Monday, June 1, 2009


JUDGE BY RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS OF BELOVED SON, Righteous Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Christ Jesus In Who God Is Well Pleased In The Kingdom Of God Within You, Whose Way Of Truth And Life Alone Is Right! Every Man’s Way Is Right In His Or Her Spirit Sight, But God Judges Your Heart Righteously And Not By Appearances Like Men Do! This Is Why Mahatma Gandhi’s Way Of Going On Prolonged Fasting To Punish Himself As Ordered By The Tyrant Still Small Voice Of God In His Conscience To Get Indians To Have A Change Of Heart Was Effective! Alas Bayo Kumolu Johnson Confessed That He Was Being Fed By His Comrades When He Pretended To Be On Hunger Strike In His Fight Against Federal Government! John 7:24, 14:6(1-30), Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Hebrews 11:4, Luke 17:21, 1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 16:6-7, 21:1-2, 1 Kings 19:13. God’s Wisdom Seem Foolishness To Living Souls, And His Power Seem Weakness To All Of Us! God Made Each Of Us One Holy Spirit Husband And One Unclean Flesh And Bone Body In The Image And Likeness Of Christ Jesus Wife Who Is One With God Our One Father Of The Holy Spirit Of All Flesh In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I, Like I Have Had To Insist Upon For My Own Wife Who Still Loves Money More Than Mercy In My Own Mind! I Have Remained Faithful To Her As My Wife Who I Call Mother Sarai The Barren Woman Who Became Fruitful Sarah The Princess Who Gave Birth To Isaac Laughter In Her Old Age! Truth Is Light Of Life Of Mercy That God Truly Loves While Our Leaders And We Their Followers Condemn The Innocent Who Is Presumed To Be Innocent Until Proven Guilty Even In Our Law Courts Where The Witness Of Two People Is Accepted As Evidence Like Jesus Christ And His Father Who Bear Witness That Democracy Is Darkness In Year 2000 And 2004 When George W. Bush Rigged American Elections Openly! The Light Of Genesis 1:3-5 In John 1:3-5 And 1 Thessalonians 5:3-5, Was So Good That God The King Is Avenger Obasanjo Declared That There Is No Perfect Democracy In The Whole World Before Rigging His Own Musa Yar Adua Into Position Of Authority Without Openly Declaring That George W. Bush Rigged American Election Twice, Oye Omo Ti Onsankun Ati Iya Re Ti Onbe Which Means The Child Who Is Crying And His Mother Who Begs Him Knows The Reason Why Both Of Them Hide Witness Of Truth In Their Conscience! 1 Corinthians 1:25, Ephesians 5:25-32, Matthew 19:4-6, Genesis 1:26- 2:23(1-25), 16:1-21:10, Luke 10:21-22, 16:8-13, 17:20-21, John 8:12-18, 18:37-40, 1 John 3:19-21. THE MAN OR WOMAN WHO IS MARRIED TO MORTAL MAN OR WOMAN WHO ARE ALL BRIDES OF OUR ONE CREATOR AND HUSBAND SHOULD BE AS IF HE OR SHE IS NOT MARRIED To Overcome The Temptation Of Eve Who Is The Bone And Flesh Woman Disobedience Of Your Own God’s Holy Spirit Creator And Husband’s Word Of Command Of The Lord Of Hosts Redeemer, King Of The Universe Which Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! 1 Corinthians 7:29(1-40), Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Genesis 2:23(1-25), 3:6(1-24), Ephesians 5:31(25-32), Matthew 12:31-32, 1 John 5:16-17.
