Sunday, May 17, 2009


IT WAS BELOVED MURTALA MOHAMMED THE TRUTHFUL AND GLORIOUS MAN That Truly Tried To Unite Nigeria Between July 1965 To February 13 1966 As A True Moslem Who Has Pure White Faith In Allah! Believe God’s One And Only Begotten Son Christ Jesus So That You Will Not Die In Sin Of Believing Gifted Prophets Like Prophet Matthew Ashimolowo And Prophet Tunde Bakare Who Raise Money As Temple Tax Collectors That Only Foreigners Are Supposed To Pay To Their Conquerors Like Britain Has Been Doing From Their Colonies Including Nigeria Legally For Teaching Us Murder Lies Of Fathers Like Umaru Dikko Told Us About Their Not Allowing A Southerner To Rule Them In The North That I Unlearned From Jesus Christ As Opposed To What I Learned From Latter Rain Bible College Angel Of Darkness Who Appear To Be An Angel Of Light In 1994-95! John 3:16(1-36), 8:44(1-59), 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14. Can You Now See How The Struggle To Capture Limited Pound Sterling Riches Competition Put Tunde Bakare And His Temporal Interim Friend Matthew Asimolowo Asunder? 2 Corinthians 4:18. It Is Only When You Are Working For Unlimited Free Sure Mercy Of David Isaiah 55:3, Beloved, Commander And Hero, Christ Jesus That Is Inexhaustible That We Can Come Together In God’s One Omnipresent Spirit Lord’s Kingdom Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Within All Of Us, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Luke 17:21, That Your Soul Can Be Saved From Money Root Of Evil, 1 Timothy 6:10, Of Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders In Militant Traditional Kings And Religious Democratic Military Kingdoms! Revelations 11:8-15. GOD IS OUR ONE CREATOR AND FATHER OF SPIRITS, The Immortal Spirits Of All Mortal Flesh To Who We All Pray In Our Various Religious Persuasions Of Men! No Father Has Lived For One Day Which Is 1000 Years In The Eternal Father’s Kingdom Of Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace Who Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin As The Son, Immortal Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Within Everybody! Methuselah Whose Name Means When He Is Gone It Will Be Sent, Who Was Said To Have Lived For 969 Years Did Not Live For 1 Day! Indeed By Calculation Of The Figures Given In Genesis 5:25-32, He Died In The Year When Noah Whose Name Means Rest Entered The Ark When He Was 600 Years! Numbers 16:22, Sura 32:5, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8, Isaiah 9:6, 54:5(1-17), Matthew 9:6, 24:37-39, Genesis 2:7, 5:27-7:11.
BE ONE WITH ALLAH NOT WITH MAJORITY THAT DISOBEY ALLAH’S MERCY DECREE FOR ALL MANKIND And Follow Democratic Majority To Do Evil, Death And Curses Command Of Their Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Rich Employers Of Labor Who Proclaim That He Who Pays The Piper Dictates The Tune As Servants Of Mammon Which Is The God Of This World Instead Of The One True God Of Heaven Whose Word Of The Holy Spirit One Trinity That Bears Witness Of Truth Of Jesus Christ Is Settled Forever, Is The Good Life And Blessings Of God That Made Prophet Mohammed Whose Name Means The Truthful And Glorious Man Rich With No Added Sorrow Jabez, Of Continuing To Be Servant Of Hadeijat His Woman Employer Who Became His Wife And Help Mate! Sura 19:21, Exodus 23:2, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10, Revelations 11:8-15, Matthew 6:24(19-34), Luke 16:13, 1 John 5:7, Psalm 119:89, Proverbs 10:22, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Genesis 2:23(1-25). Christ Jesus Has Been Before Abraham Was! Do You Believe That Or Are You Dying In Sin Of Unbelief Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation? Jesus Christ The Chief Shepherd Has Appeared To Save Souls From Shepherds Who Are Lords Over His Heritage Instead Of Being Exemplary Elders! Let Every Soul Be Subject To The Higher Powers Has Been Misinterpreted To Mean Traditional, Religious And Military Kill And Go Democratically Elected Or Selected Rulers Because We Err Not Knowing The Scripture And Power Of God! We Are Born Blind To Truth That No Mortal Man Or Woman Is A Higher Power To Other Living Souls! Can You Now See Why My Revelation About My 1945 Born Classmate The Selected Vice Chancellor Of Lagos, Look And Go On Slowly University Professor Odugbemi That I Discussed In Another Article Is Not God’s Higher Power To Me, Who Does Not Make Haste Because I Believe Jesus Christ? Odugbemi Represents Principalities And Powers That Jesus Christ Spoiled And Triumphed Over At Calvary! John 8:58(23-59), 9:1-41, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 Peter 5:3-4, Revelations 22:12, Romans 13:1-14, Matthew 22:29-46, Isaiah 28:16, 1 Peter 2:9(1-25), Colossians 2:15. GOD HAS MANY NAMES INCLUDING YOUR OWN AND MINE LIKE JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SHOW US THAT WE ARE GODS AND ALL OF US ARE SONS Abel And Breath Of Life Of The Most High! Be Perfect And Merciful Like Jesus Christ Who Is One With God Our One True Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh Who Loves Good And Wicked People Alike With The Unconditional Agape Perfect Love Of God’s Unseen Eternal Life Free Gift Of Jesus Christ That Casts Out All Fear Of Temporal Lords That We See! Psalm 82:6(1-8), Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 10:34(1-38), 16:15, Matthew 5:43(17-48), Luke 6:36(20-46), 10:21-22, Numbers 16:22, Romans 6:23, 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18.


