Sunday, February 8, 2009


STOP BEING A MAMMON PROPHET OF DOOM LIKE ARMY GENERAL GOD IS VICTOR OLUSEGUN OBASANJO GOD THE KING IS AVENGER WHO PROPHESIES WOE FOR NIGERIA IN 2009, Blind To Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ That If We Share What God Has Provided For All Nigerians Equally There Will Be No Poor Man In Nigeria With Immediate Effect Kum Faya Kum, Be A Mercy Soldier Like Jesus Christ God’s Child Of Light Who Reveals All Darkness Tactics Of Mammon Soldiers! You Must Be Meek To Inherit The Earth And Become A Childlike Christian Who Is Wiser Than Proud Solomon To Know That You Know Nothing By The Standard Of Heaven In Spite Of Knowing A Lot By The Standard Of The World Which Puffs You Up With Pride Of Life Which Is Not Of The Lord Jesus Christ! Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), 34:22-24, Romans 12:19(1-21), Luke 16: 8(1-13), John 1:17, 8:12(1-9:41), Matthew 5:8, 12:42, 18:3, 1 Corinthians 3:18, 8:2, 1 John 2:16(15-29), Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91. My Mother And Teacher Professor Of Anesthesia Nana Ffoulkes - Crabbe The Wife Of Professor Thomas Johnson Who As My Teacher Taught Me That There Is Never A Never In Medicine In 1968 Was Used By God To Teach Me How Blind All Of Us In The Babel Ivory Towers In The World Truly Are, Genesis 11:4-9, As Dunces Who Use Less Than 2% Brain Capacity In The Most Brilliant Evil Genius! John 9:39(1-41), 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, 8:2(1-3), 2 Timothy 2:19. She, The Teacher Of Professor Be A Master Soga Sofola Wizards Expand Wealth And Honor The Provost Of Our College Of Medicine In Lagos, Look And Go On Slowly As He Who Believes And Does Not Make Haste Like Me! Isaiah 28:16. In 1993 Professor Nana Came To Inform Me That An Old Peugeot 504 Has Been Given To Our Departments Of Anesthesia And Pediatrics But Will Like To Use It To Bring Her To Work And Take Her Back Home If I Do Not Mind. I Agreed To Walk With Her And Christ Jesus On That Issue As My Wonderful Mother. Amos 3:3, Colossians 3:3-11. I Then Asked Her How To Pay For Fuel And Mechanical Servicing Of The Vehicle? She Replied That I Have Put My Finger Straight On The Raw Area As She Has Been Doing That With Her Own Money! My Own Allowance As Acting Head Of Pediatrics Department Was 200 Naira A Month That Cannot Put Fuel In The Car For One Single Day! I Learned To Be A Servant Leaders Of My Department For 5.5 Years 1993-97 Plus 2003-2005 And Not A Boss Like Professor Soga Sofola And The Current Vice Chancellor Professor To God Be Thanksgiving Tolulope Odugbemi God Has Elevated Me (Through Afe Babalola We All Love Wealth And Honor Of God), That Has Blinded Us To God’s Equality Of All Men And Women! Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Ezekiel 18:25. IF YOU BELIEVE ME YOU WILL SEE CHRIST JESUS, JOSHUA, GOD IS SALVATION’S PROSPERITY AND PEACE OF HEAVENLY UNITY IN DIVERSITY UNIVERSITY, To Replace Prosperity Of Strife Of Professor Twin Minded Thomas Johnson Son Of John, Jonah, Dove Ungodly Unity In Diversity Divide And Rule University Who Accepted To Be Used In The Primary Care Department To Checkmate Late Professor Folorunso Ebunoluwa Akinboye Lesi By Yinka Abosede With Evil Spirits That God Sends To Torture Rejected Loaned Saul As King Of Capitalist Apartheid Babylonian Babel Confusions Of Men To Make Name For Proud Ego Self Seeking And Not To Find Grace And Truth Root Of Christ Jesus Sure Mercy Of David True God Seeking Selflessness! Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-10, John 1:17(1-51), 6:44-45, 11:40, 20:29, Isaiah 54:13, 55:3, Jeremiah 31:31-34, 1 Samuel 16:14(15:23-16:23), Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, Genesis 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, Revelations 22:16(11-21).
WE OVERCOME SATAN BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD WHO UNDERSTANDS EVIL GENIUS CRAFTINESS OF THE DEVIL, AND SERPENT OF OLD That Misled The Woman Eve Bone And Flesh Body Of Christ The Lamb Of God That Takes Away The Sin Of The World As The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, The Lord Leads! Satan Misled Our Flesh As Eve Into Misleading Us As Her Spirit Husband Into Eating From The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil In Disobedience To God Our Omnipresent Spirit Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray And We Die In Sin Of Enforcement Of Death Law Made By Men To Challenge God Given Free Gift Of Eternal Life Of Christ Jesus To All Of Us! Revelations 5:5, 12:9(7-11), John 1:29, 1 John 3:8-12, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Genesis 3:1(2:17-3:24), Romans 6:23, Numbers 16:22. My Very Good Godly Moslem Friend And Classmate 1966-71, Professor Of Neurosurgery Surajudeen Oladele Arigbabu Who Is My God Sent Zealous Jew That Lacks Complete Knowledge Of The Holy One Judge, One Lawgiver And One King Of All Kings In The Universe Who Is The Omnipresent Holy Spirit Lord God Who Is Closer To Everyone Of Us Than His Or Her Jugular Vein Like Prophet Mohammed Truthful And Glorious Man Prophesied Almost Misled Me With Good Intension With Reasoned Logic To Hell With Faith In Hard Work And Being Ready To Avoid Confrontation With Men And Women In High Positions Of Worldly Authority Like I Do Boldly! He Quotes Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Flawlessly, But Fear Of God’s Patient Endurance Of 1 Day Being 1000 Years Make Him Pray That God Should Make Him Attain A High Worldly Position Of Authority In Which He Will Be Able To Rise Up From Poverty Which God Has Done For Him And I! Romans 10:2, Job 38:2-42:6, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peters 3:8, Sura 32:5.GOD IS OUR HOLY SPIRIT ONE CREATOR AND HUSBAND AS THE SON, ABEL, AND BREATH OF LIFE OF GOD IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN YOUR HEART, That You Must Believe So That You Will Not Die In Sin Of Believing Gifted Prophets And Professors Whose Spirits Are Subject To Prophets And Professors Who Cause Confusion By Writing Many Peer Reviewed Books That Wearies The Flesh To Promote One Another Instead Of God’s Son Jesus Christ The One Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Lord Of Lords And King Of Kings Of The Universe Who Puts His Laws In Minds And Writes It On Hearts As God’s New Covenant Freedom Laws! Isaiah 54:5, Exodus 15:23-26, John 2:7(1-25), 3:29, 8:23-36, Genesis 2:7(1-25), Luke 17:21, Jeremiah 31:31-34, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Ecclesiastes 12:12, Revelations 19:16, James 4:11(1-17).

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