Sunday, September 20, 2009


SEE THE EVIL GENIUS ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION BABANGIDA Which Means Father In The House As The Dog In The Manger Of Aso Rock! He Is The One That Prophet Daniel Whose Name Means God Is My Judge Spoke About! I Had To Look For Christ Jesus Frantically In God’s Kingdom Within My Own Heart In 1993 When Babangida Claimed That He Has The Power In Government To Annul The Corporate Democratic Will Of Nigerians! Matthew 24:15, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Galatians 3:15-17. I Asked God The Allah Who Is Closer To Me Than My Jugular Vein Whose Pure White Eyes Cannot See Iniquity Within His Kingdom In My Own Heart Why He Allowed Babangida To Do It? God Answered Me That Since We All Have Faith In Democracy Of Following The Multitude To Do Democratic Evil Of American Capitalist Apartheid Madness Instead Of Holy Spirit Commanded Communist Socialism, Like The Elders Of Israel Who Demanded It From Samuel Meaning Because I Asked Him Of The Lord He Cannot Help Us! I Took A Quality Decision There And Then Not To Register To Vote For Any Mortal Man And Make Him My King Instead Of God! I Hope You Can Now See Why I Seem To Be Anti Every Human Religious Or Secular Militant And Military Democratic Establishment In Which Musa Yar Adua Was Rigged Into Power With Professor Iwu Whose Name Means Law As Our Umpire Like Ovie Whisky The Drunkard Who Obasanjo Used To Rig Awolowo Out As The Best President We Never Had Like Ojukwu Said After He Died And Did Not Pose A Threat To Zik Whose Name Sounds Like Sickness! Habakkuk 1:13, Luke 17:21, 1 Samuel 8:4-22, John 1:17. ALL MONEY BELONG EQUALLY TO US ALL By The Grace Of God’s Son Christ Jesus Truth! The Kingdom Of God Does Not Come Within Your Mind By Visible Displays Of Law Enforced Might Or Power Of The Bossy Leader Who Exercise Power Of Life And Death Over His Equal God Followers Like One Kano Son Sanusi Lamido Is Doing Instead Of Being A Servant Leader Like Jesus Christ Commanded And Obeyed To Give Us Exemplary Leadership Like Murtala Mohammed Another Kano Son Did! It Is By Following The Spirit Of God That You Can Get To Paradise That Moslems Call Alujanna By Receiving God’s Mercy Like Prophet Mohammed Told His Daughter Fatima And Prophet Sindique Abubakar Father Of Virgins Genesis 19:8, Just Before He Died! I Was Told By God’s Holy Spirit That Lamido Is Like Lagido A Monkey Who Does Not Become A Human Being Because He Wears Trousers! I Am Quick To Hear But Slow To Speak It Forth Because The Wrath Of Man Does Not Fulfill God’s Purpose! 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Ezekiel 18:25, Romans 8:32, John 1:17, Luke 17:20, Zechariah 4:6, Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Ecclesiastes 3:18(1-22), James 1:19(1-27).
SANUSI, WE NEED MORE MERCY Of Have More Mercy Sanusi Your Predecessor, To Be Perfect Like God Our One Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits Of All Flesh Whose Works Of The Devil, Cain Possession And Spear He Was Manifested To Destroy In Parables When He Came 2000 Years Ago Which Is 2 Days Ago Spiritually At First! It Is Up To You, God Has Done It All Through Jesus Christ Who Prophesied That It Is Finished! This Is Why Jesus Christ The One Life Giving Spirit Giver Of All Gifts Whose Kingdom Violent Gifted Men And Women Take By Force From The Time That John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Even Till Now Like We See Sanusi Taking The Money Kingdoms Of Bank Managing Directors By Force! 1 Peter 1:16, 3:8, 1 John 3:8, Matthew 1:16, 5:48, 6:8(1-34), 11:12, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, 12:11-12, 15:45, John 19:30, Luke 17:21. All Of Us Blindly Call Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation A Liar, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:1-10, John 9:39(1-41), That It Is Impossible To Be Perfect Like God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray Religiously Like Jesus Christ Who Commanded Us To Love Our Enemies, 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 1:16, 5:43-48, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, Luke 6:27(20-36), Which Are Not Flesh And Blood But Principalities And Powers And Rulers Of Keep Our Secrets Secret Darkness Of This World, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12. My Fellow Christian Evangelical Columnist Beloved Crown Plenty, Argued That We Can Only Strive To Be Perfect But Cannot Be Truly Perfect Like Jesus Commanded! When I Told Him That Perfect Mercy Love For Enemies And Friends Alike Is What Jesus Christ Means, He Said I Am Trying To Make Scripture Mean What I Want So, I Chose Not To Agree And Walk With Him! 2 Peter 3:16, Amos 3:3, Colossians 3:3-11. LOOK FOR FREEDOM LAW OF GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND FIND IT In God’s Kingdom Within Your Own Heart When You Look For It With All Your Heart Like I Did! God’s Ways Which Are Not Our Ways Of Commander In Thief Abacha, Are Of The Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace And Not Of Chaos And Death Of The Carnal Mind! James 4:11(1-17), Jeremiah 29:13, Deuteronomy 4:29, Mark 12:29-31, Luke 17:21, Isaiah 55:8, Hosea 10:13, Romans 8:6(1-39).

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