Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Profit of your flesh, is a loss!

What you believe now, is your faith in Christ Jesus!
Your spirit is master of your flesh And Not The Master Of Any Other Flesh! This Is Why The Scripture Declares, Who Are You To Judge The Servant Of Any Other Master? It Is To His Or Her Master That He Or She Is A Answerable, He Or She Can Be Made To Stand Because The Lord Who Is God’s One Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Holy Spirit Is Able To Make Him Or Her Stand! Romans 14:4(1-23), 2 Corinthians 3:17. We All With Open Face Beholding In A Glass The Glory Of The Lord Jesus Christ To Who I Complained That My Wife Does Not Believe What I Am Preaching As Gospel Truth Answered Me That He Has Not Made Me Her Teacher And That He Will Teach Her Directly Like God Promised To Do Through Himself As He Told Us In John 6:44-45! Isaiah 54:13 Especially If You Read The Good News Bible Translation! It Was Laide Wealth And Honor Has Come Again, The Daughter Of The Doctor Of Physical Education Laoye The Wealth Of Chieftaincy Who Was My Teacher In Primary 6 At The I. C. C. Practicing School Ibadan Who Called Her Husband Prophet Tunde Bakare’s Bluff! She Told Him To Go And Take His Money That He Threatened He Will Not Give Her As Housing Allowance When They Were Both In Britain Because Tunde Is Not Her Source Of Blessing But The Lord Jesus Christ Alone! So Much For The Misconception That The Mortal Husband Is Head Of The Wife Instead Of Our Creator Who Is Our Husband, Lord Of Hosts, Redeemer, Messiah And King Of All Kings In The Universe Whose Wife Every Bone And Flesh Body Of All Mortals Truly Is! 2 Corinthians 3:18, Isaiah 54:5(1-17). what you believe now, is your faith In Christ Jesus The Only Begotten Son Of God Who God Gave All Of Us Individually And Corporately In Love So That Those Who Believe In Him May Not Perish But Inherit Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David’s Heart Of Jesus Christ The Root And Offspring Of David! Hebrews 11:1, John 3:16, 8:44(1-59), James 1:25, 4:11-12, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7(1-50), 23:23(1-39), Micah 6:6-8, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 55:3, Revelations 22:16(11-21).
we all tend to confuse faith which is now With Hope Which Is In The Future! We All Have A Lot Of Hope But No Faith! This Was The Most Important Lesson That I Learned Through Crefflo Dollars Junior, “Now Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For” In The King James Version Was Rearranged To Indicate That Faith Is Now! I Now Know Jesus Christ The One Unknown God’s Breath Of Life Who Gave All Of Us Life From The Very Beginning! Hebrews 11:1, Genesis 2:7, John 2:7, 15:26-27. The Flesh Profits Nothing From Jesus Christ Who Is God’s Life Giving Spirit Second Adam To Who We Are Debtors And Not The Flesh That Prince Charles Never Mastered As An Indulgent Prince Of Divide And Rule Chaos And Not A Prince Of Peace Like Jesus Christ! From My Name Ade Which Means Crown, It Is Obvious That I Am Also A Prince! Interestingly, My Wife Is Also From The Royal House In Ijebu Igbo As An Omo Gbadesire! Her Father Ran Away From His House When He Was Warned That He Was To Be Made A Traditional Chief! John 6:63, 8:12, Romans 8:12, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 9:6. Profit Of Your Flesh, Is a Loss Of your Spirit Who Is Your Husband And My Husband! The Man Who Loves His Wife Like I Love My Own Loves Himself! I Had To Protect My Wife From Being Oppressed By My Family! A Man Shall Leave Father And Mother And Join His Wife! It Is Not That A Wife Shall Leave Father And Mother And Join Her Husband Family Like We Operate In The World In Which Princess Diana Demanded And Got The Right Not To Swear To Obeying Prince Charles The Adulterer Like His Ancestor King Henry Viii! Philippians 3:7-11, Isaiah 54:5(1-17), John 3:29(1-36), Ephesians 5:28(25-32), Genesis 2:24(1-25), Matthew 19:5(4-6).


