Friday, July 11, 2008


keep asking for holy spirit freedom law of god!

Jesus Christ Came To Make Us Fishers Of Men For Holy Spirit Socialist Communism Where Possessions Are Shared According To Needs Of The Poor From Unclean Spirit Capitalist Apartheid Madness Of Some Are More Equal Than Others In Which You Teach A Man To Fish Instead Of Giving Him Fish Using Ungodly Prejudice, Reasoned Logical Bigotry To Defraud The Poor To Who God’s Kingdom Belong Equally And Enrich The Rich On Who Jesus Christ Prophesied Woe! Money Law Of Economy Is Blindness Of Rich Men Who Are Proud As Those Who God Resist To Give Grace And Truth That Came Through Him To Enable Us Overcome Death Laws Of President Moses Musa Yar Adua! Matthew 4:19, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, 11:31-32, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24(1-31), James 3:13(1-18), 4:6, Luke 6:24(20-46), 17:21, John 1:17, 9:39(1-41). Traditional Religious And Military Kill And Go Democratic Leaders And We Their Followers In Nigeria Who Plan To Become One Of The Foremost Economies In Year 2020 In The World Of Capitalist Apartheid Madness Which Is Opposed To Liberal Holy Spirit Communist Socialist Equity And Justice Of All Mortal Men And Women Are Equal Of Animal Farm That Made Rapid Progress With Snowball That Was Destroyed By Napoleon To Pave Way For Some Are More Equal Than Others Of Senator Squealer Uche Chukwumerije That Destroyed Let Us Wait And See Who Is Born Into Wealth Kasimawo Abiola’s Democratic Presidential Mandate To Which We Pay Lip Service! Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, Ezekiel 18:25(1-32). Keep Asking For Holy Spirit Freedom Law Of God In Prayer, Obey And Preach It, As An Oracle Of God! Be Careful What You Hear, Knowing That God Will Judge You By The Standard You Use To Judge Others But With Greater Severity! Be Careful Also How You Hear Because If You Have Some Word Of Truth Of God For Sanctifying Your Soul To Enable You Receive The Crown Of Life By Enduring Suffering As A Poor Man To Who God’s Kingdom Belong, It Will Be Stolen With Evil Genius Babangida’s So Called Sanctified Common Sense Of Tunde Bakare Who Are Proud Fools That God Catch In Their Craftiness And Made To Step Aside! Jesus Christ Commanded Me To Present A Generator To The Department Of Pediatrics From My Salary As A Senior Lecturer Which Is Less Than That Of Greedy Prophets, To Show Worldly Wise Foolish Prophet Egri Okwaji Taiwo The First Of Twins, Matthias Gift Of Jehovah Who Specializes In Getting People To Look For Donations To Add To The Over One Million Naira That Samuel Because I Asked Him Of The Lord Birth Is Enough For Joy Ibitayo Fawehinmi The Oracle Protects Me When I Have Departed From This World Foundation Whose Spirits Are Subject To Prophets Who Cause American Capitalist Apartheid Confusion That Destroyed 350000 Souls With Atomic Bomb Detonated In Hiroshima And Nagasaki In 1945 When Myself And Matthias Were Born! James 1:12, 4:11, 1 Peter 4:11, Mark 4:11-25, Luke 8:18, 11:13, 18:1-8, Isaiah 55:3, Matthew 10:8, 11:28-30, 12:36-37, John 8:44, 9:39, 12:6, 17:17(1-26), Acts 1:26, Revelations 22:11-21, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, 14:32-33, Hebrews 6:1, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, 11:31-32.

sever all mind connection with man who is flesh!

Once I Was Blind To The Omnipresent Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God In Mary The Mother Of Jesus Christ Who Opened My Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Insight To Blind My Open Carnal Mind Of Death And Chaos Sight Of The “Arije Ninu Madaru” Which Means He Who Finds Food In Divide And Rule Traditional Religious And Democratic Military Kill And Go Law Enforced Governance Instead Of Law Abiding Food That Endures To Eternal Life Which The Son Abel And Breath Of Life On Who God Has Put His Mark Of Approval But Now I See! Exodus 15:23-26, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 6:27(1-71), 9:25(1-41), Romans 8:6(1-39). It Is Not Because My Late Father Elijah Or My Living Mother Patience So That We Will Have A Testimony Karounwi Sinned That I Was Born Blind So That God Our One Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray May Be Glorified By Myself The Firstborn Son Dawodu David Commander, Hero And Beloved Son May Glorify God As Adegboluga Who Has Come To Glorify God As Elder Timothy Not Young Timothy Who Paul, Meaning Little Counseled Not To Rebuke Elders Sharply Like He Did Openly To Elder The Reed Blown About By All Winds Of Doctrines Simon Who Became Peter A Rock Who Received The Key Of David, Beloved Commander And Hero From Jesus Christ To Become A Philadelphian Church Angel At Antioch Where Believers Were First Called Christians! John 9:1-41, Numbers 16:22, Luke 2:23-24, Revelations 3:7(1-22), 22:16, Isaiah 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 16:17-18, 1 Timothy 5:1, Galatians 2:11-14, Acts 11:26. Sever All Mind Connection With Man Who Is Flesh Whose Breath Is In His Nostrils Like My Mortal Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters, Wife, Children And Relatives Who I Love Like My Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Self That Loves Receiving King Saul Loan Of Money, To Love Giving Free Sure Mercy Of David, Which Is More Blessed From Any Man Like My Late Archdeacon Ezekiel Bolaji Adenuga Who Seized His Mother’s Land At Omu And Did Not Give Any Part Of It To My Late Father His Older Brother Born By The Same Mother In Spite Of Entreaties, Claiming He Bought It From Someone! He Has No Respect For My Teacher Father’s Money Contribution To His Education Which Seem To Have Made Him More Honorable As A Doctor Like I Became By God’s Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ That Gave Me A Scholarship Because My Late Father Could Not Pay My Fees, In The University To Fulfill The Perfect Freedom Law Of God That We Criticize And Judge Blindly As God To Our Fellowmen And Women! Isaiah 2:22, Acts 20:35, Jeremiah 17:9-10, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Matthew 5:17-48, James 4:11-12, John 9:39(1-41).

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