Monday, April 20, 2009


CHANGE FROM A LAMB TO A LION Of The Tribe Of Judah! Obey Your One Lord’s Mercy Decree, Given To You Directly From Your Mind As The Lailla Illa Allahu Of Allah Given To All Mankind As Life Blessing To Glorify The Woman Who Is Your Bone And Flesh Body Of Christ Our One Creator Given Husband! He Is The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Lord Of All Mortal Flesh That Profits Nothing From Him Within All Living Soul First Adam Human Beings! You Must Obey Him Kum Faya Kum Which Means With Immediate Effect And Automatic Alacrity As Christ Jesus Word Of The Son Of Mary Who Is Being Born Again In Your Heart As His Mother Who Hear And Obey His Spirit Father Who Is Our One Spirit Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh As His True Brother Or True Sister! Revelations 5:5, 12:9, John 1:29, 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45(1-58), Romans 8:6(1-39), 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Matthew 12:49-50, Mark 3:35, Luke 8:21, Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Ephesians 5:30(25-32), Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91. The Unknown God Wants Us To Know Him As The Perfect And Merciful Spirit Father Of The Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Spirit Murderer And Liar Fathers In All Flesh And Stop Burning Offerings Of Men And Women Who Have Been Set Up And Burnt Like Joan Of Arc At The Stake As A Witch By Traditional Religious Military Demagogues! The Unknown One True God Is Your Own Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God In Your Own Nostrils! This Is What I Found Out From Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation In My Own Heart After Severing Mind Connection With Moses Musa Yar Adua Closet Of Prayer Who Is Not Useful To Any Nigerian Except God Is Victor And King Who Is Avenger, Olusegun Obasanjo Who Used Professor Iwu Law To Make Him Their Puppet President Of Nigeria Who Will Be Condemned By God If He Will Mark What He Has Done Amiss Because He Does Not Know What He Is Doing Like Jesus Christ Prayed For Him! Acts 17:24-31, Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:36, 23:34, Jeremiah 17:9-10, John 8:44, Genesis 2:7(1-25), Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-10, Isaiah 2:22, Romans 12:19, Malachi 3:2. GOD FOR ALL AND ALL FOR GOD Is The One Hard And Narrow Life Sure Mercy Way Of Jesus Christ Not All For Himself Or Herself And God For Us All Which Is Money Death Ways That Seem Right To All Of Us! Can You Now Hear And Understand, See And Perceive Christ Jesus Who John The Baptist Introduced As The Bridegroom To Who The Bride Which Is Your Bone And Flesh Body And Temple, Church And Earthly Tabernacle Of Jesus Christ Who Warned Simon Peter That He Will Soon Depart From As God’s Holy Spirit Who Inspired The Scriptures Alone Can Interpret Correctly, Repent For Christ Jesus To Have To Forgive You! See How Your Proud Self Ego Money Determined Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained Has Made You A Loser Because What You Count As Profit Of Your Flesh Which Profits Nothing Is A Loss To Christ Jesus Who Commanded Us To Claim We Are Unprofitable Servants Of God Like He Demonstrated With A Perfect Heart That Does Not See Equality With God As Something To Be Grasped By Force! Ephesians 5:25-32, John 3:29, 6:63(1-71), 14:6, Matthew 7:13-14, 11:28-30, Isaiah 55:3, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, Mark 4:11-13, 1 Peter 4:11-17, 2 Peter 1:14-21, Luke 17:10(7-21), Philippians 2:5(1-13), 3:7-11.
IF YOU DISOBEY ONE LAW OF GOD YOU DISOBEY ALL LAWS OF GOD Like The Young Prophet From Judah Who Was Misled By The Old Prophet From Israel! Do Not Deceive Yourself With Mortal Prejudice That The Omnipresent God Cannot Help Anybody Directly! Do Not Obey Man Made Money Laundry Decrees, Used By Violent Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Hearted Men Like God Is Victor As King Who Is Avenger Olusegun Obasanjo To Take God’s Kingdom By Force And Crucify Wizards Have Become Many Sodipo Harold For Contesting Against Him For A Woman Concubine! What Is Hidden About Obasanjo’s Adultery Spirit Affliction Weakness Was Revealed At This End Time Like That Of The Kleptomaniac Spirit Weakness Of The Queen Elizabeth Of England’s Late Mother! God The King Is Avenger Obasanjo Is Not A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ But One Who Thinks Like A Judas Thief Who Knows How To Follow Religious Thieves And Robbers Steps On A Rock! He Tempted Them With Money In 1999 When I Had More Knowledge Than All My Teachers Which He Used To Revile Them Later! I Saw Bishop Come To The House At The Top, Wale Oke’s Adultery By Which He Produced A Child With His Secretary Who Is Not His Wife In 1999! We Must Fear God Because He Is Merciful! 1 Kings 13:1-34, James 2:10, 3:13(1-18), Malachi 3:2, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Romans 12:19, Matthew 10:27(25-30), 11:12-30, Revelations 22:12(11-21), Proverbs 23:7, Acts 2:1-40, Psalm 119:99, 130:3-4. The Lust Of The Flesh Is The Erotic Love And Attraction For The Opposite Sex By Adult Men And Women Who Commit Adultery With Unrighteous Mammon Which Is The Enemy Of Our Creator And Husband, God’s Immortal Righteous Abel, Son, And Breath Of Life Of God In The Omnipresent Kingdom Of God Within You And I! 1 John 2:16(15-29), James 4:4(1-17), Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13, 17:21. COME OUT FROM AMONG ALL MORTALS IN THE WORLD WHO ARE FLESH Like Mortal Religious Leaders Who Go Overseas To Make Proselytes Who Are More Evil Death And Curses Minded Than Themselves! Resist The Devil And He Will Flee From Your Flesh That It Has Been Misleading From The Very Beginning In Genesis Because It Has No Truth In Himself Or Herself As The Murderer And Liar Father Of All Lies And Liars! Draw Near To God In Your Own Heart And He Will Draw Near To You As You Discover And Overcome The Wiles Of The Devil Satanic Principalities And Powers That Jesus Christ Spoiled And Triumphed Over At Calvary 2000 Years Ago Which Is 2 Days Ago In Holy Spirit Calendar! 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, 6:17-18, Genesis 6:3, Matthew 23:15, Romans 6:23, 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:19(11-20), James 4:7-8, John 8:44, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, Colossians 2:15, 1 Corinthians 2:15, Hebrews 2:15, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8, Sura 32:5.

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