PUNISH SELF, DO NOT PUNISH OTHERS Like Christ Jesus God’s Suffering Messiah Within Your Heart Is God’s Holy Spirit Command Which I Obey As Head Of My Nuclear Adenuga Family As The First Born Son Of My Elijah Adeyemi Crown Befits Me Father Who Came Before Me Dedicated To God As I Opened The Womb Of My Patience Karounwi So That We Will Have A Testimony Mother! God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Made Me Suffer For Obeying Him And Disobeying Ungodly Godfathers Like You Musa Yar Adua Who Is Younger Than Me In Age To Do The Business Of God Our One True Father Like Jesus Christ The Firstborn Son From Death Of Carnal Mind To Life Of Spiritual Mind Of Peace! Isaiah 53:1-12, John 16:33(1-17:26), Hebrews 5:8, 12:7(1-29), Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 11:12, Luke 2:23-49, Colossians 1:15-2:15, Romans 8:6. The Depth Of The Wisdom And Knowledge Of God’s Son Christ Jesus Cannot Be Fathomed By Men And Women Who Counsel Ungodly Leaders As Advisers Who Olusegun Obasanjo Boldly Told He Is Free To Take Or Discard Their Advise Openly! Do Not Steal God’s Spirit Glory For Mortal Flesh That He Has Been Contending With For 120 Years, By Not Being Careful How You Hear That God Gives Us Power To Get Wealth Which Unstable Leaders Make To Mean What They Like With The Letters Of Moses Law That They Make To Kill Their Followers And Paul’s Letters As They Do With All Scriptures! Romans 11:33-36, Genesis 6:3, Deuteronomy 8:18, Luke 8:18, 2 Peters 3:16, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 3:6. PRAY IDINA SIRANTALI MUSTAKIMA And Obey Allah’s Mercy Decrees Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary’s Word Of Command Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman Bone And Flesh Body Of The Immortal, Invisible Holy Spirit Of God Whose Religious Shrine, Temple, Church, Tabernacle And Mosque All Our Individual And Corporate Bodies That Christ Is Ready To Marry Spiritually Like Paul, The Apostle And Bond Servant Of Jesus Christ Prophesied But Did Not Fully Understand! Lead Us In The Everlasting Way Of The One True God’s Holy Spirit Who Is Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent! God Loves Mercy And Not Imperfect Law Enforced Death Sin Sacrifices And Burnt Offering Of Sinners! Sura 1, 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Psalm 139:24, Hosea 6:6, Matthew 12:7, Acts 7:48-50, 17:24-31, Ephesians 5:25-32.


GOD ALONE KNOWS THOSE WHO LOVE AND OBEY HIM LIKE DAVID WHICH MEANS COMMANDER, HERO, BELOVED MURTALA MOHAMMED Which Means The Truthful And Glorious Man As A Northerner And Moslem That Truly Tried To Unite Nigeria Between July 1965 To February 13 1966 As A True Moslem Who Has Pure White Faith In Allah! He Demonstrated Faith In God’s One And Only Begotten Son Christ Jesus So That He Did Not Die In Sin Of Believing Gifted Prophets Like Prophet Matthew Ashimolowo And Prophet Tunde Bakare Who Raise Money As Temple Tax Collectors That Only Foreigners Are Supposed To Pay To Their Foreign Conquerors Like Britain Has Been Doing From Their Colonies Including Nigeria Legally For Teaching Us Murder Lies Of Fathers Like Umaru Dikko Told Us About Being Advised Not To Allow A Southerner To Rule Northerners! I Learned From Jesus Christ To Overcome What I Learned From Latter Rain Bible College Angel Of Darkness Who Appear To Be An Angel Of Light In 1994-95! 2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Corinthians 8:2-3, 14:32-33, John 3:16(1-36), 8:44, Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14. Be One With Allah Not Democratic Majority That Disobey Allah’s Mercy Decrees For All Mankind And Follow Democratic Majority To Obey Evil, Death And Curses Command Of Their Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders And Rulers Who Are Rich Employers Of Labor Like You, Who Proclaim That He Who Pays The Piper Dictates The Tune As Blind Servants Of Mammon Which Is The God Of This World Instead Of The One True God Of Heaven Whose Word Of The Holy Spirit One Trinity That Bears Witness Of Truth Of Jesus Christ Is Settled Forever, Is The Good Life And Blessings Of God That Made Prophet Mohammed Whose Name Means The Truthful And Glorious Man Rich With No Added Sorrow Jabez, Of Continuing To Be Servant Of Hadeijat His Woman Employer Who Became His Wife And Help Mate That God Gave Him Spiritually! Sura 19:21, Exodus 23:2, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10, Revelations 11:8-15, Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13, 1 John 5:7, Psalm 119:89, Proverbs 10:22, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Genesis 2:23(1-25). GOD HAS LIFTED NIGERIA ABOVE DEMOCRATIC NATIONS On Earth Like He Has Revealed To His True Disciples! Thomas The Twin Minded Believer “Jeun Koku, Eat And Die” Ikimi Who Was Going To Get Me Arrested When He Came Back From Burkinna Fasso Who Wants To See To Believe That We Cannot Do Transition From Abacha To Abacha Because Abasa Is Rubbish And Nonsense In Yoruba, Can Bear Witness That God Sent The Message Through Me To Him At The Book Launch Of Late Architect Wealth And Honor Has Arisen Olatunji Olugbesan As The God Who Is The Avenger On June 2 1998, 6 Days Before Abacha Died Of “Cardiac Arrest” Can Tell You The Story! Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Yet Seen The Unseen Christ And Still Believe! Deuteronomy 28:1-69, Proverbs 14:34, John 20:19(1-21:25).
