Thursday, July 29, 2010


All mortal men and women in this world hate God!
All mortal Men And Women In This World hate God, love self and Hate jesus christ Like You Now Hate Me Because I Love Jesus Who First Loved Me And Gave His Life As Ransom For All Our Souls! I Refuse To Fall Down And Worship Selected Or Elected President, King Or Queen Of Britain And All Nations Including Nigeria As Violent Men And Women Rulers Who Take God’s Kingdom By Force From Jesus Christ The One Selfsame Spirit Giver From When John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Even Till Now! Mark 13:13, John 15:18(1-27), 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, Matthew 11:12, 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Hebrews 5:8.We Were Made To Sing To Exalt Queen Victoria Of Britain As The One Who Signed The Act Of British Parliament Slave Trade Eradication Into Law! We Forget The Truth That God Used Others Like David Livingstone Who Moved The Motion And Others Who Supported It! I Was Taught To Sing ‘Victoria, Ola Re Lawanje, Oso Gbogbo Eru Domo, Nile Eniyan Dudu, Which Means Queen Victoria Made Black Men And Women Who Are Slaves Children!” Martin Luther King Junior Broke The Burdensome Yoke, Of Capitalist Apartheid Evil, With Mahatma Gandhi’s Holy Spirit Principles Of A Religious Hindu Sheep Of Christ Jesus! Daniel 3:(1-4:37), Acts 4:32-37, John 10:27(1-42). Mammon Is all unrighteous nations Golden Idol That Mortal Leaders Build As Babel Towers To Find God And Make Name For Proud Ego, Money Seeking Lucifer Self! Pride Of Life Is Not Of Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Who Can Set Souls Truly Free From Delusions Of Grandeur! We Are Made To Love, Serve And Worship Mammon By Our Proud Lucifer Leaders Who Want To Raise Their Throne Above God’s Throne And Found Self In Hell, As Enemy Of Our Creator Who Is Our Holy Spirit Husband, Lord Of Hosts, Redeemer, Messiah And King Of All Mortal Kings In The Whole Universe Not Just Of This Ungodly Worldly Economically Buoyant Nations Which Are Passing Away With The Lusts Thereof! Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13, Daniel 3:1-31, Genesis 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 8:36, 1 John 2:16-29, Isaiah 14:12-15, 54:5-17, Revelations 19:16.
become a perfect true child of god like jesus christ Who Did Not Curse Those Crucifying Him At Calvary! He Pleaded With God, His One Holy Spirit Father Who Is Also Our Holy Spirit Father To Forgive Us For Crucifying Him Because We Do Not Know What We Are Doing As Blind Mammon Lovers And Servants! 2 Corinthians 6:17(14-18), Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:36(20-46), 23:34, Colossians 2:15, 2 Peter 2:23(1-25), John 9:39(1-41). No Man Or Woman Can Have Anything Unless God Gives It To Him Or Her Like John The Baptist Prophesied! What Do You Have Which Is Not The Gift Of God, And If A Gift, Why Do You Boast With It As If It Is Not God’s Gift? This Was What Saul, Loaned Of Tarsus Who Became Paul, Little The Apostle And Bond Servant Of Jesus Christ Who Taught Him The Gospel By Revelation Taught Him, Like He Taught Me By Inspirational Intuition, To Give Me Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Insight To Overcome Carnal Mind Of Death Sight! John 3:27(1-36), 1 Corinthians 1:25(1-31), 4:7(1-21), Acts 13:9, Romans 1:1, 8:6, Galatians 1:12. god gives provision for his vision given to you And I Without Our Having To Look For Loaned Money Support Of Mammon Lovers And Servant Like Our Carnal Mind Of Death Minded Brothers, To Fulfill Our Mission! Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Power Of God Seem Weakness To Man But Is Stronger Than All Men! 2 Corinthians 12:9, Matthew 6:24(19

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