ARE YOU A TRUE BROTHER OR SISTER OF CHRIST JESUS, JOSHUA, GOD IS SALVATION Who Told Us In The Bible That Only Those Who Hear His Father Who Is The One Omnipresent God And Obey Him Are His True Brothers, Sisters And Mothers? In Christ The Omnipresent Holy Spirit Anointing Of God That Enabled Jesus Christ Of Nazareth To Heal Sin Sick Souls And Deliver All Souls From Proud Power Demonstration Of Bossy Leaders Who Are Lords Over God’s Heritage Instead Of Graceful Truth Exemplary Elders, There Is No East Or West, North Or South! It Is In Him That We Have One Great Fellowship Of Perfect Love That Casts Out All Fear Of Domination Of The North From Where Promotion Seem To Come By The East, West Or South From Which Promotion Does Not Come And Vice Versa In Nigeria And The Whole World At Large Including North And South America! Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, 4:18, Matthew 12:49-50, Mark 3:35, Luke 8:21, Acts 10:34-38, 1 Peter 5:3-4, Galatians 3:27-29, Colossians 3:11, Psalm 75:6. Judge Your Own Satanic Carnal Mind Of Death With Your Own Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Of Jesus Christ So That You Will Attain Self Control Against Which There Is No Law Of Sin And Death Enforcement As You Inherit Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David’s Root And Offspring Of The Bright And Morning Star That Overcomes Proud Lucifer Son Of The Morning Who Enforces Laws Of Sin And Death That He Himself Or Herself Is Guilty Of On Others And Thereby Condemns Himself Or Herself As An Ungodly Hypocrite! It Is Only By Judging Yourself First Before Encouraging Others To Follow Your Example As A Servant Leader That We Can Establish Heavenly Peace Of Jesus Christ With Each Other And Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Which Is Different From Indulgent Law Enforced Principalities And Powers And Wicked Spirits Of Errors In High Positions Of Traditional Religious And Military Democratic Authority Presumptuous And Secret Sin Of Keep Our Secrets Secret Children Of Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Light Of Life Of Jesus Christ Who Follow Him Out Of Adulterous Beliefs Of Those Whose Conscience Will Convict Them When Challenged That He Who Has No Sin Among Us Can Cast The First Stone At The Adulteress Caught In The Act! Galatians 5:23, Romans 6:23, 8:6(1-39), Ephesians 6:12, Luke 16:8-13, Psalm 19:13(1-14), John 8:12(1-59). OBEY ALL MERCY DECREES OF ALLAH That Angel Gabriel Told Mary The Mother Of Jesus Christ That He Is The Sign Of Laws That We Must Obey Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman And Her Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Who Will Be Called The Son Of God! Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Luke 1:35, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25).