LOSE YOUR LIFE FOR THE GOOD NEWS That Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Has Prevailed As The Lamb Of God Whose Blood Overcomes All Religious Democratic Military And Traditional Racial Bigotry Of Flesh! He Was Sacrificed For All Men Like Ramat Murtala Mohammed Was Sacrificed For Nigerians To Save His Life In Christ Jesus Hand Like Stephen Whose Name Means Crown And Wreath Did For The Jews Who He Prayed That God Should Not Count The Sin Of His Murder Against! Matthew 16:25, Proverbs 16:25, John 16:25, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, Revelations 12:9, Acts 7:59-60. Stop Being A Foolish Mad Man Or Woman Leader Who Claim There Is No God In His Or Her Own Heart As The Suffering Messiah, Lord Of Hosts And King Of All Kings In The Universe Who Is Our Creator And Spirit Husband Of Every Flesh! Psalm 14:1, 53:1, Isaiah 53:1-12, 54:5(1-17), 55:3(1-13), Revelations 19:16. LOOK FOR GRACE AND TRUTH LAWS OF JESUS CHRIST Not Disgrace Laws Which Brings Wrath Of Moses Musa Work Profits Of The Flesh Which Profits Nothing For Spiritual Sodom Fathers Of Virgins Like Lot Abubakar Military Abdulsalam Servant Of Peace Or Democratic Atiku Who Wants To Die For What He Picked Up Or Pharisee Religious Leader Sin Decrease Sindinku Father Has Returned Babatunde Bakare! God Is Our One Creator And Father Of Spirits, Who Is The Immortal Omnipresent Spirit Of All Mortal Flesh In His Kingdom Within Us To Who We All Pray In Our Various Religious Persuasions Of Men! No Father Has Lived For One Day Which Is 1000 Years In God The Eternal Father’s Kingdom Of Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace Who Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin As The Son, Immortal Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Within Everybody! Methuselah Whose Name Means When He Is Gone It Will Be Sent, Who Was Said To Have Lived For 969 Years Did Not Live For 1 Day! Indeed By Calculation Of The Figures Given In Genesis 5:25-32, He Died In The Year When Noah Whose Name Means Rest Entered The Ark When He Was 600 Years! John 1:17(1-51), 6:63(1-71), Hebrews 4:15, Genesis 2:7, 5:27-7:11, 19:8, Numbers 16:22, Sura 32:5, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8, Isaiah 9:6, 54:5(1-17), Matthew 9:6, 24:37-39.


JE IYA KI IYA MABA JE O IN YORUBA LITERALLY MEANS EAT SUFFERINGS, SO THAT SUFFERINGS WILL NOT EAT YOU! This Was What I Learned From Bishop Akintayo Being Valiant Is Enough For Joy Who Became The Bishop Of Ondo Anglican Diocese When He Was The Provost Of St. James Church Ogunpa Ibadan Where He Assisted Bishop Timothy Olufosoye To Join Myself And My Wife In Holy Matrimony In December 1973! Jesus Christ Said We Will Have Tribulations In This World, But To Be Of Good Cheer For He Has Overcome The World’s Imperfect Laws Of Wages Of Sin Is Death By Becoming A Curse For Us By Hanging On The Tree As Our One Teacher Of God’s Perfect Freedom Laws Of God That We All Criticize And Judge As God Our One Lawgiver And Judge Of All Men And Women Whose Servant Who Have No Right To Judge His Other Servants That We All Are By Faith! John 16:33, Psalm 19:7(1-14), Romans 6:23, 14:4(1-23), Galatians 3:13-29, James 4:11(1-17). Do Not Follow Possessing Possession Ways Of Unrighteous Cain Money Seeking Traditional Trading Elders That Lead To The Markets Of Buying And Selling The Free Gift Of Eternal Life In Disobedience Of Christ Jesus Command To Give Freely Because We Have Received Freely! This Does Not Sound Reasonable To Shepherd Father Has Returned Babatunde Bakare Father Of Virgins Who Said Because The Pastor Must Eat As A Glutton Who Labors For The Food That Perishes It Is Not Right! Cain, Which Is Possession Is Also The