Monday, April 20, 2009


SEEK, FIND AND CORRECT YOUR CARNAL MIND ERRORS Of Judgments Of Spiritual Life And Peace Mind To Enable You Become Perfect And Merciful Like Our One Omnipresent God And Father! Our Errors Stem From Our Lack Of Knowledge Of The Scriptures And The Power Of Free Sure Mercy Heart Of God That David Goes After! We Believe In Prejudiced Bigotry And Biased Wisdom Of The World Which Is Earthly Confusions Of Our Crafty Proud Leaders Like Babangida Who God Caught In His Evil Genius Wisdom That Influenced George W. Bush Junior In Year 2000 And 2004 Into Open Rigging Of American Elections That The Light Of Verdict 1993 Our God Reigns Destroyed! This Was Why Olusegun Obasanjo Could Boldly Declare There Is No Perfect Democracy In The World Without Spelling It Out That George W. Bush Junior Rigged Election Twice, Before Using Professor Iwu, Law To Rig Musa, Moses Who Did Not Get To The Promised Land Which He Only Saw Afar Off And Jonathan Who Did Not Reign After His Father King Saul, Loaned! Romans 8:6, Luke 6:36(27-46), Matthew 5:48, 22:29-46, Isaiah 55:3, 1 Samuel 16:1-23, 31:1-13, 2 Samuel 1:1-27, James 3:13(1-18), 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Exodus 23:2, John 1:17, Deuteronomy 34:5(1-12). Examine And Judge Yourself, Against Yourself And Not Against Any Other Living Soul Mortal Human Being, So That God Will Not Condemn You As A Hypocrite With The World! Are You Truly Perfect And Merciful Like Jesus Christ’s Father Who Loves His Enemies And Wants Us To Be One With Him Like Jesus Christ Who He Sent To Show Us The Way Back To His Rest In Noah’s Ark? Or Are You Only Pretending To Be A Christian Like Jesus Christ When You Are Only Not? 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Matthew 5:43(17-48), Luke 6:27(20-46), John 17:23(1-26). IGNORANCE OF HOLY SPIRIT MERCY LAW IS NO EXCUSE Before The Omnipresent Perfect And Merciful Holy Spirit Father And Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of Jesus Christ Sure Mercy Of David’s Root And Offspring! You Will Seek The Omnipresent Holy Spirit God And Find Him If You Look For Him With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind And Might Like I Did After Babangida The Abomination Of Desolation Stole God’s Glory Of Verdict 1993 Our God Reigns Prophesied By Babatunde Bakare Before The Event For Interim Sonekan Ernest Who Is Not A Truly Ernest Man But A Thief Like Bar Abbas Who Pilate Released! 2 Corinthians 3:17-4:18, Matthew 3:17, 11:28-30, 12:31-32, 24:15, Daniel 11:31-32, Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Isaiah 55:3, Mark 11:29-31, John 18:37-40.
BECOME A POOR RICH CHILD OF GOD Led By God’s Holy Spirit Like Jesus Christ Who Was Rich In Heaven But Became Poor To Show Us How To Become Rich By His Poverty! This You Must Do, By Being Content With What You Have Whether It Is Little Or Much! It Is Contentment That I Crave Because God Saves Such Soul From Godliness Without Contentment Which Is The Great Loss To Our Personal Christ, Who Is The Holy Spirit Anointing Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation That Empowered Him To Save Sin Sick Souls Like Mine And Deliver All Of Us Individually And Corporately From Following The Multitude To Do Traditional Religious Military Democratic Evil Destructions Commanded By Loaned Saul That God Rejected As King Over His People Israel, God Contends With Flesh For 120 Years But Not Forever And Chose David As King To Replace Saul, Long Before Saul And Jonathan Perished In The War Against The Philistines! Romans 8:14, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, 8:9, 1 Timothy 6:10, Acts 10:38, Exodus 23:2, 1 Samuel 16:1(15:23-31:13). Invest Your Wages Of Sin Is Death, Salary In Christ Jesus Kingdom’s Gospel Like I Have Done By Investing Some 10, 000000 Naira In Encomium Business Of Fill The House Kunle Bakare Father Of Virgins Like Lot, Genesis 19:8-26, To Reap 100 Fold Interest Plus Persecutions Over A Period Of Some 10 Years 1999-2009! I Have Changed To The First Weekly Business Of Weeping Has Become Joy Of The Leader Ekundayo Asiwaju To Give You This Message As A Philadelphian Church Angel With Little, Strength And Open Door Into God’s Rest Noah’s Ark Kingdom Within Everybody And I Have To Stop Now Unless Some Beneficiaries Who Want To Continue Benefiting From My Writings Choose To Continue To Sponsor It With Their Own God Given Money By Contacting First Weekly Ekundayo Asiwaju Who Will Call Me Back! Romans 6:23, Mark 10:29-30, Luke 6:21-23, Revelations 3:7-13, Matthew 24:37-39, Genesis 6:8-9:29. GO BACK TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN Which Means Delight In God’s Kingdom Within Your Own Heart! This Is Why I Had To Learn How To Delight Myself In The Law Of The Lord Jesus Christ After The Inner Man’s One Hard And Narrow Way Of Truth And Life That Leads To The Heavenly Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David’s Heart Of God Who Will Condemn Barack Obama And Myself If He Will Strictly Mark What We All Do Amiss! I Forgive Him For What He Does Out Of Ignorance Not Knowing That God Will Not Share His Glory As President Of The Universe In Who The Fullness Of The Godhead Dwell With Barack Obama As Proud American President! Genesis 3:23(1-24), Luke 17:21, 23:34, Romans 6:23, 7:22, Matthew 7:13-14, Psalm 130:3-4, Isaiah 42:8, 54:5, Colossians 2:9-10.

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