Sunday, September 20, 2009


HEAR THE STILL SMALL VOICE Of Peace Be Still, And See God’s Salvation From Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Prison Of Our Democratic Leaders, Like The King Loves Me Obafemi Awolowo The Secret Thing Belongs To The Spirit Lord, As Perfect Laws Of Liberty Whose Free Health And Free Education Policy I Enjoyed At Ibadan, For Fathers To Obey And Inherit For Our Children Forever Like I Did! Exodus 14:13-14, Mark 4:39, Revelations 11:8-15, James 1:25(1-4:17), Deuteronomy 29:29. We Are Debtors To God’s Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Whose Words Of Commanded Faith In Good, Life And Blessings Are Spirit And Life That Shows That The Flesh Of Our Ancestors That Has Given Us Such Advantage Like Oluwole Awolowo Has Had, Profits Nothing Even If It Gains The Approval Of The Whole World Democratically, If He Does Not Obey Christ Jesus As A Self Acclaimed Gifted Evangelist Like Myself! Romans 8:12(1-39), 1 Corinthians 15:45(1-58), John 6:63(1-71), 16:25(1-17:26), Proverbs 16:25, Matthew 16:26(25-28), Ephesians 4:11(1-14). DO NOT THINK LIKE SPIRITS OF OUR MANY GODFATHERS AND ANCESTORS Who Are Murderers And Liars Like The Father Of God Enters The House, Oluwole Awolowo, Who Was My Classmate In Form 3 In 1960 At Ibadan Grammar School! He Did Not Beat Me Once In School, But Has Been A Democratic Chairman Of Apapa Local Government, Based On His Father’s Stature, As A Child Of Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than The Son Of Christ Jesus Light Of Life In This Their Generation Of Following Democratic Multitude To Do Evil, Death And Curses Poly Tricks Politically! Proverbs 23:7, Luke 16:8-13, John 8:44(1-59), Exodus 23:2.
GOD’S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR ALL OF US! God’s Power Is Made Perfect In Weakness! This Was The Basis Of Mahatma Gandhi’s Prophecy That God Provides Enough For The Need Of The Whole World But Not Enough For Our “British Murderers And Liars” Greed, That Inspired The Dream Of Free Alabama In Martin Luther King Junior, That Christ Jesus Has Now Made To Come True Through Barak Obama The Black African American Hunter Esau! 2 Corinthians 12:9, John 8:44(1-59), 10:34-38, Psalm 82:6, Genesis 27:39(1-40). God Is The One And Only I Am Whatever You Say That I Am! This Was Why The Soldiers Who Asked John The Baptist What To Do, Were Told To Be Satisfied With Their Wages And Stop Filing Charges Against Bloody Civilians Like Wicked Central Bank Governor Sanusi Who Wants Islamic Bank In Nigeria Like We Were Almost Tricked Into O. I. C. By Proud Evil Genius Babangida Father In The House Government! Exodus 3:14, Luke 3:14, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20. JESUS CHRIST STARTED GOD’S FREE SURE MERCY BUSINESS WHICH IS UNLIMITED By Availability Of Money Funds That Limits Economic Power Of Unrighteous Mammon Businesses Of The World That Has Divided The Word Of Truth Wrongly! This Is Because We Do Not Know The Scriptures And The Omnipotent Power Of Christ Jesus Word Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David’s Root And Offspring Bright And Morning Star That Overcomes Proud Lucifer Son Of The Morning Forever And Ever! Hallelujah! Amen! The Kingdom Of God Within All Of Us, As Mortal Living Soul Human Beings Have Suffered Violence Since John The Baptist Preached The Gospel! The Violent Proud Ego, Money Seeking Lucifer Leaders Have Been Taking The Omnipresent Kingdom Of The One True Lord God, From Jesus Christ The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gifts By Force Till Now That Black Hunter Esau Blessed Barak Took It From White Pastor Jacob The Under Miner Cheat! Luke 2:49, 17:21, Revelations 11:8-15, 19:16, 22:16(11-21), 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, Matthew 11:12, 22:29-46, Isaiah 14:12-15, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, John 16:25(1-17:26).

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