He who believe does not make haste! isaiah 28:16
Obey son’s perfect laws of liberty Not Possession’s Imperfect Bondage Laws Of Murderer And Liar Fathers! Think Deeply, And Stop Being A Hypocrite Like Our Secular And Religious Democratically Selected Or Elected Rulers That Jesus Christ Called Blind Guides, Sons Of The Devil And Whited Tombs Full Of Dead Men’s Bone! James 1:25, 4:11-12, John 8:44(1-59), Matthew 23:23(1-39), Micah 6:6-8. Jesus Christ, Who Spoke To Us In Parables To Destroy The Works Of Cain The Devil, Is Now Speaking Clearly To All Of Us From The Kingdom Of God Within All Hearts! This Was Why God Told Me To Reestablish Contact With My Friend Olugbemiga Abosede Who Is Very Bitter With Me That I Exposed His Dirty Secrets When I Wrote About Being Told By God To Warn Him Asking Him What Will It Profit Him To Gain The Whole World And Forfeit His Soul To Unrighteous Money Seeking In This World At His Late Mother’s Birthday Celebration! 1 John 3:8-10, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, John 16:25, Matthew 16:25-28. He who believes does not make haste, Lay Line Upon Line And Precept Upon Precepts, Everyone’s Way Is Right In His Or Her Own Eyes, But God Judges Your Heart Not Your Appearance! Our One Spirit Lord Is Christ Jesus, In Whose Grace And Truth Work Alone There Is True Liberty That Can Save All Souls From Faith In Disgrace Law Work Of Men Like My Temporal Friend Gbenga Of Liquidated Aboseldehyde Who Wrote To Me As Text Message On May 5 2010, That He Does Not Know Me And My Toun Wife Who Is His Cousin Related To Him Through His Late Grandmother From Ijebu Igbo, To Prove That A Man’s Worst Enemies Are His Relatives And Friends Who Want To Be More Honorable Than Jesus Christ Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow Not Being Equal Gods! Isaiah 28:10-16, Proverbs 21:2, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 1:17, 3:34, 8:36, 10:34-38, Acts 10:34-38, Matthew 10:34-38, 21:42-44, Romans 2:11, 6:23, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Psalm 82:6.
Become A Soldier Of Christ Jesus And Arise From Sleep Of Death, To Put Your Armor On! Be Strong In The Strength Which God Supplies Through His Eternal Son, Immortal Righteous Abel Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain Elder’s Spear Used To Shed His Blood And Water In Children Who Were Bombed By American Soldiers In The George Bush Iraqi Armageddon War! Psalm 13:3, John 8:23-24, 19:34, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Ephesians 6:11-24, Romans 12:1-29, Matthew 12:31-32, Luke 17:20-21, Hebrews 11:4, Genesis 11:4-9, Revelations 16:15-16. What You Believe Now May Be Wrong, About President Barak Obama The Apparent Head Of All Principalities And Powers In Capitalist Apartheid America Who Must Submit To God’s Holy Spirit Communist Socialist Ideology To Be Truly Great! He Must Allow Christ Jesus To Cast Out Demons From Within His And Your Own Heart With The Finger Of God Till He Becomes Our One And Only Lord In Eternity Within You As The One All And In All Of Us! Proverbs 21:1-2, Matthew 18:3, 1 Corinthians 3:18, Luke 11:20, 17:21, Colossians 2:9-10, 3:11, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37. live a self controlled freedom law life Of Grace And Truth Against Which There Is No Law Of Moses Whose Letter Men Make To Kill! Lift Jesus Christ Higher Than Abosede Gbenga Which Means Lift Me High For The World To See, So That He Can Draw All Men And Women To Himself! God Wants Us To Be One With Him Like Jesus Who Is One With God Who Is The Father Of Himself The Son, Abel Who Continues To Speak After Being Murdered With Elder Cain Spear Used By Unrighteous Soldiers To Shed His Blood And Water At Calvary! Galatians 5:23(16-26), James 4:11-17, John 1:17(1-51), 12:32, 17:23(1-26), 19:34, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 5:7-8.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Seek and find how we are equal!

Holy spirit is our one good father and mother!
Babel confusion occurs as fish means poison In The French Language When God Scattered The Languages Of Those Building Towers To Find God And Make A Name For Proud Self Ego Money In The Igbo, I Go Before Others People In Nigeria! Seek The Kingdom That God Truly Wants To Give Us, Individually And Corporately Like Jesus Christ Told Us! Sell Your Mortal Possessions Cain And Give Alms To The Poor Immortal Abel, Son And Breath Of Life Of God Within God’s Kingdom In Your Own Heart Who Is The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam, To Have Treasure In Heaven Where Moth Does Not Destroy Or Rust Corrupt! This Was What I Had To Do As The Firstborn Son Who Opened The Womb Of My Mother Patience Thank God Modupe Adenuga, Nee Karunwi So That We Shall Have A Testimony Who I Love Dearly But Not As Much As Christ Jesus So That I Will Be Worthy Of His Love For Me That Made Him Lay Down His Life For Me As A Sinner To Give Me His Righteousness Of Righteous Abel Who Is Standing Naked Before His Throne Of Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David Like The Hymn Writer Puts It In “My Hope Is Built On Nothing Else But Christ Jesus Righteousness”! holy spirit is our one good father and mother To Whose Perfect And Merciful Father’s One Trinity Word Settled Forever In God’s Kingdom Of Heaven Within Us We Are Born Blind Spiritually! God Did This So That He Will Be Glorified By Opening Our Blind Eyes To Blind Our Open Eyes Through Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Eternal Life Free Gift Liberty Forever!
Are you god’s true daughter or son Led By God’s Holy Spirit Like Jesus Christ? Examine And Judge Yourself, Are You Meek Like Those To Who The Kingdom Of God In Eternity That God Has Put Within Every Heart Where Christ The Holy Spirit Who Empowered Jesus Christ Of Nazareth To Heal Sin Sick Souls And Deliver All Souls From Destruction Tendencies To Divide And Rule Us Democratically Is The One All And In All There? All Men And Women Indeed Hate Me For My No Nonsense Testimony Against Proud Lucifer Friends Like Professor Tolulope Odugbemi The Immediate Past Vice Chancellor Of The University Of Lagos! I Became His Perceived Enemy When I Told Him The Truth That I Voted For Professor Olalekan Abudu Who Was Our Classmate In University Of Lagos College Of Medicine That Lost The Provost ship Election To Him! I Stopped Voting For Any Human Democratic Leaders After Let Us Wait And See Who Is Born Into Wealth, Kasimawo Abiola Was Defrauded In The Open Secret Ballot Of June 12 1993 To Show My Faith In Jesus Christ The One Prince Of Peace Forever! Truth Of Mercy Has Overcome Murder Lies Of Wicked Fathers Like Professor Tolu Odugbemi Who Was Born In 1945 Like Me! He Is One Of The Baptismal Godfather Of My Son Who Got Married On July 31 2010, The Day He Gave Out His Daughter In Marriage! Seek and find how we are equal gods holy spirit Who Is Righteous Abel, Son And Breath Of Life Of God Within The Kingdom Of God In Every Living Soul First Adam Mortal Human Beings In Every Heart! Become A Fool Who Is Truly Wise Like Jesus Christ Whose Humility Wisdom Seem Foolishness To Proud Lucifer Whose Temporal Death Power Is Weakness To God Given Eternal Life Free Gift That Overcomes Wages Of Sin Is Death Law Of Mammon Lovers And Servants Who Are Enemies Of God! Jesus Christ Told Us That We Must Have A Change Of Heart And Become Like A Little Child To Enter The Kingdom Of God Within Our Own Personal Heart Where God’s Holy Spirit Is Resident In Eternity Within All Of Us As Mortal Living Soul Human Beings Children Of God The One Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent King Of Kings!

