Monday, May 11, 2009


STOP SELLING YOUR BIRTHRIGHT TO EVIL GENUISES OF THIS WORLD Who God Catch In Their Craftiness As Proud Rulers Who Teach Breakthrough Stealing Methods Of Going A Little To The Right And A Little To The Left Crookedly Religiously Instead Of Being Straightforward Loving Mercy, Justice And Honesty Like Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation! Genesis 25:29-34, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Luke 16:8-13, Matthew 6:19-24, 23:23(1-39), Joshua 1:7-9. Learn That Money Is John 6:66 Of Revelations 13:18 Of John The Divine And Understand How The Omnipresent God And Perfect Mercy Spirit Father Of Money Seeking Punishment Power Discipline Spirits Of All Flesh Is The One Omniscient And Omnipotent Good Teacher To Who Christ Jesus Referred The Rich Young Religious Ruler Lawyer Tunde Bakare? He Ran To Proud Ego Money Self Seeking Mathematical Prophet Kumuyi, Death Takes The Glory For Possible Spiritual Protection From Someone He Saw As Having Higher Spiritual Authority Than Himself, When Proud Ego Money Self Seeking Mathematical Prophet Adeboye Has Come To Meet The Chieftaincy Cursed Him As A Former Servant Of Akindayomi Valor Has Become My Joy Who Was An Apparent Illiterate In The Worldly Sense But Heavenly Wise Child In The Kingdom Of God Within Himself In 1989 To Show How God Destroys The Wisdom Of Worldly Wise Men And Women! Kumuyi Told Him That He Has Gone From Frying Pan In Deeper Life Bible Church To The Fire In Redeemed Church Of God To Which He Ran When He Left Deeper Life Bible Church After Seeing Him On The Television Which He Called The Devil’s Box And Accused Him Of Not Doing What He Teaches His Followers To Do Like Tunde Told All Of Us Openly At His Latter Rain Assembly Religious Kingdom In 1994 When I Was A Student In His Bible College! Numbers 16:22, Matthew 5:48, 18:3, Luke 6:36, 17:21, 18:18-19, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Revelations 22:16(11-21). JESUS CHRIST OPEN OUR BLIND EYES TO BLIND OPEN EYES OF MONEY SEEKING PROPHETS Like Prophet Gift Of God Matthew Asimolowo We Shall Still Have Money Who Has Become Levi Joined The Tax Collector! He Is A Temporal, Temporary And Interim Friend Of Prophet Sin Decrease Sindinku Father Has Come Back Again Babatunde Bakare Father Of Virgins Like Lot Whose Bone And Flesh Body Spiritual Wife Looked Back And Became A Pillar Of Salt! He Reported Matthew’s Hostility When He Tried To Start A Legalized Pound Sterling Minting Religious Temple Tax Collecting Ministry In London To Us In His Congregation In His Latter Rain Assembly Kingdom In 1994-95 When I Was A Student In His Bible College Contrary To Christ Jesus Revelation To Simon Peter About Temple Tax Collection From Foreigners Only! John 9:39, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Genesis 6:3, 19:8-26, Deuteronomy 11:14, Matthew 17:26(24-27).
CHANGE YOUR EVIL MONEY DEATH MIND OF CURSES FOR TRUSTING FLESH TO GOOD MERCY LIFE MIND OF GOD’S BLESSINGS BY OBEYING CHRIST JESUS IMPLANTED WITNESS OF TRUTH TO UNITE US AS HIS SHEEP IN HOLY SPIRIT COMMUNIST SOCIALIST SANITY That Destroys Capitalist Apartheid Madness Of Kings Of Babel That Seeks God To Promote Proud Self, Ego, Money As God! Seek Growth Of Free Sure Mercy Of Jesus Christ David’s Root And Offspring Not Growth Of Saul’s Loaned Money That God Rejected As King Of Israel, God’s Spirit Contends For 120 Years For Us To Have A Change Of Heart From Loaned Money To Sure Mercy Of God! Jeremiah 17:5-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Ezekiel 36:25-26, Ephesians 5:26(25-32), James 1:21, 1 John 2:16(15-29), 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 18:37(1-40), Genesis 6:3, 11:4-9, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Isaiah 55:3(1-13), Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Hosea 6:6, 1 Samuel 16:1(15:23-16:23). Can You Now See How The Struggle To Capture Limited Pound Sterling Riches Competition Put Tunde Bakare And His Temporal Interim Friend Matthew Asimolowo Asunder? 2 Corinthians 4:18. It Is Only When You Are Working For Unlimited Free Sure Mercy Of David, Isaiah 55:3, Beloved, Commander And Hero, Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation, Joshua 1:7-9, That Is Inexhaustible That Can Bring Us Together Into God’s One Kingdom Of The One Lord Of The Scriptures Within All Of Us, Luke 17:21 That Your Soul Can Be Saved From Money Root Of Evil, 1 Timothy 6:10, Jealousy Of Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders In Militant Traditional And Religious Kingdoms! Revelations 11:8-15. ARE YOU THERE? This I Believe Was Why God Called Me Out Of Latter Rain Assembly Bible College Where God’s People Are Destroyed By Lack Of Knowledge Of The One True God By One Of The Many Anti Christ Money Agent Of Darkness Who Appears To Be An Agent Of God’s Mercy Light Where The Principal Tunde Bakare Never Attended A Bible College And The Dean Pastor Power Ike Was Groomed In A 3 Month Crash Course In That Same Bible College! Hosea 4:6, 6:6, Isaiah 6:6, 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Acts 17:24-31, 1 John 2:18(15-29), Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14.

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