BANKOLE MEANS HELP ME BUILD MY HOUSE Of Representatives Laws Of Jesus Christ The Head Of The House Who Is Called Beelzebub The Head Of Devils Who Warned Me That You Will Call Me Worse Names! He Also Told All Of Us Openly That You Will Hate Me For Telling You The Truth Like You Hated And Did Not Believe Him! It Is Only He Who Perseveres To The End In Spite Of The Tribulations That You Subject Me To Will Be Saved! Matthew 10:24-25, John 15:18, Mark 13:13. We All Have Equal Light Of Life Of Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God Christ Jesus That We Must Follow Out Of The Darkness Of Death Ways Of Proud Lucifer Wide And Easy Ways Of The World That Many People Are Following To Hell Instead Of Christ Jesus The One Way Of Truth And Life! Genesis 1:3(1-3), 2:7(1-25), John 1:3(1-51), 2:7(1-25), 8:12(1-59), 14:6(1-30), Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), Matthew 7:13-14, Isaiah 14:12-15. DO NOT LET ANYONE DECEIVE YOU WITH HUMAN HONOR And Do Not Deceive Yourself With God Given Miracle Working Power That Make People Look For You To Make You A King Which Jesus Christ Rejected And Ran Away From Men Who Are Looking For Him After The Miracle Of Feeding 5000 With 5 Loaves And 2 Fish! You Can Hear And See Other Men And Women Praise Singers Give You Honor Because They Do Not Love To Honor The One True Omnipresent God Who Is Immortal, Invisible, Omniscient And Omnipotent! He Alone Knows Those Who Love And Obey Him Like Jesus Christ His Beloved Son In Who He Is Well Pleased And To Who He Commanded His Disciples Peter, James And John To Listen On The Mountain Of Transfiguration To Be Saved From The Curse That God Proclaimed For Trusting Flesh Instead Of The Lord Who Can Test Each Heart And Try Its Reins To Give Everyone What His Or Her True Grace And Truth Works Of Jesus Christ Deserve! Jeremiah 17:5-10, Matthew 17:5, 24:4(1-51), James 1:16(1-27), John 1:17(1-51), 5:44(19-47), 6:15(1-71).

Monday, May 11, 2009


SET SOULS FREE WITH PERFECT LAWS OF LIBERTY, James 1:25, Of Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God, Genesis 2:7, In The Nostrils Of Everyone, To Who We Must Have Connection And Sever Connection With Men Whose Breath Are In Their Nostrils! Isaiah 2:22. He Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin On Earth, Matthew 9:6, In The Kingdom Of God That God Truly Wants To Give Each And Everyone Of Us Within Each Heart! Luke 12:32(29-34), 17:21. God’s Beloved Son Is The Prince Of Peace Of God The Everlasting Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits That Crucifies Christ With Which He Made All Human Being’s Flesh, 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 1:16, 3:17, 17:5, Isaiah 9:6, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, That You And I, James And John Are Not Aware Of And Asked Jesus Christ For Permission To Destroy Samaritans Who Are Half Blooded Jews With Fire Like Prophet Elijah Did In Error! Luke 9:54-56, 2 Kings 1:10-12. Examine And Judge All Our Laws Which Are Imperfect So That God Will Not Condemn You With The World That Make Imperfect Laws Of Sin And Death Which Will Condemn You If God Uses It To Judge You And Does Not Give You Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of Christ Jesus Root And Offspring Of David, Malachi 3:2, Romans 6:23, Psalm 19:7(1-14), Luke 6:37, Matthew 11:28-30, Revelations 22:16(11-21), The Beloved, Commander And Hero Of God’s Blessed Philippians 4:19 That You Receive When You Go On Your Knees Till Christ The Holy Spirit Knowledge Of God Is Formed In Your Heart By Faith By Foolish Galatians 4:19 That Overcomes The Accursed Genesis 4:1- 9 Of Elder Cain, Spear For Possessing Cain Possessions By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gift By Violent Gifted Men And Women Leaders From When John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Even Up Till Now! Psalm 19:7(1-14), 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, 12:11-12, Matthew 11:12, Romans 6:23. GOD MADE YOU AND I FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY In His Unseen Holy Spirit Image And Likeness And Planned Our Itinerary In Life Before We Lived 1 Day Which Is 1000 Years! When My Good Interim Friend Who Was Born In 1945 Like Myself The Professor Whose Spirit Is Subject To Other Professors Who Cause Confusions Not Authorized By God Told Me He Did Not Want To Accept Headship Of Department That He Was Offered When He Went To The University Ilorin, On Sabbatical Leave So That He Can Have Time To Do His Research, I Told Him The Head Of Department There Can Block Him If He Is Not Head! He Took My Advise And Hence Doctor Boaz Onile Owner Of The Soil Could Not Mess Him Around! This Is The Story Of Professor Tolulope To God Be Thanksgiving, God Supports Me Odugbemi The Current Vice Chancellor Of The University Of Lagos Whose Wife Had My Wife As Chief Bridesmaid When They Got Married! We Obeyed God’s Holy Spirit Command To Keep Them At Arms Length, For Sin Against Christ Jesus Our Commander In Chief’s Holy Spirit Marching Order Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! Sura 32:5, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4, 139:14-16, Genesis 1:27, 5:1-2, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Matthew 12:31-32, 1 John 5:16-17.
