Thursday, November 27, 2008


christ jesus spoken words judge all men!

JESUS christ came to seek and save the lost sheep of israel, god’s spirit struggles with man who thinks like flesh for 120 years but not forever! he did not come to judge or blame the world! John 12:47, Genesis 6:3. Jesus Christ The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Word Of God’s Command Is Good Spirit And Life Blessing Marching Order Of Our Chief Commander, David Which Is Crucified Within Every Living Soul Mortal Human Being’s Soul By Self Seeking Evil, Death And Curses Will Of The Flesh Which Profits Nothing Even If It Gains The Whole World! John 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Romans 8:6, 10:6-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Matthew 16:26. christ jesus spoken words judge all men and women directly now for he spoke forth only the grace and truth heavenly laws of the new covenant that he hears from god our father who sent us the law of the world through moses as our school teacher till we have faith in grace work blessings that overcomes disgrace work of the law of curses of trusting flesh instead of trusting the lord who is the one spirit in who alone there is true liberty as the one to who i turn when i am confused! John 12:48-50, 1:17, Galatians 3:23, Jeremiah 17:5-10, 31:31-34, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18.

what we must do to become perfect is to sell our unrighteous cain possession Possessing self seeking desire of flesh, and give the proceed to the poor righteous abel, son and breath of life of christ within us whose loss is profit of our flesh! Matthew 19:21(17-30), Hebrews 11:4, Genesis 11:4-9, Philippians 3:7-11, Luke 17:10(7-21). If You Love Yourself, Your Worldly Father, Mother, Wife, Husband, Children Or Friends More Than Jesus Christ, You Cannot Be His True Disciple, Student, Pupil Or Learner Of How To Be Truly Like Him! You Must Take Up Your Cross And Follow Christ Jesus In Your Mind As His True Disciple Who Obeys His Commands To Know The Truth That Liberates Your Soul From Bondage To Ungodly Godfathers To Who We All Submit As “In Locum Parentis” Like Prof. Let All The Elders Be Seated, Dosekun Our Second Provost In The College Of Medicine Told Us After Wresting Power From Horatio Oritsejolomi God Has Lifted Me, Thomas! Luke 14:26-27, John 8:31-32, Revelations 4:4. lift christ jesus cross higher for the world to see him as moses musa lifted up the serpent iwu law in the wilderness of democracy of nigeria, so that he can draw all men and women to himself! John 3:14, 12:32, Numbers 21:9.

every man’s way seem right to him or her!

God Can Easily Direct The Heart Of Every King Or Queen Because His Omnipresent Hand As The Eternal Lord Is Spiritually Underneath Each Of Us To Cast Out Our Principalities And Powers And Rulers Of Democratic Darkness Wicked Spirits That Imprison The Heart Of Men And Women In High Positions Of Authority In Lucifer’s Hell! Proverbs 21:1, Deuteronomy 33:27, Ephesians 6:12, Isaiah 14:12-15. Proud Lucifer Leaders Who Mislead Us In The Way Of Death Law Of Sinn That Seem Right To All Of Us, Consider That Sure Mercy Of David Which Is Power Of God Is Weakness Of Those Who Do Not Know How To Enforce Laws Like One Of My Students Who Is Now An Examiner Of Post Graduate Students Like I Was To Him Many Years Ago. He Accused Me Of Lawlessness When He Read My Last Publication About Allowing A Student Into The Examination Hall About 1 Hour After The Beginning When The Law Stipulated That I Should Not Allow Him After 30 Minutes! Romans 6:23, Proverbs 14:12, Isaiah 14:12-15, 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30. Every Man’s Way Seems Right To Him Or Her, But God Judges Your Heart Not Your Appearance Like Men Do! This Was Why I Learned To Judge The Heart Of Late Professor God Loves Me Olufemi Fadahunsi The Oracle Has Intervened Who As A Consultant Said That We Residents Had No Right To Give The Cheat Jacob Go On With One Nigeria Gowon Government That Pays Our Salaries Conditionality Because It Is Not Done! When I Gave Him The Letter I Was Given To Write To Abacha After He Came Back From His Sojourn In Saudi Arabia As A Blind Servant Of The Riyadh, He Was Shocked That The Government Has Not Come To Arrest Me With Siren! He Passed On, On November 1 2008, May His Soul Rest In Perfect Peace When His Mortal Body Is Laid To Rest Finally At Ilesha Like His Father Sir The Hunter Is Honored Odeleye Fadahunsi The Second Civilian Governor Of Western Region Of Nigeria In December 2008! Proverbs 21:2, 16:7, 1 Samuel 16:7(15:23-16:23), 1 Peter 4:11(1-17), James 4:11(1-17), John 9:39(1-41).

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