Tuesday, November 25, 2008


give god your heart like his son jesus christ!

The Law Works Wrath, But Where There Is No Law, There Is No Sin! Download God’s Free Sure Mercy Gift Of Christ Jesus Eternal Life From Eternity Where He Is The One Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent Judge, Omniscient Lawgiver And Omnipotent King Of All Kings In The Universe Who Can Save All Souls From Bondage To Spiritual Sodom And Egypt As You Obey His Command To Stand Still And See His Salvation As Joshua, God Is Salvation Decree Of Mercy Of Allah For All Men That Christ Jesus The Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God In God’s Kingdom Within You Gives You Kum Faya Kum! Romans 4:15, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:5, 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Hosea 6:6, Revelations 19:16, 22:16, Exodus 14:13-14, Joshua 1:7-9, Sura 3:45-47, 19:21. God Cursed Mortal Unrighteous Cain For Murdering His Brother Immortal Righteous Abel! McCain’s Curse Did Not Affect Blessed Barack! This Was What I Worked Out With The Key Of David Commander, Beloved And Hero From The Meanings Of Their Names Which Affects The Destiny Of Each And Every Living Soul Mortal Man Or Woman That Perseveres To The Very End Of Time Including You And I, To Be Saved From Cain’s Curse, Whether You Believe Me Or Not! Barack Means Blessed In Arabic, And McCain Means Son Of Cain Which Means Possession And Spear Used To Spill Christ Jesus Blood And Water That Bears One Trinity Witness With God’s Spirit On Earth At Calvary! Romans 4:15, Revelations 3:7(1-22), Genesis 4:11-17, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, James 4:11-17, 1 Peter 4:11-17, Mark 4:11-13, 13:13, John 15:18, 19:34, 1 John 5:8, Colossians 2:15. give god your heart like his son jesus christ did, and let your spirit eyes observe his one hard and narrow way of truth and life! Every Man’s Way Is Right In His Or Her Own Eyes Like I Found With Professor Falade Which Means The Oracle Is A Crown Like I Preach The Gospel Of God’s Freedom Law Like God’s Oracle! Seek And Find The Omnipresent Christ Jesus God’s Son, Righteous Abel The Immortal Breath Of Life Of God Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain, Who I Found In The Kingdom Of God Within My Own Heart Where I Do Not Say There Is No God Like Fools Who Do Not Know That God Will Not Share His Glory With Them As The Husband Who Casts Out All Fear Of Mortal Husbands That We Have Had As Lords That We See Who Are Not Our True Husband Like God Himself! Proverbs 21:2, 23:26, Matthew 7:13-14, 1 Peter 4:11, James 4:11, Mark 4:11-25, Luke 8:18, 17:21, 18:1-8, Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 14:1-7, 53:1-6, Isaiah 14:12, 42:8, 53:1-12, 54:5(1-17), 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18, John 4:18, 14:6.

learn to do the heavenly will of god on earth!

Learn To Do The Heavenly Will Of God On Earth As Commanded In Heaven Where The One Trinity Word Of God Our One Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits Of All Flesh That Crucifies Christ’s Chief Commander David’s Command Is Settled Forever! On Thursday November 13 2008 Professor Gift Of Jehovah Matthias Egri Okwaji My King Saul Loaned Head Of Department Loaned Me His Prerogative Of Mercy Power As Chief Invigilator At The Written Pediatrics Examination Of Medical Students For About 30 Minutes To Go And Receive The Nigerian Medical Council Accreditation Team! A Student Who Claimed He Overslept In His Dormitory Came Over 30 Minutes Late And The Law Guiding The Examination Gives Us Power To Send Such Student Out Of The Examination Hall And Not Allow Him To Write The Paper! I Allowed Him To Spend The Final Hour Writing His Paper Of Their 2 Hour Paper In Obedience To Allah’s Decree Of Mercy For All Mankind To Glorify The Woman Which Is My Bone And Flesh Body Of Christ Our Creator And Husband As Well As Your Own As His Church, Temple, Shrine, Mosque, And Earthly Tabernacle Of The Reed Simon Peter A Rock Which I Will Leave Within The Next 1000 Years Which Is Like 1 Day In God’s Calendar! Matthew 1:16, 6:10(1-34), 10:19-20, 19:17(1-30), 1 Peter 1:16, 1 John 5:7-8, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 5:25-32, Isaiah 54:5, 2 Peter 1:14-21, 3:8-16, Sura 19:21, 21:91, 32:5.What Will You Do If You Were In Charge And In My Shoes With Which I Step Upon Death Law Enforcing Leader Serpents And Scorpions Like You With Christ Jesus Given Power Which Is Far Above Peace Able Solomon’s Wisdom Of All Principalities And Powers And Wicked Spirits Of Democratic Errors In High Positions Of Ungodly Worldly Authority? Luke 10:19, Ecclesiastes 10:19-20, Matthew 10:19-20, 12:42, Ephesians 1:21, 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12. I Thereby Became A Servant Of Righteousness Instead Of Servant Of Sin And Death Enforced Laws Made By Murderer And Liar Fathers In Traditional Or Religious Democratic And Military Positions Of Authority Blinded By Man’s Prejudice Bias And Bigotry Of Black Versus White And Egypt Management Versus Workers Of Israel God Contends With Man Who Thinks He Is Flesh Instead Of God’s Spirit For 120 Years But Not Forever! Romans 6:16-23, Proverbs 16:6-7, John 8:44, 9:39, James 3:13(1-18), Revelations 11:8-15, Genesis 6:3.

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