See how we are all many devils!

Seek and find how we can all become one god!
See how we are all many devils as murderer and liar fathers That Jesus Christ Called Us When He Was First Manifested To Speak In Parables To Destroy The Works Of Money Wages Is Death Law Enforcement Of Mammon Lovers And Servants With Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David! Mark 4:11-13, John 8:44, Matthew 7:13-14, 13:34, 1 John 3:8-12, Romans 6:23. Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Who Led Israel Into The Promised Land Of Canaan, Purple Royal Priesthood Land That Even Gentiles Can Now Enter As Dauda David Beloved, Commander And Hero Who Started As A Religious Moslem Can Enter As Oyedepo Chieftaincy Has Reached The Position In Canaan Land At Ota Which Sounds Like The Word For Enemy In Yoruba Language Of Nigeria! We Have Been Taught To Love Our Friend And Hate Our Enemies, But Jesus Christ Has Now Commanded Us To Love Our Enemies And Do Good To All Who Persecute Us To Become Perfect And Merciful Like God Our One Spirit Father Who Loves Wicked And Merciful People Equally! Joshua 1:7-9, 1 Peter 1:16, 2:9(1-25), Matthew 5:43(17-48), Luke 6:36(20-46), 16:13(8-31). every living soul mortal male human being is my brother And Female Is My Sister And Mother Of Christ Jesus Holy Spirit Father, If They Hear And Obey Our One Omnipresent Spirit Father Who We Must Worship And Serve In Spirit And Truth Like He Wants To Be Served And Worshipped Forever And Ever! Matthew 12:49-50, Mark 3:35, John 4:22-24.
Seek and find how we can all become one god Who Created Us In His Holy Spirit Image And Likeness That He Decided With His Son’s Word Of Jesus Christ And His Holy Spirit From The Very Beginning In Genesis The Book Of The Beginnings As Revealed Through Moses, Because I Pulled Him Out Of The Water In Which God Drowned All Men Who Did Not Believe Noah Whose Name Means Rest Who Built The Ark In Which Only 8 Souls Were Saved! Genesis 1:27(1-2:25), 5:2(1-6:22), John 2:7(1-25), 10:17-18, Matthew 24:38(1-51), Luke 17:26(22-37). You Will Seek And Find Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation In Your Own Heart, When You Look For Him With All Your Own Heart! Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-10, Psalm 14:1-7, 53:1-6, Isaiah 53:1-12. have faith in eternal life free gift of sure mercy Of God! Do Not Have Faith In King Saul Loaned Money Laws Of Sin And Death In The Power Of Your Tongue Which Oppose And Destroy Free Gift Of Perfect Love That Casts Out All Fear Of Temporal Lords Like My Professor Friend Who Think That I Am Mad Like My Friend Who Became A Managing Director Of A Very Rich Nigerian Ports Authority, Parastatal! Love Not The World, Nor The Things Of The World! All That Is In The World Is Lust Of The Eyes, That Make Us Want All Good Looking Things, Lust Of The Flesh Which Is Male And Female Attraction And Pride Of Life Which Is Desire To Be More Honorable Than Our Brethren Who Are Equal Gods, As Enmity With Holy Spirit! Romans 6:23, Proverbs 18:20-21, 1 John 2:15-29, Matthew 4:4-10, Luke 4:4-10.


