Wednesday, November 5, 2008


freedom law of god is written in every heart!

freedom law of god is written in every heart, By God As His New Covenant That Old Covenant Senators Like Mamora, Do Not Use Money To Buy It, Criticize And Judge Blindly Like I Heard On The Live Debate Broadcast Which Senate President Commander David Mark Big Hammer Presided Over On N. T. A. On October 29 2008 As God Exposed Their Blindness To Spiritually Sighted Men And Women Through Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation’s Insight That Enabled Me Stop Calling God A Liar Within My Heart As You Still Do As A Fool! James 4:11(1-17), Jeremiah 31:31-34, Isaiah 54:13, John 6:44-45, 9:39(1-41), Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-10, Psalm 14:1-7, 53:1-6. My Mother Got My 3 Brothers And 3 Sisters To Rise Up Against Me And My Nuclear Family Claiming That I As One Of Them Cannot Be Wiser Than All Of Them! I Single Handedly Paid The School Fees Of Her Last Born Daughter, Ayodele, Joy Has Come Home From 1971 In Form 3 In Queens School Ibadan Till She Graduated With Bachelor Of Arts Degree In English At The University Of Ibadan, After I Got Married In 1973 And Had My First Son In 1976! I Told Ayodele To Go And Work With Her First Degree To Save Money And Sponsor Her Own Post Graduate Studies If She Still Wants To Continue Studying! My Mother Organized My Other 3 Brothers And 2 Sisters To Pay For Her Post Graduate Collectively And Got Them To Continue The Feudal Democratic War Of Death Against My Wife Supported By My Late Elijah Adeyemi Father Who Wrote A Letter To Them In Year 2002 Which He Asked Me To Give Lean On Wealth And Honor Fehintola My Brother Crown Has Honor Adeniyi’s Wife That He Is No More In Support Of Their Harassment Of My Wife Who He Has Now Concluded Is A True Christian After Living With And Studying Her For 16 Years When He Had A Stroke In 1986-2002! Micah 7:5-10, John 7:5(1-53), Matthew 10:36(34-42). My Mother Patience Karounwi That We May Have A Testimony Caused The Chaotic Family Feudal Death War That I Had To Fight As The Good Fight Of Faith With All My Heart And Overcome To Recover My Isaac’s Blessing As The Firstborn Son From Death Of Rebecca’s Carnal Mind Love For Jacob Above Esau Into Life Of The Spiritual Mind Of Peace Like Christ Jesus The Head Of All Principalities And Powers! Genesis 25:28, 27:6(1-40), 1 Timothy 6:12, Ephesians 6:12, Romans 8:6(1-39), Colossians 1:15-20, 2:9-10.

obey the still small voice of god that comes into your heart as the tyrant that mahatma ghandi who is the role model of 90 year old baba nelson mandela obeys after destructive wind, earthquake and fire power displays of the british empire! This Was How The Immortality Covenant Of Water And Blood Of Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Enabled Me To Overcome The Mortal Blood Covenant With My Mother Who Is My Enemy That I Love Poured On Me At Birth! 1 Kings 19:11-13, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-10, Luke 14:26-27. God The I Am (Whatever You Say) That I Am, Like Prophetess Give Me Wealth And Honor Funmilola Craig Taught Me In Latter Rain Bible College 1994-1995 As A Satanic Angel Of Light Who Blocked My Attempt To Join The Praise And Worship Team, Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14, About When God Appeared To Moses In A Bush Of President George W. Bush That Burns Without Destroying Afghans And Iraqis By Framing Charges Against Their Leaders Who Are Like Himself, Like Soldiers Who Are Not Satisfied With Their Money Wages Of Sin And Death Law And Had To Rebel Against God’s Perfect Works To Which You Cannot Add Or Take Away Anything Without Corrupting Your Action With Indiscipline Of Disobeying God’s Perfect Laws Of Liberty For Other Sovereign Nations Of The World Like America Is Doing Like The Self Appointed Police Man Of The World! Exodus 3:14, Luke 3:14, Ecclesiastes 3:14, James 1:25. Christ Jesus Revealed All Hidden Things that belongs to himself the one spirit lord of the scriptures in who alone there is true liberty, in god’s kingdom within you and i, About The murder lies Of mortal fathers like God Is Victor Olusegun Obasanjo God The King Is The Avenger, Who Had Intercourse With His Daughter In Law The Wife Of His Mortal Son Olugbemiga God Has Elevated Me, Who Leveled This Accusation Against Him, Whether You Believe Him Or Not! Truth of jesus christ that i told you about my father and mother Does Not Change To A Lie Because Nobody Believes It, And A Lie Does Not Change To Truth Because Everybody Believes It! Deuteronomy 29:29, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Luke 17:21, Matthew 10:27(1-42), John 8:44(1-59), 10:27(1-42), 14:6, Romans 12:19(1-21).

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