Saturday, July 5, 2008


My Dear Brother, Sister Or Mother Of Jesus Christ, Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21

our unjust judges still commit murder blindly!

It Is More Blessed To Give Mercy Which Is Unlimited By Wicked Men Leaders Among God’s People Than To Receive Money Which Is Limited Like I Learned From Paul, Little The Apostle Who Learned The Gospel Directly From God’s Omnipresent Christ Jesus Our One Spirit Leader In Who Alone There Is True Liberty With Who We Have All Been From The Very Beginning Till This End Time That He Has Come Back To Give Work Gifts According To Dead Works And Life Works! Acts 20:35, Galatians 1:11-12, John 14:20, 15:27, Jeremiah 5:26, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 3:17, 11:28-30, 23:8, Revelations 22:13(11-21), Hebrews 6:1. Jesus Christ The Righteous Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God’s Bitter Truth That The Kingdom Of God Within Us Belong To We Poor And There Is Woe On The Rich Who Have Had Their Consolation Now Sounds Like Rubbish And Nonsense Abasa To All Of Us Who Believe In The Apparent Sweet Lie That Money Answers All Things That Solomon Who Is Not As Wise As Jesus Christ Prophesied! Genesis 4:10(2:7-11:4), Hebrews 11:4, John 7:24(2:7- 10:18), Luke 6:24(20-46), 17:21, Ecclesiastes 10:19-20, Matthew 10:19-20, 12:42. A Man’s Worst Enemies Are His Friends And Relatives Also Sounded Like A Lie Till God Proved This Truth When My Father And Mother Rejected Me In 1980. God Took Me Up To Teach Me His Eternal Life Free Gift Sure Mercy Truth Of Jesus Christ’s Grace Which Overcomes Moses Law! Matthew 10:36, Micah 7:6, Psalm 27:10(1-14), Romans 6:23, Isaiah 55:3, John 1:17.

I Am Now Able To Bear One Trinity Witness With Christ Jesus Against Wicked Men Among God’s People Like Professor Matthias Taiwo Egri Okwaji Who Is Not A Cheerful Giver Of The Free Gift Of Money That Samuel Ibitayo Fawehinmi Foundation Gave Us In The Department Of Pediatrics To Use In Helping The Poor To Who God’s Kingdom Belong! John 15:26(1-27), 1 John 5:7-8, Jeremiah 5:26, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Luke 6:20. Matthias Wants To Claim The Glory Of Late Ibitayo Fawehinmi For Himself As The One Who Approves Disbursement Of The Fund Which Is Not His Own Money As The Gory Of His Mortal Flesh Self Which Is No Glory. He Left Instructions That The Person Acting For Him Should Not Disburse The Fund Now That He Is On Leave! Luke 6:20-46, Proverbs 25:27. Our Unjust Judges (And Temporal Leaders Like Matthias) Still Commit Murder Blindly By Enforcing Death Laws Because They And Ourselves Are Not Careful What We Hear And How We Hear God’s Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Grace And Truth Of Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation That Overcomes Carnal Mind Of Death Misinterpretations Of The Laws That Came Through Moses, Because I Pulled Him Out Of The Water Of The Flood That Drowned Those Who Are Not Being Saved In The Ark Of Noah’s Rest Of God! John 1:17(1-51), 9:39(1-41), Mark 4:24-25, Luke 8:18, 18:1-8, Romans 8:6(1-39), Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, Genesis 6:8-9:29, Matthew 24:37-39, 1 Corinthians 1:23(1-31).

learn to think like God’s Holy Spirit Of Jesus!

As A Man Thinks In His Heart, So Is He Or She. This Is Why The Word Of God Declares My Son, Abel And Breath Of Life, Give Me Your Heart And Let Your Spirit Eyes Observe My Upside Down One Way Of Truth And Life Of Jesus Christ! Proverbs 23:7(1-26), Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 14:6, Acts 17:6(1-31). Do Not Enforce Man Made Moses Laws Of Death Of Temporal Rulers Like Senate President David Mark Who Approved Professor Adenike Grange’s Appointment, President Moses Musa Yar Adua Closet Of Prayer Who Justified The Imperfections Of Interim President Olusegun Obasanjo As Having Done His Best (Which Is Not Perfect Mercy Command Of Jesus Christ Concerning God Our One Holy Spirit Father Of Unclean Spirits Of All Flesh) In His Interview Relayed Live In His 1 Year Anniversary Broadcast! He Failed To Accept The Grace And Truth That Came Through Jesus Christ To Cast Out All My Personal Fear Of Interim Professors And Presidents Of The World Like George W. Bush Of America Who Is The Greatest Terrorist According To President Nelson Mandela Who Became A Child In God’s Kingdom Within Himself At 85! John 1:17, Matthew 5:48, 18:3, Luke 6:36, 17:21, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, Numbers 16:22, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18. Learn To Think Like God’s Holy Spirit Of Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation The Omnipresent Christ In God The Omnipresent Life Giving Holy Spirit Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh Whose Words Are Spirit And Life To Who We All Pray In Every Religious Persuasions Of Men And Women Whose Flesh Profit Nothing From The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty As The Beloved Son Of God In Who God Is Well Pleased And To Who He Asked Us To Listen On Mount Transfiguration To Overcome The Curse Of Trusting All Men Who God Rejected As King Saul For Rebellion! Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, 1 Corinthians 15:45, John 6:63(1-71), 14:20, Numbers 16:22, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Jeremiah 17:5, 1 Samuel 15:23-16:23.

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