Everyone's way is right in his or her own eyes
Think deeply, and stop being a hypocrite Like Our Religious Rulers That Jesus Christ Called Blind Guides, Sons Of The Devil And Whited Tombs Full Of Dead Men’s Bone! Matthew 23:23(1-39), Micah 6:6-8. Jesus Christ Who Spoke To Us In Parables To Destroy The Works Of Cain The Devil, Is Now Speaking Clearly To All Of Us From The Kingdom Of God Within All Hearts! This Was Why God Told Me To Reestablish Contact With My Friend Olugbemiga Abosede Who Is Very Bitter With Me That I Exposed His Dirty Secrets When I Wrote About Being Told By God To Warn Him Asking Him What Will It Profit Him To Gain The Whole World And Forfeit His Soul To Unrighteous Money Seeking In This World At His Late Mother’s Birthday Celebration! Seek The Kingdom That God Truly Wants To Give Us, Individually And Corporately Like Jesus Christ Told Us! 1 John 3:8-10, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, John 16:25, Matthew 16:25-28, Luke 17:21. Lift Jesus Christ Higher Than Gbenga Lift Me High For The World To See, So That He Can Draw All Men And Women To Himself! God Wants Us To Be One With Him Like Jesus Is One With God Who Is The Father Of Himself The Son, Abel Who Continues To Speak After Being Murdered With Cain Spear Used By Unrighteous Soldiers To Shed His Blood And Water At Calvary! John 12:32, 17:23(1-26), 19:34, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 5:7-8.
Everyone’s way is right in his or her own eyes, But God Judges Your Heart Not Your Appearance! Our One Spirit Lord Is Christ Jesus, In Whose Grace And Truth Work Alone There Is True Liberty That Can Save All Souls From Faith In Disgrace Law Work Of Men Like My Friend Gbenga Of Defunct Aboseldehyde Who Told Me On May 5 2010, That He Does Not Know Me And My Stella Wife Who Is His Cousin Related To Him Through His Late Grandmother From Ijebu Igbo, To Prove That A Man’s Worst Enemies Are His Relatives And Friends Who Want To Be More Honorable Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow Instead Of Being Equal To Them Like Jesus Christ! Proverbs 21:2, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 1:17, 3:34(1-36), Romans 2:11(1-29), 6:23, Malachi 7:5-6, Matthew 10:36, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.What You Believe Now May Be Wrong, About President Barak Obama The Apparent Head Of All Principalities And Powers In Capitalist Apartheid America Who Must Submit To God’s Holy Spirit Communist Socialist Ideology To Be Truly Great! He Must Allow Christ Jesus To Cast Out Demons From Within His And Your Own Heart With The Finger Of God Till He Becomes Our One And Only Lord In Eternity Within You As The One All And In All Of Us! Proverbs 21:1-2, Matthew 18:3, 1 Corinthians 3:18, Luke 11:20, 17:21, Colossians 2:9-10, 3:11, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37. become a soldier of Christ Jesus And Arise From Your Sleep Of Death, To Put Your Armor On! Be Strong In The Strength Which God Supplies Through His Eternal Son, Immortal Righteous Abel Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain Elder’s Spear Used To Shed His Blood And Water In Children Who Were Bombed By American Soldiers At Afghanistan And Iraq In The Bush Armageddon War! Psalm 13:3, Ephesians 6:11-24, Hebrews 11:4, Genesis 11:4-9, John 19:34, Revelations 16:15-16.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


NO MAN CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY, His Or Her Own! Do You Know That The Man Or Woman Who Walks Is Not Given The Right To Choose His Or Her Own Ways And Be The Architect Of His Or Her Own Fortunes In Life? God Himself Fixed The Destiny Of All Mortal Male And Female Species Of Men And Women Who He Formed In His Holy Spirit Image And Likeness From The Very Beginning In Genesis, To Have Dominion Over All The Works Of God’s Hand! Jeremiah 10:23, Genesis 1:27(1-2:25), John 1:1-2:25. God Provides Enough For Our Needs In The Whole World But Not Enough For Flesh Greed Of All Men And Women! This Is The Major Message That Mahatma Gandhi A Religious Hindu Who Is A Sheep Of Jesus Christ, That Has Faith In The Son Of Mary Whose Decree Of Mercy That He Must Obey Immediately He Calls The Only Tyrant He Fears! Can You Now See And Perceive After Hearing And Understanding The Witness Of Truth That Pilate Crucified As A Stubborn Goat Who Is Not A Sheep Of Jesus Christ, And Released Democratic Thieves And Robbers Like Judas Iscariot To Continue Plundering Man’s National Money Treasury In America, Britain And Other Unrighteous Nations Of This World Including Nigeria That Needs To Be Exalted By God Son’s Righteousness! John 10:27(1-42), 14:6(1-30), 18:37-40, Mark 4:11-13, Proverbs 14:34. MAMMON IS GOD'S SERVANT NOT BOSS Of Mortal Men Who Are Born Spiritually Blind To Truth That We Are All Gods And Sons, Righteous Abel, Breath Of Life Of God Who Is The Immortal Substance Of God Within Every Human Being As Spirit Of God Who God Wants To Become One With Him Like Jesus Christ! Philippians 2:8(1-13), John 9:1-41, 10:17-18, 17:21-23, Psalm 82:6.