GOD GIVES US VICTORY OVER SIN AND DEATH LAWS Of Murderer And Liar Fathers That Men Have Selected For Us Like Professor Tolulope Odugbemi Whose Spirit Is Subject To Other Professors Who Cause Confusions Not Authorized By God’s Holy Spirit Who Is Not The Author Of Confusions! O Death Where Is Your Sting, And O Grave Where Is Your Victory? Where There Is No Law, There Is No Sin Like We All Can Become Through Jesus Christ Who Was Tempted In All Ways As We Are All Being Tempted, Yet He Did Not Sin! 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, 15:57(55-58), Romans 4:15, Hebrews 4:15, John 8:44. This Was How I Discovered That Jesus Christ Is My One And Only Eternal Life Free Gift Friend Who Will Not Be Disappointed When I Tell Him The Truth Like Tolu Was When I Told Him That I Did Not Vote For Him When He Contested For Provost Ship Of Our College Of Medicine Against Professor Olalekan My Honor Is Increased By One Servant Abudu Who I Think Is A More Straightforward Person And Not A Little To The Left And A Little To The Right Evil Genius Crooked Politician Person Who Goes To And Fro Like Satan When God’s People Gather, Who Became Provost After His Tenure When I Did Not Vote For Anyone Of Them! John 15:15(1-27), Romans 6:23, Joshua 1:7-9, Job 1:7. LAW OF HOLY SPIRIT IS TO OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE BY AGREEING AND WALKING WITH SURE MERCY HEART OF GOD That David, The Commander, Hero And Beloved Son Of God Jesus Christ Follows! Do Not Agree Or Walk With King Saul Loaned Money Authority Of Proud Lucifer Son Of The Morning Who Is Overcome By The Bright And Morning Star Of Jesus Christ That Wise Men From The East Followed To Bethlehem! 1 John 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 18:37-40, Amos 3:3, Colossians 3:3-11, Isaiah 55:3, Matthew 2:1-12, 11:28-12:7, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Isaiah 14:12-15, 55:3, 1 Samuel 16:7(15:23-16:23), Proverbs 16:6-7.


STOP SELLING YOUR BIRTHRIGHT TO EVIL GENUISES OF THIS WORLD Who God Catch In Their Craftiness As Proud Rulers Who Teach Breakthrough Stealing Methods Of Going A Little To The Right And A Little To The Left Crookedly Religiously Instead Of Being Straightforward Loving Mercy, Justice And Honesty Like Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation! Genesis 25:29-34, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Luke 16:8-13, Matthew 6:19-24, 23:23(1-39), Joshua 1:7-9. Learn That Money Is John 6:66 Of Revelations 13:18 Of John The Divine And Understand How The Omnipresent God And Perfect Mercy Spirit Father Of Money Seeking Punishment Power Discipline Spirits Of All Flesh Is The One Omniscient And Omnipotent Good Teacher To Who Christ Jesus Referred The Rich Young Religious Ruler Lawyer Tunde Bakare? He Ran To Proud Ego Money Self Seeking Mathematical Prophet Kumuyi, Death Takes The Glory For Possible Spiritual Protection From Someone He Saw As Having Higher Spiritual Authority Than Himself, When Proud Ego Money Self Seeking Mathematical Prophet Adeboye Has Come To Meet The Chieftaincy Cursed Him As A Former Servant Of Akindayomi Valor Has Become My Joy Who Was An Apparent Illiterate In The Worldly Sense But Heavenly Wise Child In The Kingdom Of God Within Himself In 1989 To Show How God Destroys The Wisdom Of Worldly Wise Men And Women! Kumuyi Told Him That He Has Gone From Frying Pan In Deeper Life Bible Church To The Fire In Redeemed Church Of God To Which He Ran When He Left Deeper Life Bible Church After Seeing Him On The Television Which He Called The Devil’s Box And Accused Him Of Not Doing What He Teaches His Followers To Do Like Tunde Told All Of Us Openly At His Latter Rain Assembly Religious Kingdom In 1994 When I Was A Student In His Bible College! Numbers 16:22, Matthew 5:48, 18:3, Luke 6:36, 17:21, 18:18-19, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Revelations 22:16(11-21). JESUS CHRIST OPEN OUR BLIND EYES TO BLIND OPEN EYES OF MONEY SEEKING PROPHETS Like Prophet Gift Of God Matthew Asimolowo We Shall Still Have Money Who Has Become Levi Joined The Tax Collector! He Is A Temporal, Temporary And Interim Friend Of Prophet Sin Decrease Sindinku Father Has Come Back Again Babatunde Bakare Father Of Virgins Like Lot Whose Bone And Flesh Body Spiritual Wife Looked Back And Became A Pillar Of Salt! He Reported Matthew’s Hostility When He Tried To Start A Legalized Pound Sterling Minting Religious Temple Tax Collecting Ministry In London To Us In His Congregation In His Latter Rain Assembly Kingdom In 1994-95 When I Was A Student In His Bible College Contrary To Christ Jesus Revelation To Simon Peter About Temple Tax Collection From Foreigners Only! John 9:39, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Genesis 6:3, 19:8-26, Deuteronomy 11:14, Matthew 17:26(24-27).