Spear Used By Ungodly Pastors To Shed Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation’s Blood And Water That Bears One Trinity Witness With God’s Holy Spirit On Earth From The Very Beginning In Genesis Like I Do Now Like The Good Shepherd Jesus Christ Himself Did! Matthew 10:8(1-42), Romans 6:23, John 6:27(1-71), 10:8(1-42), 15:26(1-27), 19:34, Genesis 19:8, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 5:8. WE ERR NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES AND POWER OF GOD’S RIGHTEOUS SON, ABEL AND BREATH OF LIFE OF GOD That Gave Life To All Living Soul Mortal Human Beings! God Is Spirit Who Wants Us To Worship Him Is Spirit And In Truth As True Jews At Heart Who Know The One True Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Abel, Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly Above What We Can Think With Our Less Than 2% Brain Capacity Utilization In The Most Brilliant Evil Genius That He Catches In His Craftiness And Make To Step Aside, Or Ask In Prayer Through Gifted Apostles And Proud Egocentric Self Money Seeking Prophets Who Cause Confusions Not Authorized By God’s Son Who Is One With God The Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray Religiously! Matthew 22:29, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 4:22-24, Romans 2:28-29, Ephesians 3:20, Proverbs 3:19-20, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, 14:32-33, Luke 10:21-22, Numbers 16:22.
DO NOT TRICK OR FORCE ANYONE TO OBEY YOU AS AN UNGODLY TRADITIONAL KING OR RELIGIOUS DEMOCRATICALLY CHOSEN LEADER OF YOUR FELLOW MEN AND WOMEN By Quoting That God Made Moses The Stammerer God To Aaron His Older Brother Who Speaks Fluently! This Indeed Was What Prophetess Give Me Wealth And Honor Funmilola Craig Tried To Teach Me That God Made Tunde Bakare God To Us At Latter Rain Assembly And “Is Not Speaking Directly Through His Son After Prophets” To Joshua Till He Has Removed Moses By Death As The Leader Of Israel! Exodus 4:16, Deuteronomy 11:14, 34:1-12, Joshua 1:1-9, Hebrews 1:1-14. Submit To God Who Is Your Own Personal Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Whose Words Of Commanded Faith Are Spirit And Life, 1 Corinthians 15:45, John 6:63, And Resist Your Flesh With Who God’s Spirit Will Not Contend Forever But For 120 Years Of Teaching You Grace And Truth Laws That Came Through Jesus Christ, James 4:7(1-17), Genesis 6:3, John 1:17(1-51), The Son, Righteous Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Who Continues To Speak To You As God After He Was Murdered By Your Unrighteous Cain, Genesis 2:7(1-25), 4:1-10, Carnal Mind Of Your Murderer And Liar Father Of Lies And Liars Spirit That Make All Of Us Work Blindly For Money The Devil Instead Of God’s Free Sure Mercy Root And Offspring Of David, Christ Jesus! Romans 8:6, John 8:44, Revelations 22:16, Isaiah 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7. PREFER OTHERS TO YOURSELF IN HONOR LIKE PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA WHO CHOSE ONE TERM DEMOCRATIC OPTION To Show Himself Willing And Able To Do God’s Good Pleasure Like Mahatma Gandhi Who Was Ready To Serve Under A Pakistani Prime Minister! President Nelson Mandela Called President George (Burning) Bush From Which God Told Moses That He Is The I Am “Whatever You Say” That I Am, (Like Prophetess Craig Was Inspired To Teach Us At Latter Rain Assembly) The Greatest Terrorist In The World, (For Attacking Taliban And Sad Dam Hussein Iraq For No Just Cause) And Refused To Honor Him With His Presence When He Visited South Africa! Philippians 2:3-13, Exodus 3:14, Ecclesiastes 3:14, Luke 3:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-28, Proverbs 13:18.