ALL THINGS ARE YOURS AND MINE WITHOUT SHARING IT By All Sorts Of Crooked Apartheid Scales! Sin Is A Reproach To All People Of All Ungodly Nations In This World Which Righteousness Of Christ Jesus The Immortal Righteous Abel, Son And Breath Of Life Of God’s Life Giving Spirit Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Murderer And Liar Mortal Fathers Who Jesus Christ Commanded Us Not Call Fathers Has Not Exalted! 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Proverbs 14:34, Genesis 4:10(1-26), 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, John 6:63, 8:44, 10:17-18, Matthew 23:9.The Work Of The Flesh Is Manifestly Evil, Galatians 5:21-22, Death And Curses Of Trusting The Flesh, Deuteronomy 30:19(11-20), Jeremiah 17:5-10, Against Which God’s Spirit Will Contend For 120 Years But Not Forever! Genesis 6:3. The Work Of The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Jesus Christ The Spirit Who Gives Life And Whose Word Of Command Are Spirit And Life To All Who Hear And Obey Him To Prove That The Flesh Profits Nothing Even If It Leads One Into Possessing The Whole World And Forfeit One’s Soul! Galatians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 15:45, John 6:63, Matthew 16:26(25-28). GOD FORGIVES ALL OUR SINS AND DEBT Of Men And Women! He Commands Us To Do Likewise! Jesus Christ Pleaded For Us That We Do Not Know What We Are Doing Is Evil! We Err Not Knowing The Scriptures And The Power Of God’s Abel Who Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above What We Can Think Or Ask In Prayer By His Power At Work Within All Of Us! We Are Debtors To Christ Jesus Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Who Lives In His Kingdom Within Every Heart In All Of Us, And Not Unclean Spirits Of Flesh Of The Living Soul First Adam That Jesus Christ The Holy One Of God Came To Destroy When He Was First Manifested! Luke 17:21, 23:34, Matthew 6:12-15, 18:35, 22:29-46, Ephesians 3:20, Genesis 2:7(1-25), 4:10(1-26), 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, Romans 8:12, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, 1 John 3:8-12.
-34), Luke 16:13(8-31), Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 1:25(1-31).


All mortal men and women in this world hate God!
All mortal Men And Women In This World hate God, love self and Hate jesus christ Like You Now Hate Me Because I Love Jesus Who First Loved Me And Gave His Life As Ransom For All Our Souls! I Refuse To Fall Down And Worship Selected Or Elected President, King Or Queen Of Britain And All Nations Including Nigeria As Violent Men And Women Rulers Who Take God’s Kingdom By Force From Jesus Christ The One Selfsame Spirit Giver From When John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Even Till Now! Mark 13:13, John 15:18(1-27), 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, Matthew 11:12, 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Hebrews 5:8.We Were Made To Sing To Exalt Queen Victoria Of Britain As The One Who Signed The Act Of British Parliament Slave Trade Eradication Into Law! We Forget The Truth That God Used Others Like David Livingstone Who Moved The Motion And Others Who Supported It! I Was Taught To Sing ‘Victoria, Ola Re Lawanje, Oso Gbogbo Eru Domo, Nile Eniyan Dudu, Which Means Queen Victoria Made Black Men And Women Who Are Slaves Children!” Martin Luther King Junior Broke The Burdensome Yoke, Of Capitalist Apartheid Evil, With Mahatma Gandhi’s Holy Spirit Principles Of A Religious Hindu Sheep Of Christ Jesus! Daniel 3:(1-4:37), Acts 4:32-37, John 10:27(1-42). Mammon Is all unrighteous nations Golden Idol That Mortal Leaders Build As Babel Towers To Find God And Make Name For Proud Ego, Money Seeking Lucifer Self! Pride Of Life Is Not Of Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Who Can Set Souls Truly Free From Delusions Of Grandeur! We Are Made To Love, Serve And Worship Mammon By Our Proud Lucifer Leaders Who Want To Raise Their Throne Above God’s Throne And Found Self In Hell, As Enemy Of Our Creator Who Is Our Holy Spirit Husband, Lord Of Hosts, Redeemer, Messiah And King Of All Mortal Kings In The Whole Universe Not Just Of This Ungodly Worldly Economically Buoyant Nations Which Are Passing Away With The Lusts Thereof! Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13, Daniel 3:1-31, Genesis 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 8:36, 1 John 2:16-29, Isaiah 14:12-15, 54:5-17, Revelations 19:16.
become a perfect true child of god like jesus christ Who Did Not Curse Those Crucifying Him At Calvary! He Pleaded With God, His One Holy Spirit Father Who Is Also Our Holy Spirit Father To Forgive Us For Crucifying Him Because We Do Not Know What We Are Doing As Blind Mammon Lovers And Servants! 2 Corinthians 6:17(14-18), Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:36(20-46), 23:34, Colossians 2:15, 2 Peter 2:23(1-25), John 9:39(1-41). No Man Or Woman Can Have Anything Unless God Gives It To Him Or Her Like John The Baptist Prophesied! What Do You Have Which Is Not The Gift Of God, And If A Gift, Why Do You Boast With It As If It Is Not God’s Gift? This Was What Saul, Loaned Of Tarsus Who Became Paul, Little The Apostle And Bond Servant Of Jesus Christ Who Taught Him The Gospel By Revelation Taught Him, Like He Taught Me By Inspirational Intuition, To Give Me Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Insight To Overcome Carnal Mind Of Death Sight! John 3:27(1-36), 1 Corinthians 1:25(1-31), 4:7(1-21), Acts 13:9, Romans 1:1, 8:6, Galatians 1:12. god gives provision for his vision given to you And I Without Our Having To Look For Loaned Money Support Of Mammon Lovers And Servant Like Our Carnal Mind Of Death Minded Brothers, To Fulfill Our Mission! Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Power Of God Seem Weakness To Man But Is Stronger Than All Men! 2 Corinthians 12:9, Matthew 6:24(19

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My Dear Brother, Sister Or Mother Of Jesus Christ, Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21.