CHANGE YOUR EVIL MONEY DEATH MIND OF CURSES FOR TRUSTING FLESH TO GOOD MERCY LIFE MIND OF GOD’S BLESSINGS BY OBEYING CHRIST JESUS IMPLANTED WITNESS OF TRUTH TO UNITE US AS HIS SHEEP IN HOLY SPIRIT COMMUNIST SOCIALIST SANITY That Destroys Capitalist Apartheid Madness Of Kings Of Babel That Seeks God To Promote Proud Self, Ego, Money As God! Seek Growth Of Free Sure Mercy Of Jesus Christ David’s Root And Offspring Not Growth Of Saul’s Loaned Money That God Rejected As King Of Israel, God’s Spirit Contends For 120 Years For Us To Have A Change Of Heart From Loaned Money To Sure Mercy Of God! Jeremiah 17:5-10, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Ezekiel 36:25-26, Ephesians 5:26(25-32), James 1:21, 1 John 2:16(15-29), 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 18:37(1-40), Genesis 6:3, 11:4-9, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Isaiah 55:3(1-13), Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Hosea 6:6, 1 Samuel 16:1(15:23-16:23). Can You Now See How The Struggle To Capture Limited Pound Sterling Riches Competition Put Tunde Bakare And His Temporal Interim Friend Matthew Asimolowo Asunder? 2 Corinthians 4:18. It Is Only When You Are Working For Unlimited Free Sure Mercy Of David, Isaiah 55:3, Beloved, Commander And Hero, Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation, Joshua 1:7-9, That Is Inexhaustible That Can Bring Us Together Into God’s One Kingdom Of The One Lord Of The Scriptures Within All Of Us, Luke 17:21 That Your Soul Can Be Saved From Money Root Of Evil, 1 Timothy 6:10, Jealousy Of Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders In Militant Traditional And Religious Kingdoms! Revelations 11:8-15. ARE YOU THERE? This I Believe Was Why God Called Me Out Of Latter Rain Assembly Bible College Where God’s People Are Destroyed By Lack Of Knowledge Of The One True God By One Of The Many Anti Christ Money Agent Of Darkness Who Appears To Be An Agent Of God’s Mercy Light Where The Principal Tunde Bakare Never Attended A Bible College And The Dean Pastor Power Ike Was Groomed In A 3 Month Crash Course In That Same Bible College! Hosea 4:6, 6:6, Isaiah 6:6, 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Acts 17:24-31, 1 John 2:18(15-29), Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


SET SOULS FREE WITH PERFECT LAWS OF LIBERTY, James 1:25, Of Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God, Genesis 2:7, In The Nostrils Of Everyone, To Who We Must Have Connection And Sever Connection With Men Whose Breath Are In Their Nostrils! Isaiah 2:22. He Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin On Earth, Matthew 9:6, In The Kingdom Of God That God Truly Wants To Give Each And Everyone Of Us Within Each Heart! Luke 12:32(29-34), 17:21. God’s Beloved Son Is The Prince Of Peace Of God The Everlasting Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits That Crucifies Christ With Which He Made All Human Being’s Flesh, 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 1:16, 3:17, 17:5, Isaiah 9:6, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, That You And I, James And John Are Not Aware Of And Asked Jesus Christ For Permission To Destroy Samaritans Who Are Half Blooded Jews With Fire Like Prophet Elijah Did In Error! Luke 9:54-56, 2 Kings 1:10-12. Examine And Judge All Our Laws Which Are Imperfect So That God Will Not Condemn You With The World That Make Imperfect Laws Of Sin And Death Which Will Condemn You If God Uses It To Judge You And Does Not Give You Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of Christ Jesus Root And Offspring Of David, Malachi 3:2, Romans 6:23, Psalm 19:7(1-14), Luke 6:37, Matthew 11:28-30, Revelations 22:16(11-21), The Beloved, Commander And Hero Of God’s Blessed Philippians 4:19 That You Receive When You Go On Your Knees Till Christ The Holy