Mortal Human Being Proverbs 20:27, Including Sanusi Lamido Who Is A Kano Son For Who Obasanjo Rigged The Census, Can Deny His Northern Agenda Concerning Cutting Off The Head Of Southern Bank Managing Directors To Confuse All Nigerians As A Prophet Whose Spirit Is Subject To Prophet Musa Yar Adua And Others From The North Who Cause Confusions But Cannot Confuse God Who Knows All Things As The Omnipresent One Who Is Not The Author Of Confusions! 1 Corinthians 14:32-33. B’ABA BEGI LOKO KAFI ORAN RORA ENIWO, Means “What You Want Other People To Do To You, Do It To Them Or You Must Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!” Love Does Not Wish Evil For A Neighbor, To Love Then, Means To Obey All The Laws Of Grace And Truth Of God That Came Through Jesus Christ As God’s New Covenant That God Is Teaching All Of Us Directly! Even Dangote The Son Of Dantata From Kano State Whose Father Was Jailed For Printing Pound Sterling Benefited From The Gospel To Wreck Money Banks Temporally Like Other Temporal Lords! Matthew 7:12(1-29), Galatians 5:14, Romans 13:10(1-14), John 1:17(1-51), 6:44-45, Isaiah 54:13(1-17), Jeremiah 31:31-34, 2 Corinthians 4:18.
THINK LIKE GOD NOT LIKE HUMAN FLESH Which Profits Nothing Even If It Gains The Whole World! As A Man Thinks In His Heart, So Is He Or She! God Is Spirit, Those Who Worship Him Must Worship Him In Spirit And Truth As Those Who Know Him As The Breath Of Life, Abel And Son The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam In The Kingdom Of God Crucified By Self Will Of Our Personal Flesh Within Our Own Personal Heart! Proverbs 23:7, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 4:22-24, 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45(1-58), Luke 17:21. Judas Meaning Praise Was The One To Who Jesus Christ Referred As The Devil Who Is One Of The Disciples That He Himself Chose! Jesus Christ Gave His Twelve Disciples Who He Chose To Leave Him When In John 6:66, The Revelations 13:18 666 Money Consideration For Loyalty Deserted Him And Chose Not To Follow Him Again! Simon The Reed Who Became Peter A Rock Answered For Others Saying, “To Who Shall We Go? You Have The Words Of Eternal Life And We Have Come To Believe In You As The Son (Abel, And Breath Of Life Of The Living God)! John 6:70(66-71), Matthew 16:16-28. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO OBEY ALLAH’S MERCY DECREES Like The Other Kano Son Army General Beloved Murtala Ramat Mohammed Truthful And Glorious Man Did Openly To Give All Nigerians Exemplary Leadership As Christ Jesus Unprofitable Servant, Who Was Ready To Lay Down His Life For All Of Us Nigerians In 1965 August To 1966 February When He Was Assassinated For Trying To Be Perfect Like Christ Jesus Successfully! God Our One True Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh, Never Left Jesus Christ Alone At Any Time While He Was On Planet Earth Because He Always Did What Pleases God As The Word Of God Settled Forever In Heaven In All Living Soul Mortal Human Beings! God’s Spirit Is Contending Against Human Flesh As The Holy One Of Israel Which Means God Contends! God’s Life Giving Spirit Will Do It For 120 Years But Not Forever And The End Time Has Now Come! Sura 19:21, Luke 17:10(7-21), Matthew 5:48, 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), John 8:29(1-59), Psalm 119:89, Genesis 6:3, 1 Corinthians 15:45

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