Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My Dear Brother, Sister Or Mother Of Jesus Christ, Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21

politics is poly tricks of king saul loaned money!

you think that jesus christ is mad like yourself As One Of The Many Anti Christ’s That Are Already In The World, But I Do Not! You Do Not Want To Think Like Him Who Keeps Saying “You Poor Are Blessed And The Kingdom Of God Belongs To You But There Is Woe On You Rich” As God’s Word Of Truth That Sanctifies Souls For God Our Holy Father’s Use As His Disciples Who Obeys His Commands To Know Liberty Truth Of Son! John 8:31-36, 10:20, 17:17, 1 John 2:18, Luke 6:20-24, 17:21. Jesus Christ Learned Obedience By Suffering For Saying And Doing What God Commands To Stop Being An Undisciplined Bastard Like Many Of Us! You Will Die In Sin Of Unbelief If You Do Not Believe Everything That Jesus Christ Told Us! Indeed He Warned Me And You, That All Men Will Hate Us For His Name Sake And That Only Those Who Persevere To The End Having Faith In Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That Destroys Costly Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Made By Mammon Lovers And Servants Will Be Saved By Jesus Christ! Hebrews 5:8, 12:9(1-29), John 8:23-24, Mark 13:13, Romans 6:23, Luke 16:13(8-31). do not tell god what to do for you Like Jesus Christ Told Mary His Mother In The Good News Bible Translation Of John 2:4, As If You Know What You Need Which Only Our Spirit Father Knows, And Is Praying Continuously For Us In Line With His Perfect Mercy Decree Will Of Allah For All Mankind! Ask Him “Idina Sirantali Mustakima”, Lead Me In The Everlasting Way, For Holy Spirit Thought And Way Of Truth And Life Eternal Which Is Free Gift That Overcomes Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Of The World With God’s Word Of Truth! Matthew 6:8, Romans 6:23, 8:26-27, Hebrews 7:25, Psalm 139:23-24, John 14:6(1-30), Sura 19:21.

Politics Is Poly Tricks Of King Saul Loaned Money Men And Women Who Have Been Rejected As Leaders By God For Disobedience Which Is Worse Than Witchcraft And Stubborn Goat Pride Which Is Idolatry Of Turai Yar Adua Trying To Retain Nigerian Presidency Which Belongs To God For Her Partially Dead Unseen Husband! 1 Samuel 15:22-23, Luke 16:12(8-13), Matthew 6:24(19-34), 25:41(31-46). Democracy Demonstrate Madness Of Our Leaders Like Help Me Build My House Bankole The Speaker Of The House Of Representatives Whose Bluff Was Called By Members On Thursday March 4 2010! God Has Demonstrated Clearly To All Of Us In The Actions Of Our Democratic Leaders Concerning The Problem Of Absent President Umar Musa Yar Adua That Musa Is Not Truly In Control Of Nigeria! It Is Thereby Clear To All Of Us That Asking For A King Saul, Loaned God’s Prerogative Of Mercy Democratically Is Fraught With Danger, As All Of Us Have Become The Servant Of Unseen Principalities And Powers Which Are Not Flesh And Blood Human Beings That We See Occupy Positions Of Authority! Indeed It Only Appears That Capitalist Apartheid President Blessed Barak Obama Has All The Power He Appears To Have, Seeing That He Could Not Veto The Appointment Of Hilary Clinton As American Secretary Of State That Is Only Possible In God’s Holy Spirit Communist Socialism Among Believers In Christ Jesus Who Are Not Yoked To Unbelievers In The Kingdom Of God Within Everybody Which Does Not Come By Appearances That America Is Number One! 1 Samuel 8:4-22, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, Deuteronomy 33:27, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Luke 17:20-21. Stop Being A Hypocrit, Think Deeply! You Say Lailla Illa Alahu, That God The Allah Is Our One King, Who Is Closer To Everybody Than His Or Her Jugular Vein As The Omnipresent Unknown God In Who We Live And Move And Have Our Being! You However Want To Be More Honorable Than Your Brethren Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow To Make Them Sorrowful, Democratically, Temporally By Not Believing In Perfect Love Of God That Casts Out All Fear Of Being Oppressed By Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders With Death In The Power Of Their Tongue That You Think Belongs To You As A Leaders Who Has Not Learned About Life And Peace In The Power Of Your Tongue As Well! Acts 17:28(24-31), 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18, John 4:18, Proverbs 18:20-21, Romans 8:6(1-39).

Yours Faithfully,

Friend, Bride And Angel Of Jesus Christ John 15:15, Rev. 22:16-17

Faithfully Fighting Beside The Lamb. Rev. 17: 14.

Evangelist Dr. Adegboluga Olusegun Adenuga

Children’s Department Cmul/Luth

P.M.B. 12003, Lagos.

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