Spirit Knowledge Of God Is Formed In Your Heart By Faith By Foolish Galatians 4:19 That Overcomes The Accursed Genesis 4:1- 9 Of Elder Cain, Spear For Possessing Cain Possessions By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gift By Violent Gifted Men And Women Leaders From When John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Even Up Till Now! Psalm 19:7(1-14), 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, 12:11-12, Matthew 11:12, Romans 6:23. GOD MADE YOU AND I FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY In His Unseen Holy Spirit Image And Likeness And Planned Our Itinerary In Life Before We Lived 1 Day Which Is 1000 Years! When My Good Interim Friend Who Was Born In 1945 Like Myself The Professor Whose Spirit Is Subject To Other Professors Who Cause Confusions Not Authorized By God Told Me He Did Not Want To Accept Headship Of Department That He Was Offered When He Went To The University Ilorin, On Sabbatical Leave So That He Can Have Time To Do His Research, I Told Him The Head Of Department There Can Block Him If He Is Not Head! He Took My Advise And Hence Doctor Boaz Onile Owner Of The Soil Could Not Mess Him Around! This Is The Story Of Professor Tolulope To God Be Thanksgiving, God Supports Me Odugbemi The Current Vice Chancellor Of The University Of Lagos Whose Wife Had My Wife As Chief Bridesmaid When They Got Married! We Obeyed God’s Holy Spirit Command To Keep Them At Arms Length, For Sin Against Holy Spirit Marching Order Of Jesus Christ Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! Sura 32:5, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4, 139:14-16, Genesis 1:27, 5:1-2, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Matthew 12:31-32, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, 1 John 5:16-17.
ALL MEN AND WOMEN ARE GIVEN ONE EQUAL SON OF GOD Through Who All Things Are Yours, Whether It Is Life Or Death, Things Present And Things To Come, All Belong To Each And Everyone Of Us Equally By Faith In Grace Of Christ Jesus Truth And Not By Work Of Murder Lies Of Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Of Our Murderer And Liar Fathers Like Professor Tolu Odugbemi Has Been Made To Me By Human Selection Not God’s Election! Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, John 1:17, 8:44, Ephesians 2:8-9. This Was How I Discovered That Jesus Christ Is My One And Only Eternal Life Free Gift Friend Who Will Not Be Disappointed When I Tell Him The Truth Like Tolu Was When I Told Him That I Did Not Vote For Him When He Contested For Provost Ship Of Our College Of Medicine Against Professor Olalekan My Honor Is Increased By One Servant Abudu Who I Think Is A More Straightforward Person And Not A Little To The Left And A Little To The Right Evil Genius Crooked Politician Person Who Goes To And Fro Like Satan When God’s People Gather, Who Became Provost After His Tenure When I Did Not Vote For Anyone Of Them! John 15:15(1-27), Romans 6:23, Joshua 1:7-9, Job 1:7. WHERE THERE IS NO LAW, THERE IS NO SIN Like We All Have Become Through Jesus Christ Who Was Tempted In All Ways As We Are All Being Tempted To Sin, Yet He Did Not Sin! Tolulope Odugbemi Is My Very Good Friend Who Can Become Worse Than An Enemy Like Late Nigerian President Eject Let Us Wait And See Who Is Born Into Wealth Kasimawo Abiola Was Forced To Say Against Father Of Many Nations Ibrahim Babangida Father In The Asorock House As The Evil Genius Who He Started By Defending! At The End, He Declared That Anyone Who Has A Friend Like Babangida Does Not Need An Enemy To Destroy Him (With Tea Like Americans Were Commissioned To Do) To End The Impasse Of The Annulled June 12 1993 Election Which Our One President Christ Jesus Disannulled! Romans 4:15, Hebrews 4:15, John 8:44, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Galatians 3:15-17.