Also Check Website www.breathoflifeofgod.blogspot.com.

DO the will of god our one holy spirit father!

stand in awe of god and DO NOT SIN! Put Others Before Yourself, Like Jesus Christ! Examine And Judge Yourself, Are You Like Jesus Christ Who Was Ready To Lay Down His Life As Ransom For Many Souls Like Beloved Murtala Mohammed The Truthful Glorious Army General Who Staged A Bloodless Coup In Nigeria? Murtala Would Have Retired His Second In Command General Olusegun Obasanjo For Greed, If The Secretary To The Federal Government At That Time Who Told Us About It Much Later, Did Not Plead For Him Before Murtala Mohammed Was Assassinated On February 13 1976! In 1979, Olusegun Obasanjo Rigged The Election In Favor Of The North That Rigged The Election To Favor Him In 1999, And He Again Repaid Them In Year 2007 Which Has Now Backfired In Year 2010 By God’s Holy Spirit Will! Psalm 4:4(1-8), Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11 (1-39) 2 Corinthians 13:5, I Corinthians 11:31-32, Ecclesiastes 3:14, 2 Timothy 1:7. Hannah Means Grace, The Mother Of Samuel, Because I Asked Him Of The Lord! Dideolu Is The Coming Of The Lord, And Awolowo Means The Secret Thing Which Belongs To The Lord Alone As Perfect Law Of Liberty So That We Can Obey Them And Inherit Them For Ourselves And Children Forever Has Respect! This Is How The Manifested Capitalist Apartheid Unrighteousness Of The Awolowo’s Yoruba Solidarity And Moses Yar Adua’s, Closet Of Prayer Arewa Solidarity, As Well As I Go Before Others Igbo Solidarity Is Dividing Our Nation Nigeria Because We All Say There Is No God In Our Personal Heart As Mad King Nebuchadnezzar’s Men And Women Mammon Lovers And Servants Who Are Enemies Of God! It Is Only Free Gift Of Righteousness Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation The Man Of Sorrows, And Suffering Messiah, Lailla Illa Allahu, God Alone Is Our One Immortal King Of Mortal Kings That Can Exalt Nigeria! 1 Samuel 1:20(1-7:17), Revelations 22:12(11-21), Deuteronomy 29:29, Matthew 6:6(1-34), Psalm 14:1, 53:1, Isaiah 53:1-12, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Romans 6:23, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-10, Proverbs 14:34. do the will of god our one holy spirit father On Earth As It Is Dictated In Heaven Where The Word Of God Is Settled Forever As The One Trinity Word Of The Father Which Bear One Witness In God’s Kingdom Within You And I! God Is The Avenger To Who I Leave Vengeance Against Olusegun Obasanjo The Abomination Of Desolation! Matthew 6:9-10, 24:15, Daniel 11:31-32, Psalm 119:89, 1 John 5:7-8, Luke 17:21, Romans 12:19(1-21).

Sin Is A Reproach To All People Black Or White, Young Or Old, Man Or Woman, Nigerian Or American Whose Nation Is Not Exalted By Righteousness Of Jesus Christ Our One Omnipresent Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who We Live, And Move And Have Our Being As The Unknown God Who Is Not Far Away From Anyone Of Us! The World Do Not Recognize The Creator As Our One Holy Spirit Judge, One Lawgiver, Husband, Lord Of Hosts, Redeemer, Messiah And King Of All Kings In The Universe At Large And Nigeria In Particular! Proverbs 14:34, Acts 17:28(24-31), 2 Corinthians 3:17, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:5(1-17), Revelations 19:16. Jesus Christ Came And Saw And Conquered The World, With The Word Of Truth Of God Our Holy Spirit Father Who Has Been With God As God From The Very Beginning In Genesis! We Have All Been With Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd Like God’s Holy Spirit In God’s Kingdom Within Each And Everyone Of Us Can Bear Witness With Himself The Immortal Righteous Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Who Continues To Speak After His Word Is Crucified By Unrighteous Cain Spear, To Possess His Cain Possession As All Things That Belongs To You And I To Be Shared Freely And Equally With The Son In God’s Omnipresent Holy Spirit’s Kingdom Within Every Living Soul! John 1:1-51, 2:7(1-25), 15:26-27, 17:17, Genesis 1:1-31, 2:7(1-25), 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Luke 17:21. Do Not Be Unequally Yoked To Unbelievers In Holy Spirit Communist Equality Commands To Share All Things According To Needs Of The Poor, Not The Greed Of The Rich Capitalist Apartheid Mad King Of Babylon Who Build All Sorts Of Towers Of Babel To Find God And Make Name For Ungodly Flesh Self And Not For God! Jesus Christ The Righteous Abel Who Continued To Speak After He Was Crucified With Unrighteous Cain Spear At Calvary, Prophesied Woe On Those Who Have Had Their Consolation Now By Stealing From The Poor Legally To Enrich And Indulge The Rich Lovers And Servants Of Mammon Who Are Our Bossy Leaders Who Exercise Power Of Life And Death Over Us! 2 Corinthians 6:14, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, Genesis 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, John 19:34, Luke 6:24(20-46), 16:13, Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39).