EXAMINE EVERY DOCTRINE CAREFULLY AND CHOOSE THE GOOD, Life And Blessings Understanding Of The Holy One That Mercy Is Eternal Life Free Gift Reparation That We Must Give To Those Who Seize What Belong To Us By Force As Jesus Christ Commanded! All Things Are Mine And Yours Equally Through Christ Who Told Us That We Will Have Tribulations In This World But To Be Of Good Cheer For He Has Overcome The World With His Word Instead Of Demanding For Reparations From British Thieves And Robbers Who Stole Our Artifacts Like Kasimawo Abiola Started Asking For Reparations, And For Which His June 12 Presidential Mandate Which Is God’s Word Of Truth That Christ Jesus Is Watching Over To Perform At This End Time Was Stolen! 1 Thessalonians 5:21(19-28), Proverbs 9:10, Romans 6:23, 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Luke 6:30-31, Matthew 12:7, Hosea 6:6, Revelations 3:21-22, 22:12(1-21), John 10:8-10, 17:17(1-26), Jeremiah 1:12. Britain Did Steal From Nigeria As Discussed On The Moments With Mo Concerning The Mask Stolen From Benin Being Used To Raise Funds In The British Museum! Our Creator And True Husband Is The Christ Who Is The Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Abel Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly, Abundantly Above What We Can Think With Our Less Than 2% Brain Capacity Utilization In The Most Brilliant Proud Lucifer Evil Genius Father In The House Babangida, Baale, Husband Who Is One Of The Many Husbands We Have Had In This World Like The Samaritan Woman Who Was Living With Her Number 5 Husband Who Is Not Her One True Creator And Husband Lord Of Hosts, Redeemer And King Of All Kings In The Universe Who Is A Jealous God Who Will Not Share His Glory With Any Religious Redeemed Church Of God Prophet Dedicated Enoch Son Of Cain Who Is Proud Of The Fact That He Built His First House As A City Named After Him Before He Was 30 Years Old And Not The Dedicated Enoch Who Walked With God And Was Not (Raptured)! Ephesians 3:20, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, 14:12, Isaiah 14:12-15, 42:8, 54:5(1-17), Genesis 4:17, 5:24. ASK FOR THE ONE HOLY SPIRIT WAY Of Truth And Life Of Jesus Christ Which Leads To Heaven Where The Word Of God Our One Holy Spirit Father Of Unclean Spirit Murderer And Liar Fathers Is Settled Forever In The Kingdom Of God And His Christ The Holy Spirit Anointing Of Jesus Of Nazareth Who Empowered Him To Heal Sin Sick Souls And Deliver Us From All Destructions By Our Wild Ungodly Parents Like Wole Soyinka Called His Mother Who Canvassed For The Banishment Of The Alake Of Egbaland Who Are Blinded By Their Flesh To God’s Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace That Jesus Christ Came To Open! Luke 11:13, John 8:44(1-59), 9:1-41, 14:6, Psalm 119:89, Romans 8:6(1-39).
GREAT MEN MAKE OUR THOUGHTS EVIL CONTINUALLY! This Made God Repent That He Created Mankind Who Has Faith In Sin And Death Law Enforcement That Feeds The Grave Which Is Insatiable Deceitful And Wicked Heart Of Men And Women Leaders Who Kill Their Followers To Become Rich In Monetary Terms And Not Rich In Free Sure Mercy Of God To Their Followers Who Pay Them Tax! Thanks Be To God Who Gives Us Good, Life And Blessings Victory Through Christ Jesus To Overcome Evil, Death And Curses Law Power Of Murderer And Liar Parents Who Are Born Blind To God’s Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Sight That Blinds Open Carnal Mind Of Death Sight That Has Kept All Men In Bondage To Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Prisons In The Mind Of Our Mortal Parents Who Are Not To Blame For Our Spiritual Blindness And For God To Be Glorified By Opening Our Eyes Of Christ Jesus! Genesis 6:6(3-8), 1 Corinthians 15:57(53-58), Romans 8:6(1-39), 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, John 8:44(1-59). Professor Wole Soyinka God Enters His House Surrounded By Wizards Suddenly To Prove That He Does Not Support Evil Men Who We Call Good Men! Wole Was Not Intimidated By Bondage Laws Of Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Kings And Spoke Forth His Faith In The Truth That Olusegun Obasanjo Who Has Delusion Of Grandeur That God Took Out Of Prison As A Rich Old Foolish King Who Will Not Be Admonished To Make Nigerians Poor Is A Psychiatric Case! Mo Did Not Say Anything About That Truth That I Agree With As A Wise Poor Child In God’s Kingdom Within My Own Mind Which Wole Can Also Enter As A Foolish Child When He Has Truly Become A Wise Elder! Wole Soyinka Encouraged Writers Like Me To Continue To Write Books Which Will Weary The Flesh That Does Not Listen To The Conclusion Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of Christ Jesus Matters! Revelations 11:8-15, Malachi 2:17-4:6, Ecclesiastes 4:13-14, Luke 17:21, Matthew 18:13, 1 Corinthians 3:18(1-23)., Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, Matthew 13:34-43, Romans 6:23. DEATH AND LIFE IS IN THE POWER OF EVERY LIVING SOUL MORTAL HUMAN BEING’S TONGUE! Those Who Love Knowledge Shall Eat Either The Fruit Of The Carnal Mind Of Death Laws Of Costly Money Wages Of Sin Tax Which Leaders Collect To Enrich Self Or The Spiritual Mind Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of Christ Jesus Peace Of Mind Of Self Control Against Which There Is No Law! Proverbs 18:20-21, Romans 6:23, 8:6, Galatians 5:23(16-26).


