Monday, June 1, 2009


THE POOR LEARN TO FORGIVE RICH OPPRESSORS Of Labor Commanded By Jesus Christ! He Who Seizes What Belongs To You By Force As A Rich Man On Who There Is Woe Should Leave It For Them As It Will Bear Witness Against Them At The End Time! This Is Why Mahatma Gandhi’s Way Of Going On Prolonged Fasting To Punish Himself As Ordered By The “Tyrant Still Small Voice Of God In His Conscience To Get Indians To Have A Change Of Heart Was Effective For Obeying Christ Jesus Command”! Alas Doctor Bayo Kumolu Johnson Confessed That He Was Being Fed By His Comrades When He Pretended To Be On Hunger Strike In His Fight Against The Federal Government Of Nigeria At The University Of Ibadan In Those Days! Luke 6:30(24-37), Revelations 22:12(11-21), 1 Kings 19:13, John 10:17-18, Hebrews 11:4. God’s Wisdom Seem Foolishness To Living Souls, And His Power Seem Weakness To All Of Us! God Made Each Of Us One Holy Spirit Husband And One Unclean Flesh And Bone Body In The Image And Likeness Of Christ Jesus Wife Who Is One With God Our One Father Of The Holy Spirit Of All Flesh In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I, Like I Have Had To Insist Upon For My Own Wife Who Still Loves Money More Than Mercy In My Own Mind! I Have Remained Faithful To Her As My Wife Who I Call Mother Sarai The Barren Woman Who Became Fruitful Sarah The Princess Who Gave Birth To Isaac Laughter In Her Old Age! Truth Is Light Of Life Of Mercy That God Truly Loves While Our Leaders And We Their Followers Condemn The Innocent Who Is Presumed To Be Innocent Until Proven Guilty Even In Our Law Courts Where The Witness Of Two People Is Accepted As Evidence Like Jesus Christ And His Father Who Bear Witness That Democracy Is Darkness In Year 2000 And 2004 When George W. Bush Rigged American Elections Openly! The Light Of Genesis 1:3-5 In John 1:3-5 And 1 Thessalonians 5:3-5, Was So Good That God The King Is Avenger Obasanjo Declared That There Is No Perfect Democracy In The Whole World Before Rigging His Own Musa Yar Adua Into Position Of Authority Without Openly Declaring That George W. Bush Rigged American Election Twice, Oye Omo Ti Onsankun Ati Iya Re Ti Onbe Which Means The Child Who Is Crying And His Mother Who Begs Him Knows The Reason Why Both Of Them Hide Witness Of Truth In Their Conscience! 1 Corinthians 1:25, Ephesians 5:25-32, Matthew 19:4-6, Genesis 1:26- 2:23(1-25), 16:1-21:10, Luke 10:21-22, 16:8-13, 17:20-21, John 8:12-18, 18:37-40, 1 John 3:19-21. THE MAN OR WOMAN WHO IS MARRIED TO MORTAL MAN OR WOMAN WHO ARE ALL BRIDES OF OUR ONE CREATOR AND HUSBAND SHOULD BE AS IF HE OR SHE IS NOT MARRIED To Overcome The Temptation Of Eve Who Is The Bone And Flesh Woman Disobedience Of Your Own God’s Holy Spirit Creator And Husband’s Word Of Command Of The Lord Of Hosts Redeemer, King Of The Universe Which Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! 1 Corinthians 7:29(1-40), Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Genesis 2:23(1-3:24), Ephesians 5:31(25-32), Matthew 12:31-32, 1 John 5:16-17.
PUNISH SELF, DO NOT PUNISH OTHERS Like Christ Jesus God’s Suffering Messiah Within Your Heart Is God’s Holy Spirit Command Which I Obey As Head Of My Nuclear Adenuga Family As The First Born Son Of My Elijah Adeyemi Crown Befits Me Father Who Came Before Me Dedicated To God As I Opened The Womb Of My Patience Karounwi So That We Will Have A Testimony Mother! God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Made Me Suffer For Obeying Him And Disobeying Ungodly Godfathers Like You Musa Yar Adua Who Is Younger Than Me In Age To Do The Business Of God Our One True Father Like Jesus Christ The Firstborn Son From Death Of Carnal Mind To Life Of Spiritual Mind Of Peace! Isaiah 53:1-12, John 16:33(1-17:26), Hebrews 5:8, 12:7(1-29), Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 11:12, Luke 2:23-49, Colossians 1:15-2:15, Romans 8:6. The Depth Of The Wisdom And Knowledge Of God’s Son Christ Jesus Cannot Be Fathomed By Men And Women Who Counsel Ungodly Leaders As Advisers Who Olusegun Obasanjo Boldly Told He Is Free To Take Or Discard Their Advise Openly! Do Not Steal God’s Spirit Glory For Mortal Flesh That He Has Been Contending With For 120 Years, By Not Being Careful How You Hear That God Gives Us Power To Get Wealth Which Unstable Leaders Make To Mean What They Like With The Letters Of Moses Law That They Make To Kill Their Followers And Paul’s Letters As They Do With All Scriptures! Romans 11:33-36, Genesis 6:3, Deuteronomy 8:18, Luke 8:18, 2 Peters 3:16, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 3:6. THE RICH LEARN TO PUNISH THE POOR AS IF IT IS RIGHT! Pray Idina Sirantali Mustakima, Lead Me In The Eternal Life Free Gift Way And Obey Allah’s Mercy Decrees Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary’s Word Of Command Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman Bone And Flesh Body Of The Immortal, Invisible Holy Spirit Of God Whose Religious Shrine, Temple, Church, Tabernacle And Mosque All Our Individual And Corporate Bodies That Christ Is Ready To Marry Spiritually Like Paul, The Apostle And Bondservant Of Jesus Christ Prophesied But Did Not Fully Understand! Lead Us In The Everlasting Way Of The One True God’s Holy Spirit Who Is Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent! God Loves Mercy And Not Imperfect Law Enforced Death Sin Sacrifices And Burnt Offering Of Sinners! Sura 1, 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Psalm 139:24, Hosea 6:6, Matthew 12:7, Acts 7:48-50, 17:24-31, Ephesians 5:25-32.

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