Yours Faithfully,

Friend, Bride And Angel Of Jesus Christ John 15:15, Rev. 22:16-17

Faithfully Fighting Beside The Lamb. Rev. 17: 14.

Evangelist Dr. Adegboluga Olusegun Adenuga

Children’s Department Cmul/Luth

P.M.B. 12003, Lagos.


My Dear Brother, Sister Or Mother Of Jesus Christ, Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21

politics is poly tricks of king saul loaned money!

you think that jesus christ is mad like yourself As One Of The Many Anti Christ’s That Are Already In The World, But I Do Not! You Do Not Want To Think Like Him Who Keeps Saying “You Poor Are Blessed And The Kingdom Of God Belongs To You But There Is Woe On You Rich” As God’s Word Of Truth That Sanctifies Souls For God Our Holy Father’s Use As His Disciples Who Obeys His Commands To Know Liberty Truth Of Son! John 8:31-36, 10:20, 17:17, 1 John 2:18, Luke 6:20-24, 17:21. Jesus Christ Learned Obedience By Suffering For Saying And Doing What God Commands To Stop Being An Undisciplined Bastard Like Many Of Us! You Will Die In Sin Of Unbelief If You Do Not Believe Everything That Jesus Christ Told Us! Indeed He Warned Me And You, That All Men Will Hate Us For His Name Sake And That Only Those Who Persevere To The End Having Faith In Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That Destroys Costly Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Made By Mammon Lovers And Servants Will Be Saved By Jesus Christ! Hebrews 5:8, 12:9(1-29), John 8:23-24, Mark 13:13, Romans 6:23, Luke 16:13(8-31). do not tell god what to do for you Like Jesus Christ Told Mary His Mother In The Good News Bible Translation Of John 2:4, As If You Know What You Need Which Only Our Spirit Father Knows, And Is Praying Continuously For Us In Line With His Perfect Mercy Decree Will Of Allah For All Mankind! Ask Him “Idina Sirantali Mustakima”, Lead Me In The Everlasting Way, For Holy Spirit Thought And Way Of Truth And Life Eternal Which Is Free Gift That Overcomes Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Of The World With God’s Word Of Truth! Matthew 6:8, Romans 6:23, 8:26-27, Hebrews 7:25, Psalm 139:23-24, John 14:6(1-30), Sura 19:21.

Politics Is Poly Tricks Of King Saul Loaned Money Men And Women Who Have Been Rejected As Leaders By God For Disobedience Which Is Worse Than Witchcraft And Stubborn Goat Pride Which Is Idolatry Of Turai Yar Adua Trying To Retain Nigerian Presidency Which Belongs To God For Her Partially Dead Unseen Husband! 1 Samuel 15:22-23, Luke 16:12(8-13), Matthew 6:24(19-34), 25:41(31-46). Democracy Demonstrate Madness Of Our Leaders Like Help Me Build My House Bankole The Speaker Of The House Of Representatives Whose Bluff Was Called By Members On Thursday March 4 2010! God Has Demonstrated Clearly To All Of Us In The Actions Of Our Democratic Leaders Concerning The Problem Of Absent President Umar Musa Yar Adua That Musa Is Not Truly In Control Of Nigeria! It Is Thereby Clear To All Of Us That Asking For A King Saul, Loaned God’s Prerogative Of Mercy Democratically Is Fraught With Danger, As All Of Us Have Become The Servant Of Unseen Principalities And Powers Which Are Not Flesh And Blood Human Beings That We See Occupy Positions Of Authority! Indeed It Only Appears That Capitalist Apartheid President Blessed Barak Obama Has All The Power He Appears To Have, Seeing That He Could Not Veto The Appointment Of Hilary Clinton As American Secretary Of State That Is Only Possible In God’s Holy Spirit Communist Socialism Among Believers In Christ Jesus Who Are Not Yoked To Unbelievers In The Kingdom Of God Within Everybody Which Does Not Come By Appearances That America Is Number One! 1 Samuel 8:4-22, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, Deuteronomy 33:27, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Luke 17:20-21. Stop Being A Hypocrit, Think Deeply! You Say Lailla Illa Alahu, That God The Allah Is Our One King, Who Is Closer To Everybody Than His Or Her Jugular Vein As The Omnipresent Unknown God In Who We Live And Move And Have Our Being! You However Want To Be More Honorable Than Your Brethren Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow To Make Them Sorrowful, Democratically, Temporally By Not Believing In Perfect Love Of God That Casts Out All Fear Of Being Oppressed By Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders With Death In The Power Of Their Tongue That You Think Belongs To You As A Leaders Who Has Not Learned About Life And Peace In The Power Of Your Tongue As Well! Acts 17:28(24-31), 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18, John 4:18, Proverbs 18:20-21, Romans 8:6(1-39).

