Sunday, May 10, 2009


JESUS CHRIST CAME BACK AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT In The Day Of The Lord After The Armageddon War, To Show Us That God Did Not Make Barack Obama The President Of America To Replace Himself After The Immediate Past President George W. Bush Who Rigged The Election Openly Twice And The Light Was So Good To Show The Whole World How A Violent Man Who Took The Kingdom By Force From Himself The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gifts To All Men As He Likes It, Promised To Deal With President Olusegun Obasanjo Who Donated Money For John Kerry’s Effort And Proclaimed There Is No Perfect Democracy In The World Before Rigging Musa Yar Adua Into Office Using Professor Iwu Law! Revelations 16:15-16, 2 Peter 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:2(1-28), Genesis 1:1-31, John 1:1-51, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12. Seek How To Promote Jesus Christ The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures Both The Holy Bible And Holy Quran Above All Principalities And Powers And Rulers Of Democratic Traditional Religious Violent Rulers Who Take The Kingdom Of God Within Themselves And Their Followers By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gifts That They Hold In Trust For Him As His Servants Of The Head Of All Principalities And Powers Who God Has Raised Far Above Them To Reign On His Throne At His Right Hand, Where He Has Gone To Prepare A Place For You And I As People Who Overcome And Receive His Crown Of Righteousness Of Righteous Abel The Immortal One Who Continues To Speak To God After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain Possession Possessing Elders Like Gamaliel Onosode Who Taught Us Not To Drink Alcohol In The Christian Fellowship Group When I Was In Medical School But Worked And Earned Alcohol Money In Nigerian Breweries! John 3:14, 10:17-18, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, Ephesians 1:21, 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 4:8, Revelations 3:21(1-22), Hebrews 11:4, Genesis 11:4-9. SEEK HOW NOT TO PROMOTE ANY MORTAL MAN’S FLESH AND BONE, Which Is Spiritually The Body Of Christ Our Creator Given Husband Of The Woman Who Is Our Individual And Corporate Flesh Above God Like We All Do Blindly As God To Others Militantly Traditionally, Religiously, Or Democratically As Violent Proud Egocentric Money Seeking Men And Women Who Take God’s Omnipresent Kingdom By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of Varying Gifts To All Of Us! The Unknown God Who Is Perfect And Merciful Wants Us To Know Him And Stop Burning Offerings Of Sinners Like Ourselves To Him Like America Did In Afghanistan And Iraq Under The Leadership Of President Burning Bush Who Disobeys God The I Am That I Am As A Soldier Who Frame Charges Against Bloody Civilians Because He Wants To Expand His Mortal Ancestor’s Mobil Oil Money Seeking Business Empire Blindly And Ended Up Destroying The Economy Of The United States Of America! Timothy 6:12, Exodus 14:13-14, Revelations 11:8-15, Romans 6:23, Luke 3:14, 17:21, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), Sura 3:45-47, 19:21.
LIFE KILLS DEATH KUM FAYA KUM From One Level Of Glory To The Other As A Particular Individual Who Is Called, Chosen And Faithfully Fighting Beside Jesus Christ The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World By His Or Her Testimony About The Efficacy Of His Blood Not Loving Our Carnal Mind Of Death Faith Above His Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Faith Of Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is Liberty! Sura 3:45-47, John 1:29, Revelations 12:9, 17:14, Romans 8:6, 12:1-21, 2 Corinthians 3:17. This Is The Story Of How God So Love The World And Gave Us His Only Begotten Son Of The Everlasting Father’s Prince Of Peace Who Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin On Earth, That Whosoever Believes In Him Will Not Perish But Inherit Eternal Life Free Gift Of The Sure Mercy Of David’s Root And Offspring Jesus Christ That God Truly Wants To Give As His Kingdom Within The Individual Who Sells Possession, Cain And Give Alms To The Poor Without Making A Show Of It Openly On The Television Like We See Gifted Pentecostal Pastor Chris Okotie And Our Corporate Organizations Do To Blindfold Sympathizers As Men And Women Who Appear To Be Philanthropists! John 3:16, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 9:6, Romans 6:23, Luke 12:32(29-34), 17:21, Revelations 22:16. IF YOUR EYE IS SINGLE AND FOCUSSED ON CHRIST JESUS DECREE OF MERCY OF ALLAH FOR ALL MANKIND, Your Spirit Body Will Be Full Of Light Of Life Of Christ Jesus Sure Mercy Of David, Beloved, Commander And Hero Of God That Spoilt And Triumphed Over Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Perfect Law Of Liberty Of Moses Whose Letter Is Being Made To Kill Without Waiting For Holy Spirit Who Inspired It To Interpret It Correctly! If Your Body Is Full Of Darkness Of Children Of Darkness Like Gamaliel Onosode The Vain Director Of Zain Who Was A Financial Adviser To Sanni Abacha Rubbish And Nonsense, Jesus Christ Is Sorry For You As A Rich Man On Who He Truthfully Prophesied Woe Because He Appears To Be An Incorporation Of Virtue As He Judges By Appearance Instead Of By Righteous Judgments! Matthew 6:22-23, Sura 19:21, John 7:24, 8:12, Colossians 2:15, James 1:25, 2 Corinthians 3:6, 2 Peter 1:20-21, 3:16, Luke 6:24(20-46), 16:8-13.

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