Wednesday, April 29, 2009


MONEY GAIN IS FREE SURE MERCY LOSS OF CHRIST JESUS! The Christ In You Is Your Own Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Lord As Your Hope Of Glory! This Is Why I Count All Things That Men Count As Profit Of My Flesh Which Profits Nothing From Jesus Christ! It Includes Becoming A Life Saving Specialist Children’s Doctor Which Is Loss To Resurrect Jesus Christ My Own Personal Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Lord Of All Mortal Lords Like Professor Matthias Egri Okwaji Who Is Now Head Of Department Of Pediatrics Who Was My Student As A Senior Resident In 1981 When I Became His Consultant In The Same Department! Philippians 3:7-11, John 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Colossians 1:27, Revelations 19:16, Matthew 10:24-25. He Who Knows What Jesus Christ His Or Her Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Wants Him Or Her To Do And Does Not Get Ready To Do It Sins And Will Be Beaten Severely! This Was Why I Had To Ask Professor Akin Osibogun The Current Chief Medical Director Of Lagos University Teaching Hospital When He Was Acting Dean For Professor Adenike Grange Who He Failed In His Bid To Replace As Nigerian Minister Of Health, If The University Law That Empowered Him To Castigate Me For Not Writing Papers Is God’s Law Or Man Made Law? He Replied That It Is Made By Men! Furthermore, I Asked Him Who Made The First Professor In This World A Professor? He Answered That It Is A Person Who Is Not A Professor That Did! I Then Concluded That This Is Why He Should Stop Disturbing Me With Desire To Be A Prophet Or Professor Whose Spirit Is Subject To Prophets And Professors Who Cause Confusion Of Writing Many Books And Papers To Weary The Flesh Instead Of Listening To The Conclusion Of Eternal Life Free Gift Matters Of God As A Man In The Kingdom Of God Within Everybody Who Is Greater Than A Prophet Or Professor Being Greater Than John The Baptist Who Is Greater Than A Prophet Like Elijah But Less Than The Least In God’s Omnipresent Kingdom! Luke 12:47(42-53), 14:26-27, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, James 4:17, 1 Peter 4:17, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, Matthew 11:7-14. INVEST SURE MERCY AS KING DAVID, Beloved, Commander And Hero Of God In Who God Is Well Pleased As The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty And Find Christ Jesus Open Doors In Your Own Heart Into God’s Kingdom In Heaven Where The One Trinity Word Of God The Father’s Omnipresent Holy Spirit Is Settled Forever As You Stop Following The Multitude To Do Democratic Evil! Isaiah 55:3, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 3:17, 16:18(16-28), Revelations 3:9(1-22), 22:16, Luke 17:21, 1 John 5:7, Psalm 119:89, Exodus 23:2.
DO NOT INVEST MONEY TO REAP MONEY AS KING SAUL Loaned God’s Authority In The Interim To Terrorize The Poor With Wages Of Sin Is Death Law, Being Blind To The Free Gift Of Eternal Life Of God That We Receive Through Christ Jesus! Look For Freedom Laws Of The Son Of God The Eternal Father’s Prince Of Peace Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Who Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin On Earth! John 9:39(1-41), Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Romans 6:23, James 4:11, 1 Peter 4:11, Mark 4:11-25, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 9:6. Our Flesh Self Is Enemy Of God Who Is Our Spirit Self That Has Been Contending With Flesh For 120 Years But Not Forever! Our Flesh And Bone Body Is The Woman Bride Of Christ The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Lord Of All Living Soul First Adam Mortal Human Beings That Have Rebelled Against The One Spirit Lord In Who Alone There Is True Liberty! We Prefer Cooperating With Flesh Who We See And Trust Instead Of The Unseen Eternal Life Lord’s Free Gift Of Jesus Christ’s Perfect Love That Drives Out All Fear Of Temporal Lords Which Is The Beginning Of Wisdom That The Knowledge Of The Holy One Of Israel Is Understanding Of! Genesis 6:3, Ephesians 5:30(25-32), 1 Corinthians 15:45, 2 Corinthians 3:17-4:18, 1 John 4:18, Romans 6:23, Jeremiah 17:5-10, Proverbs 9:10. THINK LIKE A CHILD OF GOD NOT LIKE A SERVANT OF GOD Who Cannot Set Any Soul Truly Free Like Jesus Christ The Son Of God Breathed Into The Nostrils Of The Woman Like Mary Marah And Bitter To Glorify Her And Her Son! When I Asked A Young Lady What Is The Meaning Of Her Name Mary? She Answered That It Means The Mother Of Our Lord Jesus Christ! When I Insisted That Is Not The Meaning She Said It Is Not A Good Meaning As Bitter! I Told Her In Yoruba “Adun Ningbehin Ewuro, Adun A Gbehin Aiye Re O, Which Means Sweetness Is The End Of Bitter Leaf” To Which She Promptly Answered Amen! Can You Now See How Putting Christ Jesus Plant Shown To Moses At Marah Where God Is Testing All Of Us So That He Will Remove The Disease Of Hypocrisy He Has Put On All Of Us To Give Hypertension To Our Bossy Leaders Is Removed In God’s Kingdom Within You That God Wants To Give You? Proverbs 23:7, John 8:34-36, Exodus 15:23-26, Luke 12:29-34, 17:21.

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