Sunday, September 20, 2009


LAWS OF GRACE AND TRUTH OF CHRIST JESUS SPOIL AND TRIUMPH OVER DISGRACE LAWS Of Satanic Principalities And Powers And Rulers Of Darkness Of This Mammon World Like Jesus Christ Did At Calvary! This Is What You And I Must Do To Be Truly Like Christ Jesus As True Christians Like We All Want To Be By Judging Ourselves First Before Judging Others So That God Will Not Condemn Us With The World That Judges Others With Standards That They Have Not Attained Spiritually And Condemn Our Own Selves Like God Has Condemned Us Truthfully Without Deceiving Ourselves That It Is God Who Made Us As Living Souls Higher Power To Other Living Souls Who Are Equal Before The One God Who Is The One Higher Power To All Living Souls Including You And I! Colossians 2:15, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Romans 2:1-29, 13:1-14, Ezekiel 18:25(1-32). Does Man Given Honor To A Man As Governor Of Central Bank Of Nigeria Make Have More Mercy Sanusi Lamido Sanusi A God Before The One True God Who Gave Erastus Akingbola His Own Intercontinental Bank And Cecilia Ibru Her Own Oceanic Bank? God Has Spoken Once Through Give More Mercy Sanusi Who Wrote Off Olusegun Obasanjo Farms Debt To Be Counted Worthy Of Being The Governor Of The Central Bank Of Nigeria Under President God The King Is Avenger! I Have Heard It Twice That Power Belongs To God Who Want All Nigerians And The World At Large To Have More Mercy Rather Than Use The Letter Of The Law To Behead Southern Erastus And Cecilia Like This New Sanusi Has Done As A Northerner Who Thinks God’s Power Belong To Nigerian Northerners Because The British Rigged Both The Census And Election To Favor Them Like Umar Dikko Revealed That The British Told The North Never To Allow A Southerner To Be Their Chief Executive In Nigeria So That They Will Not Lose Their British Rigged Advantage! Exodus 20:3(1-26), Deuteronomy 5:7(6-33), Romans 12:19(1-21), Psalm 62:11, 75:6(1-10), 2 Corinthians 3:6(1-4:18). DO NOT SIN AGAINST HOLY SPIRIT DECREE OF MERCY OF ALLAH For All Mankind That You Must Obey With Immediate Effect And Automatic Alacrity Kum Faya Kum As The Word Of Command Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary To Glorify Her Who Is His Bone And Flesh Body Called Woman That You Occupy And Her Son Because It Is Not Forgivable In This End Time Age When He Has Come To Judge The Quick And The Dead Righteously! Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Matthew 12:31-32, Revelations 22:12(11-21).
GOD IS OUR ONE I AM THAT I AM LORD OF ALL MORTAL LORDS And Immortal King Of All Mortal Kings! The Work Of God Is Perfect And You Cannot Add To It Or Take Away From Perfect Law Of Liberty By Military Enforcement Of Man Made Mammon’s Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Imperfect Laws Of Moses Musa Yar Adua Closet Of Prayer! Mark 12:29-31, Revelations 11:8-15, 19:16, 22:16(11-21), Exodus 3:14, Ecclesiastes 3:14, Luke 3:14, James 1:25(1-4:17), Romans 6:23, John 1:17, Matthew 6:6(1-34). We Are Equal Gods In Unequal Flesh Which Profits Nothing Even If It Gains The Whole World Approval And Forfeits His Soul To Our Murderer And Liar Fathers Law Enforcement! I Learned That I Know Nothing By The Omniscient God’s Standard So That Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Can Teach Me New Things! This Is How Jesus Christ Gives Grace And Truth Laws To The Humble That Is Not Puffed Up By Worldly Ungodly Peace Able Solomon’s Standard Of The Adulterer Who Married Many Foreign Wives To Make Peace With Their Ungodly Nations Who Righteousness Of Jesus Christ Cannot Exalt! Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), Psalm 82:6, Matthew 12:42, 16:26(25-28), 1 Corinthians 8:2(1-3), 2 Timothy 2:19, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, John1:17, 8:44(1-59), James 4:6, Zechariah 4:6, Proverbs 14:34. THE WORD FOR TODAY IS FREE GIFT OF CHRIST JESUS Eternal Life Appointed Time Which Is Now! This Is The Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Inspirational Intuition Insight That Made The Managing Director Of Intercontinental Bank Erastus Akingbola The Valiant Takes The Wealth And Honor From Be More Merciful Sanusi Who Wrote Off Obasanjo Farms Debt As Director Of First Bank And Not The Current Governor Of Central Bank Of Nigeria Sanusi Lamido Who Was General Manager Of First Bank 12 Years Ago While Erastus Akingbola Has Been The Managing Director Of His Own God Given Intercontinental Bank For About 20 Years! John12:31(1-50), Romans 6:23, 8:6(1-39).

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