STOP SELLING YOUR BIRTHRIGHT TO EVIL GENUISES OF THIS WORLD Who God Catch In Their Craftiness As Proud Rulers Who Teach Breakthrough Stealing Methods Of Going A Little To The Right And A Little To The Left Crookedly Religiously Instead Of Being Straightforward Loving Mercy, Justice And Honesty Like Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation! Genesis 25:29-34, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Luke 16:8-13, Matthew 6:19-24, 23:23(1-39), Joshua 1:7-9. Learn That Money Is John 6:66 Of Revelations 13:18 Of John The Divine And Understand How The Omnipresent God And Perfect Mercy Spirit Father Of Money Seeking Punishment Power Discipline Spirits Of All Flesh Is The One Omniscient And Omnipotent Good Teacher To Who Christ Jesus Referred The Rich Young Religious Ruler Lawyer Tunde Bakare? He Ran To Proud Ego Money Self Seeking Mathematical Prophet Kumuyi, Death Takes The Glory For Possible Spiritual Protection From Someone He Saw As Having Higher Spiritual Authority Than Himself, When Proud Ego Money Self Seeking Mathematical Prophet Adeboye Has Come To Meet The Chieftaincy Cursed Him As A Former Servant Of Akindayomi Valor Has Become My Joy Who Was An Apparent Illiterate In The Worldly Sense But Heavenly Wise Child In The Kingdom Of God Within Himself In 1989 To Show How God Destroys The Wisdom Of Worldly Wise Men And Women! Kumuyi Told Him That He Has Gone From Frying Pan In Deeper Life Bible Church To The Fire In Redeemed Church Of God To Which He Ran When He Left Deeper Life Bible Church After Seeing Him On The Television Which He Called The Devil’s Box And Accused Him Of Not Doing What He Teaches His Followers To Do Like Tunde Told All Of Us Openly At His Latter Rain Assembly Religious Kingdom In 1994 When I Was A Student In His Bible College! Numbers 16:22, Matthew 5:48, 18:3, Luke 6:36, 17:21, 18:18-19, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Revelations 22:16(11-21). OBEY CHRIST JESUS IMPLANTED WITNESS OF TRUTH TO UNITE US AS HIS SHEEP IN HOLY SPIRIT COMMUNIST SOCIALIST SANITY That Destroys Capitalist Apartheid Madness Of Kings Of Babel That Seeks God To Promote Proud Self, Ego, Money As God! Seek Growth Of Free Sure Mercy Of Jesus Christ David’s Root And Offspring Not Growth Of Saul’s Loaned Money That God Rejected As King Of Israel, God’s Spirit Contends For 120 Years For Us To Have A Change Of Heart From Loaned Money To Sure Mercy Of God! James 1:21, 1 John 2:16(15-29), 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 18:37(1-40), Genesis 6:3, 11:4-9, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Isaiah 55:3(1-13), Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Hosea 6:6, 1 Samuel 16:1(15:23-16:23).
JESUS CHRIST OPEN OUR BLIND EYES TO BLIND OPEN EYES OF MONEY SEEKING PROPHETS Like Prophet Gift Of God Matthew Asimolowo We Shall Still Have Money Who Has Become Levi Joined The Tax Collector! He Is A Temporal, Temporary And Interim Friend Of Prophet Sin Decrease Sindinku Father Has Come Back Again Babatunde Bakare Father Of Virgins Like Lot Whose Bone And Flesh Body Spiritual Wife Looked Back And Became A Pillar Of Salt! He Reported Matthew’s Hostility When He Tried To Start A Legalized Pound Sterling Minting Religious Temple Tax Collecting Ministry In London To Us In His Congregation In His Latter Rain Assembly Kingdom In 1994-95 When I Was A Student In His Bible College Contrary To Christ Jesus Revelation To Simon Peter About Temple Tax Collection From Foreigners Only! John 9:39, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Genesis 6:3, 19:8-26, Deuteronomy 11:14, Matthew 17:26(24-27). Can You Now See How The Struggle To Capture Limited Pound Sterling Riches Competition Put Tunde Bakare And His Temporal Interim Friend Matthew Asimolowo Asunder? 2 Corinthians 4:18. It Is Only When You Are Working For Unlimited Free Sure Mercy Of David, Isaiah 55:3, Beloved, Commander And Hero, Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation, Joshua 1:7-9, That Is Inexhaustible That Can Bring Us Together Into God’s One Kingdom Of The One Lord Of The Scriptures Within All Of Us, Luke 17:21 That Your Soul Can Be Saved From Money Root Of Evil, 1 Timothy 6:10, Jealousy Of Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Leaders In Militant Traditional And Religious Kingdoms! Revelations 11:8-15. ARE YOU THERE? This I Believe Was Why God Called Me Out Of Latter Rain Assembly Bible College Where God’s People Are Destroyed By Lack Of Knowledge Of The One True God By One Money Agent Of Darkness Who Appears To Be An Agent Of God’s Mercy Light Where The Principal Tunde Bakare Never Attended A Bible College And The Dean Pastor Power Ike Was Groomed In A 3 Month Crash Course In That Same Bible College! Hosea 4:6, 6:6, Isaiah 6:6, 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Acts 17:24-31, Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14.


