Wednesday, July 2, 2008


My Dear Brother, Sister Or Mother Of Jesus Christ, Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21

freedom law of god is put mercy before money!

Many Who Are In The First World Now Will Be Last And The Last First! Matt. 19:30. Jesus Christ Told Us That All Who Obey The Freedom Law Of Putting Mercy First And Money Last, Matt. 20:16(1-28),Will Know The Truth, John 8:31-32, Of God That We All Criticize And Judge As Unjust Judges Leaders And Followers! James 4:11, 1 Pet. 4:11-17, Mark 4:11-25, Luke 8:18, 18:1-8. The Son’s Perfect Law Of Liberty, James 1:25(1-27), Sets Souls Truly Free From Bondage, To Lovers And Servants Of Mammon Who Cannot Set Anyone Truly Free! John 8:34-36, Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:13. Jesus Christ Told Us, That You And I, Must Have A Change Of Heart To That Of A Foolish Child To Enter The Kingdom Of God Within Your Own Heart, And Paul Wrote That Godly Mercy Wisdom Seems Foolishness To Men Who Use Wisdom To Receive Money Which Is Not As Blessed As Giving Mercy Like Jesus Christ Revealed, If You Seem To Be Wise By The Standards Of This World, You Must Become A Fool To Be Truly Wise! Matt. 18:3, 22:29-46, Luke 17:21, Acts 20:35, 1 Cor. 1:25, 3:18. Speaker Bankole Whose Name Means Help God Build His House Must Help God’s Holy Spirit Build His House In His Own Heart With Living Stones Not With Dead Money Works Of His Mortal Body That Will Die Seeking To Be More Honorable Than Madam Speaker Father Etteh! This Is Jabez Sorrow Of The Two Of Them As Well As All Men And Women Who Do Not Want Other People To Be More Honorable Than Self Like Apparent Angel Of Light Enoch Adeboye Who Did Not Want Tunde Bakare Latter Rain To Be More Honorable Than Himself And Placed A Death Curse Which Did Not Alight On Him In 1989 Because It Was Causeless! 1 Pet. 2:4-5, Heb. 6:1, Acts 7:49-50, 1 Cor. 3:16, 6:19-20, 1 Chron. 4:9-10, 2 Cor. 11:14, Deut. 11:14, Psalm 119:89, Prov. 26:2.

The Country Nigeria Is Flowing With Milk And Honey Like Canaan, The Land Of Royal Priests Who Were Not The People Of God At A Point In Time But Have Now Become God’s People By The Special Grace And Truth Of Eternal Life Free Gift Sure Mercy Of David Election Of God’s Son Jesus Christ That Overcomes King Saul Loaned Money Laws Of Sin And Death Witchcraft Power In Which Moses Yar Adua Boasts Blindly! 1 Pet. 2:9-10, Matt. 21:42-44, Isaiah 28:16, 55:3, Exod. 19:5, Hosea 2:23, Rev. 5:10, 22:16, Rom. 6:23, John 1:17, 9:39, 1 Sam. 15:23-16:23. President Umar Musa Yar Adua, You Must Sever Mind Connection With Flesh Of A Man Like President George W. Bush Of America Whose Breath (Of Life, His Righteous Abel Lord), Is In His Nostrils Like Your Own, Of What Use Is He Who You Went To See In America To You? Isaiah 2:22, Heb. 11:4. Rich And Poor Men And Women Are Equal Debtors To Holy Spirit In Whose God’s Omnipresent Kingdom Within All Of Us We Must Share Possessions, Cain According To Needs Of The Poor In Communist Socialist Democratic Sanity Style And Not According To Capitalist Apartheid Madness Greed Of King Of Babylon President George W. Bush Of Iraq And America Who Is Setting A Trap To Catch You Umar Musa Yar Adua, As One Of The Wicked Men Among God’s People, Like You Do As If You Are Catching Birds Democratically! Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), Romans 8:12, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, Jeremiah 5:26.

worship the lord your god and serve him alone!

The Apparent Movement To The Next Level Of Faith Of Babylonian Governor Gbenga Lift Me Higher, Daniel God Is My Judge, Daniel 4:32-37, Of Seeking Darkness Honor From Dedicated Enoch Son Of Cain, Genesis 4:17, Adeboye Seen On Television, As Holy Spirit Festival, Show Both Of Them And All Of Us Hate The One True God, John 5:41-44, And Have Not Been Single Eyed For Our Spirit Body To Be Full Of Light, Matthew 6:22-23, That We Must All Follow Out Of Darkness By Lifting Jesus Christ’s Word Of Commanded Faith In Good, Life And Blessing Of Perfect Law Of Liberty Obedience Above All Religious And Democratic Wilderness Of This World! Deuteronomy 30:19(11-20), James 1:25(1-27), John 3:14, 8:12, Romans 8:12, 10:6-10. Go To Perfect Love The Next Level Of Jesus, Joshua And God Is Salvation Faith, Of Christ The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures, The Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Giver In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of Eternal Life As The Unseen Spirit Lord Who Casts Out All Fear Of Temporal Murderer And Liar Religious And Secular Democratic God Fathers That We See By Loving Our Enemies Like God Our One True Spirit Father Loves All Of Us Equally! Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, 4:18, 2 Cor. 3:17-18, 4:18, Rom. 12:1-2, John 8:44, Matt. 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-36, Ezek. 18:25. Worship The Lord Your God, And Serve Him Alone, Matt. 4:10, Luke 4:7, Like Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary, The Woman Into Whose Nostrils God Breathed His Breath Of Life Word Decree Of Mercy Of Allah For You And I To Obey Kum Faya Kum, To Glorify The Woman And Her Son, Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, And Make All Living Soul Mortal Human Beings Including White And Black, Male And Female, Old And Young Equal Living Soul Mortal Human Beings Bow Before The One True Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Holy Spirit Glory Of Christ Jesus In All Of Us! Ezek. 18:25, 2 Cor. 10:3-6, Col. 1:27. The Light Of Jesus Christ’s Witness Of Truth Planted In The Consciences Of Musa Yar Adua Condemns Him As A Stubborn Goat Pilate Who Releases Bar Abbas Thieves And Crucify Allah’s Decree Of Mercy Truth Light Of Jesus Christ God’s Commander! 1 John 1:17, 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 18:37-40, 2 Tim. 2:3-4, Sura 19:21.

Yours Faithfully,

Friend, Bride And Angel Of Jesus Christ John 15:15, Rev. 22:16-17

Faithfully Fighting Beside The Lamb. Rev. 17: 14.


Children’s Department CMUL/LUTH

P.M.B. 12003, Lagos.

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