PUBLISH OR PERISH IS A MURDER LIE OF UNGODLY UNIVERSITY GODFATHERS WHO DID NOT CREATE YOU AND I! Lift Mercy Far Above Money Power Of Principalities To Reign With Jesus Christ On His Throne At The Right Hand Of God! Principalities Are Wicked Spirits In High Positions Of Ungodly Worldly Keep Our Secrets Secret Darkness Authority In Which The Leader Is A Boss Like Professor Our Birth Is Mixed Ibidapo Obe Obey The Immediate Past Vice Chancellor Of University Of Lagos Who Is A Religious Christian And Supposed To Be Our Servant Leader, But A Boss Gave His Department Of Engineering 12 “Portions” And Medicine Which Is Bigger 6 “Portions” When I Was Acting Head Of Pediatrics Department In 2003-2005! The Religious Moslem Musa Yar Adua Hypocritically Wants To Be A Servant Leader As A Puppet Put In Position Of Authority By God The King Is Avenger Obasanjo Using Professor Iwu Law! Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, John 1:17, 8:44, Matthew 19:30-20:28, 23:11(1-39), Ephesians 1:21, Revelations 3:21, Romans 12:19(1-21). Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained Or Lost! This Is The Sin And Death Law Enforcement Power Seeking Desires Of Proud Egocentric Money Seeking Self That God Resists But Gives Faith In Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ To The Humble! This Is How The Meek Will Inherit The Earth From The Proud Who We All Praise Now Like I Listened To At The Celebration Of Professorial Elevation Of My Wonderful Brothers Akinsulie And Lesi And Sister Christie Okoroma Who I Went To Rejoice With On Wednesday May 27 2009! May God Continue To Raise Prophets Like Them Who Are In The Kingdoms Of This World! I Am However Interested In Their Looking For And Finding The Kingdom Of God Within All Of Us That Does Not Come By Visible Displays! Romans 6:23, John 1:17(1-51), Proverbs 18:20-21, James 4:6(1-17), Matthew 5:5(1-48), Luke 17:20-21. Jonah, Dove John The Baptist Who Baptized Jesus Christ Reluctantly Because He Felt That He Was Not Qualified To Baptize The One Who Should Baptize Him With Fire Of The Holy Spirit That Descended On Jesus Like A Dove And Stayed On Him! John The Baptist Declared That Jesus Christ Is The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World With His Blood And The Words Of Our Testimonies Not Loving Our Life To Death In The Power Of Our Tongue For Love Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That We Receive To Cast Out All Fear Of Temporal Lord Of The University Of Lagos Whose Dynamic Leadership That Ensures That We All Get Our Salaries As And When Due At The End Of Each Month From When Odugbemi Started That I Also Acknowledge And Duff My Hat For! Alas He Is Not Perfect And Merciful Like God Our Father Who Loves Friends And Enemies Alike! This Is Why I Put My Finger In The Raw Area Of His Administration To Enable Him See And Correct His Imperfection And Become Perfect And Merciful! Matthew 3:17, 5:43(17-48), 10:26-31, Luke 6:36(27-46), John 1:29, Revelations 12:9, Proverbs 18:20-21, Romans 6:23, 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18.
