Sunday, February 8, 2009


OUR FLESH PROFIT IS LOSS TO CHRIST OUR ONE IMMORTAL, INVISIBLE OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT LORD OF THE SCRIPTURES IN WHOSE OMNIPOTENT SELF THERE IS TRUE LIBERTY, As Written By Little Paul The Bondservant Of Jesus Christ Called To Be An Apostle Who Was Loaned Saul The Evil Genius Lawyer Using So Called “Sanctified Common Sense” Craftiness Wisdom In Which God Has Caught Him Like Prophet Father Has Come Back Again Babatunde Bakare, Father Of Virgins Like Lot, Genesis 19:8, As Well As Military General Father In The House Babangida! Jesus Christ Is The David, Commander, Hero And Beloved Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God In The Kingdom Of God In Heaven Where The One Trinity Word Of God Our Father’s Holy Spirit Is Settled Forever! Philippians 3:7-11, Luke 17:10(7-21), Matthew 3:17, Romans 1:1, 12:1-21, Acts 13:9, Proverbs 3:19-20, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 1 John 5:7-8, Psalm 119:89. My Mother And Teacher Professor Of Anesthesia Nana Ffoulkse Crabbe The Wife Of Professor Thomas Johnson Who As My Teacher Taught Me That There Is Never A Never In Medicine In 1968 Was Used By God To Teach Me How Blind All Of Us In The Ivory Tower Of The Universities Of These World Are Dunces Who Use Less Than 2% Brain Capacity In The Most Brilliant Proud Evil Genius! John 9:39(1-41), 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, 8:2(1-3), 2 Timothy 2:19. As The Teacher Of Professor Be A Master Soga Sofola, Wizards Expand Wealth And Honor The Provost Of Our College Of Medicine At That Time In The Year 1993, Came To Inform Me As Acting Head Of Pediatrics As Head Of Department Of Anesthesia That An Old Peugeot 504 Has Been Given To Our Departments And She Would Like To Use It To Bring Her To Work And Take Her Back Home If I Do Not Mind! I Told Her That As My Mother And Teacher I Agree And Will Walk With Her On That Issue! Amos 3:3. I Then Asked Her How The Vehicle Will Be Fuelled And Serviced? She Replied That She Has Been Doing That With Her Own Money! My Own Acting Allowance At That Point In Time Was 200 Naira A Month. Can You Now See How Our Teacher Has Been Demoted By The System Which Made Professor Soga Sofola One Of Her Students Her Boss Instead Of A Servant Like Jesus Christ Commanded And Demonstrated To All Of Us Like I Learned To Do As Acting Head Of Department Of The Children’s Department For 3.5 Years 1993-1997 Plus 2 Years 2003-2005? Can You Now See Why I Do Not Accept Professor To God Be Thanks Forever Tolulope Odugbemi God Has Elevated Me (Through Afe Babalola We Love The Wealth And Honor Of The Father) As My Boss Who Was My Classmate Like Soga Sofola 1966-71 Who Both Finished In 1972 Having Waited To Do Bachelor Of Science Intercalated Extra Degree In Physiology And Microbiology While Stephen, Crown And Wreath Elesha The Current Provost And Professor Of Morbid Anatomy Dead Bodies As Our Current Provost Who Was Also Our Classmate Finished In 1971! Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Acts 7:59-60. FINISH GIVING BIRTH TO YOUR CHRISTMAS SON CHRIST JESUS In Your Heart Like The Computer Wizard Finish Writing The Temporary Thought On The Compact Disc As Christ Jesus Brain Of Your Universal King Of Kings Computer And Stop Calling The Omnipresent Holy Spirit Of God And Jesus Christ Liars As A Fool Of The English Bible Or A Mad Man “Asiwere” Translation Of The Yoruba Bible! Can You Now See How Evil Spirits That God Sends To Torture Loaned Saul As King Of Babylon Babel Of Men Building Ivory Towers To Find God And Make Name For Self Pride, Ego, Money And Not To Find God’s Root And Offspring Of David Jesus Christ Who Is Wiser Than Solomon Whose Assertion That Money Answers All Things Blindfolds All Of Us Till Jesus Christ Came To Open Life And Peace Spirit Eyes To Blind Open Carnal Mind Of Death That Made Professor Soga Sofola Disrespect Professor Nana Ffoulkse Crabbe Our Mother And Teacher! Isaiah 54:13, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Revelations 19:16, 1 John 1:10, Psalm 14:1-7, 53:1-6, 1 Samuel 16:14(15:23-16:23), Genesis 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Ecclesiastes 10:19-20, Matthew 10:19-20, , Luke 10:19, John 9:39(1-41), Romans 8:6(1-39).

BE READY TO DIE FOR YOUR FOLLOWERS TO LIVE AS A RANSOM FOR MANY SOULS LIKE JESUS CHRIST DID, And Stop Prophesying Like Caiaphas The High Priest That One Man (Who Is Not Yourself) Must Die For The People Like A Prophet Or Professor Whose Spirit Is Subject To Other Prophets And Professors Who Cause Confusion Not Written In Their Hearts By God! Do Not Let Any Prophet Or Professor Deceive You With Visible Displays Of Worldly Ungodly Unity In Diversity Miracles, Signs And Lying Wonders Authority As Author Of Many Ungodly Peer Reviewed Scholarly Papers Of Universities Which Wearies The Flesh! Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), 24:24(1-51), John 8:44(1-59), 9:39(1-59), 18:14(1-40), 1 John 2:15-29, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Luke 17:20, 2 Thessalonians 2:9, Ecclesiastes 12:12. My Very Good Godly Friend And Classmate 1966-71, Alhaji Professor Of Neurosurgery Surajudeen Oladele Arigbabu Who Is My God Sent Zealous Jew That Lacks Knowledge Of The Holy One Judge, One Lawgiver And One President Of All Presidents In The Universe Who Is Closer To Everyone Of Us Than His Or Her Jugular Vein Like Prophet Mohammed Prophesied Truthfully Almost Misled Me To Hell With Good Intension With Reasoned Logic With Faith In Hard Work And Being Ready To Avoid Confrontation With Men And Women In High Positions Of Worldly Authority Like I Do! He Quotes Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Flawlessly, But Fear Of God’s Patient Endurance Of 1 Day Being 1000 Years Make Him Pray That God Should Not Make Him A Complainant Forever! He Prays That God Should Make Him Attain A High Worldly Position Of Authority In Which He Will Be Able To Help His Family Rise From Poverty Stricken Delusion Which God Has Done For Him! Romans 10:2, Job 38:2-42:6, Isaiah 14:12-15, 54:5, Sura 32:5, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8. BE WISER THAN SOLOMON LIKE JESUS CHRIST WHO IS THE IMMORTAL, INVISIBLE, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT AND OMNIPOTENT LORD OF ALL LORDS AND KING OF ALL KINGS IN THE UNIVERSE, SO THAT THE QUEEN OF SHEBA WHO TRAVELLED A LONG DISTANCE TO SEE AND HEAR SOLOMON WILL NOT CONDEMN YOU WITH THE WORLD THAT DIES IN SIN BECAUSE THEY DO NOT BELIEVE THE STILL SMALL VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST THE TYRANT THAT MAHATMA GANDHI FEARS! Matthew 12:42, Revelations 19:16, John 8:23-24.

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