Monday, June 1, 2009


EXAMINE EVERY DOCTRINE CAREFULLY AND CHOOSE THE GOOD, Life And Blessings Understanding Of The Holy One That Mercy Is Eternal Life Free Gift Reparation That We Must Give To Those Who Seize What Belong To Us By Force As Jesus Christ Commanded! All Things Are Mine And Yours Equally Through Christ Who Told Us That We Will Have Tribulations In This World But To Be Of Good Cheer For He Has Overcome The World With His Word Instead Of Demanding For Reparations From British Thieves And Robbers Who Stole Our Artifacts Like Kasimawo Abiola Started Asking For Reparations, And For Which His June 12 Presidential Mandate Which Is God’s Word Of Truth That Christ Jesus Is Watching Over To Perform At This End Time Was Stolen! 1 Thessalonians 5:21(19-28), Proverbs 9:10, Romans 6:23, 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Luke 6:30-31, Matthew 12:7, Hosea 6:6, Revelations 3:21-22, 22:12(1-21), John 10:8-10, 17:17(1-26), Jeremiah 1:12. Britain Did Steal From Nigeria As Discussed On The Moments With Mo Concerning The Mask Stolen From Benin Being Used To Raise Funds In The British Museum! Our Creator And True Husband Is The Christ Who Is The Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Abel Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly, Abundantly Above What We Can Think With Our Less Than 2% Brain Capacity Utilization In The Most Brilliant Proud Lucifer Evil Genius Father In The House Babangida, Baale, Husband Who Is One Of The Many Husbands We Have Had In This World Like The Samaritan Woman Who Was Living With Her Number 5 Husband Who Is Not Her One True Creator And Husband Lord Of Hosts, Redeemer And King Of All Kings In The Universe Who Is A Jealous God Who Will Not Share His Glory With Any Religious Redeemed Church Of God Prophet Dedicated Enoch Son Of Cain Who Is Proud Of The Fact That He Built His First House As A City Named After Him Before He Was 30 Years Old And Not The Dedicated Enoch Who Walked With God And Was Not (Raptured)! Ephesians 3:20, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, 14:12, Isaiah 14:12-15, 42:8, 54:5(1-17), Genesis 4:17, 5:24. ASK FOR THE ONE HOLY SPIRIT WAY Of Truth And Life Of Jesus Christ Which Leads To Heaven Where The Word Of God Our One Holy Spirit Father Of Unclean Spirit Murderer And Liar Fathers Is Settled Forever In The Kingdom Of God And His Christ The Holy Spirit Anointing Of Jesus Of Nazareth Who Empowered Him To Heal Sin Sick Souls And Deliver Us From All Destructions By Our Wild Ungodly Parents Like Wole Soyinka Called His Mother Who Canvassed For The Banishment Of The Alake Of Egbaland Who Are Blinded By Their Flesh To God’s Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace That Jesus Christ Came To Open! Luke 11:13, John 8:44(1-59), 9:1-41, 14:6, Psalm 119:89, Romans 8:6(1-39).
GREAT MEN MAKE OUR THOUGHTS EVIL CONTINUALLY! This Made God Repent That He Created Mankind Who Has Faith In Sin And Death Law Enforcement That Feeds The Grave Which Is Insatiable Deceitful And Wicked Heart Of Men And Women Leaders Who Kill Their Followers To Become Rich In Monetary Terms And Not Rich In Free Sure Mercy Of God To Their Followers Who Pay Them Tax! Thanks Be To God Who Gives Us Good, Life And Blessings Victory Through Christ Jesus To Overcome Evil, Death And Curses Law Power Of Murderer And Liar Parents Who Are Born Blind To God’s Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Sight That Blinds Open Carnal Mind Of Death Sight That Has Kept All Men In Bondage To Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Prisons In The Mind Of Our Mortal Parents Who Are Not To Blame For Our Spiritual Blindness And For God To Be Glorified By Opening Our Eyes Of Christ Jesus! Genesis 6:6(3-8), 1 Corinthians 15:57(53-58), Romans 8:6(1-39), 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, John 8:44(1-59). Professor Wole Soyinka God Enters His House Surrounded By Wizards Suddenly To Prove That He Does Not Support Evil Men Who We Call Good Men! Wole Was Not Intimidated By Bondage Laws Of Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Kings And Spoke Forth His Faith In The Truth That Olusegun Obasanjo Who Has Delusion Of Grandeur That God Took Out Of Prison As A Rich Old Foolish King Who Will Not Be Admonished To Make Nigerians Poor Is A Psychiatric Case! Mo Did Not Say Anything About That Truth That I Agree With As A Wise Poor Child In God’s Kingdom Within My Own Mind Which Wole Can Also Enter As A Foolish Child When He Has Truly Become A Wise Elder! Wole Soyinka Encouraged Writers Like Me To Continue To Write Books Which Will Weary The Flesh That Does Not Listen To The Conclusion Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of Christ Jesus Matters! Revelations 11:8-15, Malachi 2:17-4:6, Ecclesiastes 4:13-14, Luke 17:21, Matthew 18:13, 1 Corinthians 3:18(1-23)., Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, Matthew 13:34-43, Romans 6:23. DEATH AND LIFE IS IN THE POWER OF EVERY LIVING SOUL MORTAL HUMAN BEING’S TONGUE! Those Who Love Knowledge Shall Eat Either The Fruit Of The Carnal Mind Of Death Laws Of Costly Money Wages Of Sin Tax Which Leaders Collect To Enrich Self Or The Spiritual Mind Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of Christ Jesus Peace Of Mind Of Self Control Against Which There Is No Law! Proverbs 18:20-21, Romans 6:23, 8:6, Galatians 5:23(16-26).

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