YOUR OWN GOD’S HEART IN YOU KNOWS ALL THINGS As The Omniscient Spirit Of Jesus Christ, And Can Do All Things As The Omnipotent Abel Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above What You Can Think Or Ask In Prayer By God’s Power Of Perfect Mercy Of Our Father At Work Within All Of Us! Put God’s Sure Mercy Before Mammon’s Money Is What Jesus Christ Commands As The Commander In Chief Of God’s Heavenly Hosts! This Is What I Obey As His Soldier Who Wants To Please Him By Obeying Him To Know The Truth And Let The Truth Set My Soul Free From Bondage To Mortal Human Lords Who Make And Enforce Death Laws! Ephesians 3:20, Luke 6:36, Matthew 5:48, 19:30-20:16, Genesis 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, John 8:31-32. He Who Perseveres To The End Will Be Saved! Perseverance Is Patient Endurance Teachings Of God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Who Wants All Of Us To Be Holy Like Himself! This Is Why Jesus Christ Told Us That No Man Or Woman Is Good Teacher Or Master But God Alone When The Rich Young Religious Ruler Called Him Good Teacher And Asked Him For What To Do To Inherit Eternal Life Which Is The Free Gift Of God That One Inherits Through Faith In Christ Jesus Grace And Truth Of God! Mark 13:13, Luke 16:18-19, 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 1:16, Romans 6:23, John 1:17(1-51). REGAIN YOUR SANITY VIA GOD SON’S INSIGHT LIKE ME! I Refuse To Honor Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Hearted Temporal Interim Wizards With Root Sonekan Type Lords Imposed On The Polity Like Evil Genius Babangida Did, In Spite Of Stiff Punishment Laws That They Make Like The One That They Want To Use To Deprive Me Of My Retirement Benefits For Not Registering With One Of Their Human Money Profit Seeking Outfits That They Float As Children Of Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Christ Jesus Light! The Omnipresent Father Of Jesus Christ Is Our One Father Whose Holy Spirit Word Of Jesus Christ Bear One Trinity Witness That I Will Get 100 Fold Interest In This Age For What I Invest Into His Kingdom Now, Plus Persecutions Beside And Eternal Life Free Gift Of God On Which I Will Lay My Hand Firmly After Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith In God’s Word Settled Forever In Heaven! Luke 16:8, John 8:12(1-59), 9:39(1-41), 16:25, Matthew 16:25, Proverbs 16:25, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:5, Numbers 16:22, 1 John 5:7, Mark 10:29-30, Romans 6:23, 1 Timothy 6:12, Psalm 119:89.


THE POOR LEARN TO FORGIVE RICH OPPRESSORS Of Labor Commanded By Jesus Christ! He Who Seizes What Belongs To You By Force As A Rich Man On Who There Is Woe Should Leave It For Them As It Will Bear Witness Against Them At The End Time! This Is Why Mahatma Gandhi’s Way Of Going On Prolonged Fasting To Punish Himself As Ordered By The “Tyrant Still Small Voice Of God In His Conscience To Get Indians To Have A Change Of Heart Was Effective For Obeying Christ Jesus Command”! Alas Doctor Bayo Kumolu Johnson Confessed That He Was Being Fed By His Comrades When He Pretended To Be On Hunger Strike In His Fight Against The Federal Government Of Nigeria At The University Of Ibadan In Those Days! Luke 6:30(24-37), Revelations 22:12(11-21), 1 Kings 19:13, John 10:17-18, Hebrews 11:4. God’s Wisdom Seem Foolishness To Living Souls, And His Power Seem Weakness To All Of Us! God Made Each Of Us One Holy Spirit Husband And One Unclean Flesh And Bone Body In The Image And Likeness Of Christ Jesus Wife Who Is One With God Our One Father Of The Holy Spirit Of All Flesh In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I, Like I Have Had To Insist Upon For My Own Wife Who Still Loves Money More Than Mercy In My Own Mind! I Have Remained Faithful To Her As My Wife Who I Call Mother Sarai The Barren Woman Who Became Fruitful Sarah The Princess Who Gave Birth To Isaac Laughter In Her Old Age! Truth Is Light Of Life Of Mercy That God Truly Loves While Our Leaders And We Their Followers Condemn The