Monday, June 1, 2009


PUBLISH OR PERISH IS A MURDER LIE OF UNGODLY UNIVERSITY GODFATHERS WHO DID NOT CREATE YOU AND I! Lift Mercy Far Above Money Power Of Principalities To Reign With Jesus Christ On His Throne At The Right Hand Of God! Principalities Are Wicked Spirits In High Positions Of Ungodly Worldly Keep Our Secrets Secret Darkness Authority In Which The Leader Is A Boss Like Professor Our Birth Is Mixed Ibidapo Obe Obey The Immediate Past Vice Chancellor Of University Of Lagos Who Is A Religious Christian And Supposed To Be Our Servant Leader, But A Boss Gave His Department Of Engineering 12 “Portions” And Medicine Which Is Bigger 6 “Portions” When I Was Acting Head Of Pediatrics Department In 2003-2005! The Religious Moslem Musa Yar Adua Hypocritically Wants To Be A Servant Leader As A Puppet Put In Position Of Authority By God The King Is Avenger Obasanjo Using Professor Iwu Law! Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, John 1:17, 8:44, Matthew 19:30-20:28, 23:11(1-39), Ephesians 1:21, Revelations 3:21, Romans 12:19(1-21). Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained Or Lost! This Is The Sin And Death Law Enforcement Power Seeking Desires Of Proud Egocentric Money Seeking Self That God Resists But Gives Faith In Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ To The Humble! This Is How The Meek Will Inherit The Earth From The Proud Who We All Praise Now Like I Listened To At The Celebration Of Professorial Elevation Of My Wonderful Brothers Akinsulie And Lesi And Sister Christie Okoroma Who I Went To Rejoice With On Wednesday May 27 2009! May God Continue To Raise Prophets Like Them Who Are In The Kingdoms Of This World! I Am However Interested In Their Looking For And Finding The Kingdom Of God Within All Of Us That Does Not Come By Visible Displays! Romans 6:23, John 1:17(1-51), Proverbs 18:20-21, James 4:6(1-17), Matthew 5:5(1-48), Luke 17:20-21. Jonah, Dove John The Baptist Who Baptized Jesus Christ Reluctantly Because He Felt That He Was Not Qualified To Baptize The One Who Should Baptize Him With Fire Of The Holy Spirit That Descended On Jesus Like A Dove And Stayed On Him! John The Baptist Declared That Jesus Christ Is The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World With His Blood And The Words Of Our Testimonies Not Loving Our Life To Death In The Power Of Our Tongue For Love Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That We Receive To Cast Out All Fear Of Temporal Lord Of The University Of Lagos Whose Dynamic Leadership That Ensures That We All Get Our Salaries As And When Due At The End Of Each Month From When Odugbemi Started That I Also Acknowledge And Duff My Hat For! Alas He Is Not Perfect And Merciful Like God Our Father Who Loves Friends And Enemies Alike! This Is Why I Put My Finger In The Raw Area Of His Administration To Enable Him See And Correct His Imperfection And Become Perfect And Merciful! Matthew 3:17, 5:43(17-48), 10:26-31, Luke 6:36(27-46), John 1:29, Revelations 12:9, Proverbs 18:20-21, Romans 6:23, 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18.
YOUR OWN GOD’S HEART IN YOU KNOWS ALL THINGS As The Omniscient Spirit Of Jesus Christ, And Can Do All Things As The Omnipotent Abel Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above What You Can Think Or Ask In Prayer By God’s Power Of Perfect Mercy Of Our Father At Work Within All Of Us! Put God’s Sure Mercy Before Mammon’s Money Is What Jesus Christ Commands As The Commander In Chief Of God’s Heavenly Hosts! This Is What I Obey As His Soldier Who Wants To Please Him By Obeying Him To Know The Truth And Let The Truth Set My Soul Free From Bondage To Mortal Human Lords Who Make And Enforce Death Laws! Ephesians 3:20, Luke 6:36, Matthew 5:48, 19:30-20:16, Genesis 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, John 8:31-32. He Who Perseveres To The End Will Be Saved! Perseverance Is Patient Endurance Teachings Of God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Who Wants All Of Us To Be Holy Like Himself! This Is Why Jesus Christ Told Us That No Man Or Woman Is Good Teacher Or Master But God Alone When The Rich Young Religious Ruler Called Him Good Teacher And Asked Him For What To Do To Inherit Eternal Life Which Is The Free Gift Of God That One Inherits Through Faith In Christ Jesus Grace And Truth Of God! Mark 13:13, Luke 16:18-19, 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 1:16, Romans 6:23, John 1:17(1-51). REGAIN YOUR SANITY VIA GOD SON’S INSIGHT LIKE ME! I Refuse To Honor Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Hearted Temporal Interim Wizards With Root Sonekan Type Lords Imposed On The Polity Like Evil Genius Babangida Did, In Spite Of Stiff Punishment Laws That They Make Like The One That They Want To Use To Deprive Me Of My Retirement Benefits For Not Registering With One Of Their Human Money Profit Seeking Outfits That They Float As Children Of Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Christ Jesus Light! The Omnipresent Father Of Jesus Christ Is Our One Father Whose Holy Spirit Word Of Jesus Christ Bear One Trinity Witness That I Will Get 100 Fold Interest In This Age For What I Invest Into His Kingdom Now, Plus Persecutions Beside And Eternal Life Free Gift Of God On Which I Will Lay My Hand Firmly After Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith In God’s Word Settled Forever In Heaven! Luke 16:8, John 8:12(1-59), 9:39(1-41), 16:25, Matthew 16:25, Proverbs 16:25, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:5, Numbers 16:22, 1 John 5:7, Mark 10:29-30, Romans 6:23, 1 Timothy 6:12, Psalm 119:89.

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