Friday, July 11, 2008


keeping secrets secret is evil darkness power!

Do Not Have Faith In Your Dead Work That You Do To Earn A Salary, Have Faith In Christ Jesus Grace And Truth Work Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That Saved My Soul From Having Faith In The Work Of The Wages Of Sin Is Death Law That Came Through President Yar Adua Closet Of Prayer Musa Moses, Because I Pulled Him Out Of Water! Hebrews 6:1, Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:26, Matthew 6:6(1-34), John 1:17, Romans 6:23. Ideas For Possessing Cain Possessions Is Evil, Death And Curses Of Prophets Like Elijah Whose Spirits Are Subject To Prophets Who Use Fire Power To Destroy Souls By Preaching God That Answers By Fire Like Daniel, God Is My Judge Kolawole Bring Wealth And Honor Home, Olukoya God Rejects Sufferings Who Hosted Paul Who Has Become David Yonggi Cho Who Now Preaches The Good, Life And Blessing Whose Hosting Was Rejected By Enoch Dedicated Adeboye Has Come To Receive Crown Of God Healed, Josiah Olufemi God Loves Me Akindayomi, Valor Has Become My Joy! God Chose To Teach All Our People Directly And Give Them Prosperity And Peace Devoid Of Strife Through Jesus Christ In The New Covenant! Genesis 4:1-9-17, Deuteronomy 30:19(11-20), Romans 10:6-10, Isaiah 54:13, John 6:44-45, Jeremiah 31:31-34. Breath Of Life Of God Is Omniscient, Omnipresent And The Omnipotent Only Begotten Son, Immortal Righteous Abel Who Continues To Speak With The Still Small Voice Of Peace, Be Still And See God’s Salvation (Isaiah), From Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Wicked Task Masters Where The Lord Jesus Christ’s Word Of Commanded Faith In Mercy Decrees Of Allah Is Crucified And Dead Bodies Are Left Unburied For 3.5 Days! Genesis 2:7, John 2:7, 3:16, 10:17-18, Hebrews 11:4, 1 Kings 19:11-13, Mark 4:39, Exodus 14:13-14, Revelations 11:8-15, Sura 19:21.

Keeping Secrets Secret Is Evil Darkness Power Of Death And Curses Of Secretaries Who Work In Secretariats As Children Of Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Light In Their Generation Like Mrs. Ewe Rachel Ajayi Meaning Born In A Posture Of Prayer Who Was My Secretary At A Point In Time In 1993-1997! I Asked Her To Permit Me To Make Photocopy Of My Comment On Dr. Egbuna’s Query Given To Her By L. U. T. H. Management After My Term In Office, And She Bluntly Refused! I Made Photo Copies Of All The Documents When The Lord Jesus Christ The One Lord Of Lords And King Of Kings Made Me An Acting Head Of Department Again In Year 2003 After Her Retirement From The Service Of The College Of Medicine Of The University Of Lagos! Luke 16:8, John 8:12, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10, Revelations 19:16. All Our Apparently Wise Leaders Who We All Follow Blindly Are Fools Who Say There Is No God In Their Hearts As Proven By God Who Allows One Unexpected Blow After The Other To Hit Them And Expose Their Folly! Isaiah 29:14, John 9:1-41, Psalm 14:1, 53:1. Prophet Isaiah Whose Name Means God’s Salvation Was Right When He Declared That People Like Professor He Who Chooses For Himself Or Herself Elesha Stephen Crown And Wreath, Olafimihan Which Means Wealth And Honor Exposed My True Deceitful And Wicked Heart Of Using Ungodly Last Minute Craftiness Which Is Foolish Pride With God Who Catches Crafty Worldly Wise Men In Their Craftiness, To Beat The Current Chief Medical Director Of Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Against Who He Contested For Provost Ship Professor Victor Akin Osibogun You Are Still Worshiping War Of Carnal Mind Of Death, Instead Of Peace Of Spiritual Mind Of Life! Isaiah 29:13, Mark 7:6-23, Acts 7:59-60, Jeremiah 17:9-10, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Romans 8:6(1-39).

god’s people perish for lack of knowledge!

Why Do Mortal Men In The International Circles Love Democratic Wicked Lies Of Professor Iwu Law Of Disgrace That Came Through Moses Musa Yar Adua Closet Of Prayer Who Rigs Election, To Become President Of Nigeria And Hate Grace Truth That Jesus Christ Is The One Judge, One Lawgiver And One King Of The Universe Forever And Ever? John 1:17, Matthew 6:6-24, 11:28-30, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:5, 55:3, Revelations 22:16(11-21). Professor Tolulope Odugbemi The Current Lagos University Vice Chancellor Is A Crafty Friend And Classmate For Who I Did Not Vote When He Contested Against Professor Olalekan Abudu Another Classmate And Friend As Provost Of Our College Of Medicine! I Told Odugbemi The Truth Openly In Mr. Ajayi The Husband Of Mrs. Ajayi’s Business Center On Lagos University Teaching Hospital Compound Idi Araba When Abudu Was Doing His Second 2-Year Term In Office As Provost And He Was No Longer In Position To Use His Loaned Presumptuous And Secret Sin Power Against Me! 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Psalm 19:12(1-14). God’s People Perish For Lack Of Knowledge That It Is Not By Mammon’s Money Power Or By Kill And Go Military Might, But By The Spirit Of God, That Zerubabbel Meaning The Root Of Iraq, Babylon Confusion Of President Judge W. Bush Of America And Iraq, Shall Be Overcome! Hosea 4:6, Zechariah 4:6, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37.

God Created All Of Us Fearfully And Wonderfully And Planned Our Entire Itinerary In Life Before We Lived For 1 Day, Which Is 1000 Years To God! Sura 32:5, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4, 139:14-16. Professor Of Dead Bodies Morbid Anatomy Elesha Who Is A Classmate Of Professor Of Physiology Be A Master Soga Sofola The Wizard Proclaims Who Will Be Gentile Boss Instead Of Servant Leader And Professor Of Microbiology To God Be The Thanksgiving Tolulope Odugbemi God Elevated Me Again Blocked Odugbemi’s Attempt To Give An Exalted Position To His Secretary And Personal Assistant As Provost Mrs. Ipaye To Show Morbid Anatomy Elesha Is An Enemy Of Microbiology Odugbemi, And All Of Them Were My Classmates In Medical School 1966-71! Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Luke 2:49, 17:21, Ephesians 1:21, Revelations 3:21-22, Romans 6:23, 8:19(1-39), 1 John 3:8-12. All Hidden Things Are Being Revealed By Jesus Christ Our One Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Spirit Lord In Who Alone There Is True Liberty As The Beloved Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I! 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Matthew 3:17, 10:26, 16:26, Luke 17:21.

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