Yours Faithfully,

Friend, Bride And Angel Of Jesus Christ John 15:15, Rev. 22:16-17

Faithfully Fighting Beside The Lamb. Rev. 17: 14.

Evangelist Dr. Adegboluga Olusegun Adenuga

Children’s Department Cmul/Luth

P.M.B. 12003, Lagos.


My Dear Brother, Sister Or Mother Of Jesus Christ, Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21

WORK OF THE DEVIL ARE MONEY LAWS That Jesus Christ Was Manifested To Destroy When He Was First Manifested As Immortal Righteous Abel, Son, And Breath Of Life Of God In Every Living Soul, Human Being, Who Continued To Speak After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain, Meaning Possession And Spear! Jesus Christ Blind Open Carnal Mind Of Death Eyes, And Open Blind Spirit Eyes Of Life And Peace Of The Spiritual Mind In God’s Kingdom Within You And I! 1 John 3:8-12, Genesis 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, John 9:39(1-41), Romans 8:6(1-39), Luke 17:21. God Is Our One Holy Spirit Creator And Husband, Who Is The Enemy Of Mammon With Who We All Love To Commit Adultery By Adulterating Holy Spirit Word Of Truth And Life Of Jesus Christ With Murderer And Liar Lies Of The Devil That Jesus Called Our Fathers As Son Of The Living (Spirit By Who Zerubabbel Will Climb), (As Confessed By Simon Peter)! Isaiah 54:5(1-17), James 4:4(1-17), John 8:44(1-59), 14:6, Zechariah 4:6, Matthew 16:16. JESUS CHRIST WAS TEMPTED IN ALL WAYS, To Enforce Sin And Death Laws Of The World On Others, As We Are All Being Tempted, Yet He Did Not Sin! Where There Is No Law, There Is No Sin! Mammon Divide Us Into Many Kingdoms Of Flesh Against Which God’s Spirit, Has Been Contending For 120 Years To Convert Our Stony Heart Of Death And Chaos Of Genesis 1:2 Darkness With Light Of Life That Shows We Are Not Debtors To Flesh Of Our Ancestors But To God’s Eternal Life Giving Spirit Free Gift Of Jesus Christ! Hebrews 4:15, Romans 4:15, 6:23, 8:12, John 8:12, Genesis 6:3.
WE ARE ONE IN HOLY SPIRIT KINGDOM OF CHRIST JESUS In Which His True Brothers, Sisters And Mothers Hear And Obey His One Spirit Father Who Is Also Our One Spirit Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh To Who Moses And Aaron Prayed, In The Kingdom Of God, Which Is Righteousness, And Peace And Joy, And Not Being Anxious About How To Find Money To Pay For What To Eat And Drink And Wear! He Who Knows What Is Good And Does Not Do It Sins! Matthew 12:49-50, Mark 3:35, Luke 8:21, 10:21-22, 12:29-34, 17:21, Romans 14:17, James 4:17. He Who Knows What God’s Holy Spirit Of Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of The Beloved Son Of God Wants Him Or Her To Do And Does Not Get Himself Or Herself Ready To Do It Will Be Beaten Severely! He Who Does Not Know And Does Something Worthy Of Stripes Will Be Beaten Lightly! To Who Much Is Given, Much Is Expected And From Him To Who Much Is Committed, Much Is Demanded! Luke 12:47(42-53). Sin Against Holy Spirit Decree Of Mercy Of Jesus Christ That You And I, Must Obey Kum Faya Kum To Glorify Mary The Woman Bone And Flesh Body Of Christ And Her Son Jesus Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! Matthew 12:31-32, Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Ephesians 5:25-32, 1 John 5:16-17. DO NOT FOLLOW EVIL DEMOCRACY WAY OF DARKNESS CHILDREN Of Forcing Men To Worship Musa Yar Adua Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Light As Golden Idol Of The King Of Babylon Who Became Demon Crazy Democratically! All Men And Women Will Hate You, Like You All Hate Me, For Christ Jesus Grace And Truth Doctrines That Oppose And Destroy Laws Of Sin And Death That Came Through Moses Yar Adua! If You Love Flesh Of Mortal Father, Mother, Wife, Husband, Children And Your Own Flesh Self Which Profits Nothing From Jesus Christ The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Crucified By Self Will Within God’s Kingdom In You And All Other People, You Are Not Worthy Of Him! Exodus 23:2, Daniel 3:1-4:37, Mark 13:13, John 1:17, 6:63(1-71), 1 Corinthians 15:45(1-58), Luke 14:26-27, 16:8-13, Matthew 16:26(16-28)
Yours Faithfully,
Friend, Bride And Angel Of Jesus Christ John 15:15, Rev. 22:16-17
Faithfully Fighting Beside The Lamb. Rev. 17: 14.
Children’s Department CMUL/LUTH
P.M.B. 12003, Lagos.