Innocent Who Is Presumed To Be Innocent Until Proven Guilty Even In Our Law Courts Where The Witness Of Two People Is Accepted As Evidence Like Jesus Christ And His Father Who Bear Witness That Democracy Is Darkness In Year 2000 And 2004 When George W. Bush Rigged American Elections Openly! The Light Of Genesis 1:3-5 In John 1:3-5 And 1 Thessalonians 5:3-5, Was So Good That God The King Is Avenger Obasanjo Declared That There Is No Perfect Democracy In The Whole World Before Rigging His Own Musa Yar Adua Into Position Of Authority Without Openly Declaring That George W. Bush Rigged American Election Twice, Oye Omo Ti Onsankun Ati Iya Re Ti Onbe Which Means The Child Who Is Crying And His Mother Who Begs Him Knows The Reason Why Both Of Them Hide Witness Of Truth In Their Conscience! 1 Corinthians 1:25, Ephesians 5:25-32, Matthew 19:4-6, Genesis 1:26- 2:23(1-25), 16:1-21:10, Luke 10:21-22, 16:8-13, 17:20-21, John 8:12-18, 18:37-40, 1 John 3:19-21. THE MAN OR WOMAN WHO IS MARRIED TO MORTAL MAN OR WOMAN WHO ARE ALL BRIDES OF OUR ONE CREATOR AND HUSBAND SHOULD BE AS IF HE OR SHE IS NOT MARRIED To Overcome The Temptation Of Eve Who Is The Bone And Flesh Woman Disobedience Of Your Own God’s Holy Spirit Creator And Husband’s Word Of Command Of The Lord Of Hosts Redeemer, King Of The Universe Which Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! 1 Corinthians 7:29(1-40), Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Genesis 2:23(1-3:24), Ephesians 5:31(25-32), Matthew 12:31-32, 1 John 5:16-17.
PUNISH SELF, DO NOT PUNISH OTHERS Like Christ Jesus God’s Suffering Messiah Within Your Heart Is God’s Holy Spirit Command Which I Obey As Head Of My Nuclear Adenuga Family As The First Born Son Of My Elijah Adeyemi Crown Befits Me Father Who Came Before Me Dedicated To God As I Opened The Womb Of My Patience Karounwi So That We Will Have A Testimony Mother! God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Made Me Suffer For Obeying Him And Disobeying Ungodly Godfathers Like You Musa Yar Adua Who Is Younger Than Me In Age To Do The Business Of God Our One True Father Like Jesus Christ The Firstborn Son From Death Of Carnal Mind To Life Of Spiritual Mind Of Peace! Isaiah 53:1-12, John 16:33(1-17:26), Hebrews 5:8, 12:7(1-29), Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 11:12, Luke 2:23-49, Colossians 1:15-2:15, Romans 8:6. The Depth Of The Wisdom And Knowledge Of God’s Son Christ Jesus Cannot Be Fathomed By Men And Women Who Counsel Ungodly Leaders As Advisers Who Olusegun Obasanjo Boldly Told He Is Free To Take Or Discard Their Advise Openly! Do Not Steal God’s Spirit Glory For Mortal Flesh That He Has Been Contending With For 120 Years, By Not Being Careful How You Hear That God Gives Us Power To Get Wealth Which Unstable Leaders Make To Mean What They Like With The Letters Of Moses Law That They Make To Kill Their Followers And Paul’s Letters As They Do With All Scriptures! Romans 11:33-36, Genesis 6:3, Deuteronomy 8:18, Luke 8:18, 2 Peters 3:16, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 3:6. THE RICH LEARN TO PUNISH THE POOR AS IF IT IS RIGHT! Pray Idina Sirantali Mustakima, Lead Me In The Eternal Life Free Gift Way And Obey Allah’s Mercy Decrees Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary’s Word Of Command Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman Bone And Flesh Body Of The Immortal, Invisible Holy Spirit Of God Whose Religious Shrine, Temple, Church, Tabernacle And Mosque All Our Individual And Corporate Bodies That Christ Is Ready To Marry Spiritually Like Paul, The Apostle And Bondservant Of Jesus Christ Prophesied But Did Not Fully Understand! Lead Us In The Everlasting Way Of The One True God’s Holy Spirit Who Is Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent! God Loves Mercy And Not Imperfect Law Enforced Death Sin Sacrifices And Burnt Offering Of Sinners! Sura 1, 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Psalm 139:24, Hosea 6:6, Matthew 12:7, Acts 7:48-50, 17:24-31, Ephesians 5:25-32.