JESUS CHRIST CAME BACK AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT In The Day Of The Lord After The Armageddon War, To Show Us That God Did Not Make Barack Obama The President Of America To Replace Himself After The Immediate Past President George W. Bush Who Rigged The Election Openly Twice And The Light Was So Good To Show The Whole World How A Violent Man Who Took The Kingdom By Force From Himself The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gifts To All Men As He Likes It, Promised To Deal With President Olusegun Obasanjo Who Donated Money For John Kerry’s Effort And Proclaimed There Is No Perfect Democracy In The World Before Rigging Musa Yar Adua Into Office Using Professor Iwu Law! Revelations 16:15-16, 2 Peter 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:2(1-28), Genesis 1:1-31, John 1:1-51, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12. Seek How To Promote Jesus Christ The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures Both The Holy Bible And Holy Quran Above All Principalities And Powers And Rulers Of Democratic Traditional Religious Violent Rulers Who Take The Kingdom Of God Within Themselves And Their Followers By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gifts That They Hold In Trust For Him As His Servants Of The Head Of All Principalities And Powers Who God Has Raised Far Above Them To Reign On His Throne At His Right Hand, Where He Has Gone To Prepare A Place For You And I As People Who Overcome And Receive His Crown Of Righteousness Of Righteous Abel The Immortal One Who Continues To Speak To God After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain Possession Possessing Elders Like Gamaliel Onosode Who Taught Us Not To Drink Alcohol In The Christian Fellowship Group When I Was In Medical School But Worked And Earned Alcohol Money In Nigerian Breweries! John 3:14, 10:17-18, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, Ephesians 1:21, 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 4:8, Revelations 3:21(1-22), Hebrews 11:4, Genesis 11:4-9. SEEK HOW NOT TO PROMOTE ANY MORTAL MAN’S FLESH AND BONE, Which Is Spiritually The Body Of Christ Our Creator Given Husband Of The Woman Who Is Our Individual And Corporate Flesh Above God Like We All Do Blindly As God To Others Militantly Traditionally, Religiously, Or Democratically As Violent Proud Egocentric Money Seeking Men And Women Who Take God’s Omnipresent Kingdom By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of Varying Gifts To All Of Us! The Unknown God Who Is Perfect And Merciful Wants Us To Know Him And Stop Burning Offerings Of Sinners Like Ourselves To Him Like America Did In Afghanistan And Iraq Under The Leadership Of President Burning Bush Who Disobeys God The I Am That I Am As A Soldier Who Frame Charges Against Bloody Civilians Because He Wants To Expand His Mortal Ancestor’s Mobil Oil Money Seeking Business Empire Blindly And Ended Up Destroying The Economy Of The United States Of America! Timothy 6:12, Exodus 14:13-14, Revelations 11:8-15, Romans 6:23, Luke 3:14, 17:21, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), Sura 3:45-47, 19:21.
LIFE KILLS DEATH KUM FAYA KUM From One Level Of Glory To The Other As A Particular Individual Who Is Called, Chosen And Faithfully Fighting Beside Jesus Christ The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World By His Or Her Testimony About The Efficacy Of His Blood Not Loving Our Carnal Mind Of Death Faith Above His Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Faith Of Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is Liberty! Sura 3:45-47, John 1:29, Revelations 12:9, 17:14, Romans 8:6, 12:1-21, 2 Corinthians 3:17. This Is The Story Of How God So Love The World And Gave Us His Only Begotten Son Of The Everlasting Father’s Prince Of Peace Who Alone Has God’s Authority To Forgive Sin On Earth, That Whosoever Believes In Him Will Not Perish But Inherit Eternal Life Free Gift Of The Sure Mercy Of David’s Root And Offspring Jesus Christ That God Truly Wants To Give As His Kingdom Within The Individual Who Sells Possession, Cain And Give Alms To The Poor Without Making A Show Of It Openly On The Television Like We See Gifted Pentecostal Pastor Chris Okotie And Our Corporate Organizations Do To Blindfold Sympathizers As Men And Women Who Appear To Be Philanthropists! John 3:16, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 9:6, Romans 6:23, Luke 12:32(29-34), 17:21, Revelations 22:16. IF YOUR EYE IS SINGLE AND FOCUSSED ON CHRIST JESUS DECREE OF MERCY OF ALLAH FOR ALL MANKIND, Your Spirit Body Will Be Full Of Light Of Life Of Christ Jesus Sure Mercy Of David, Beloved, Commander And Hero Of God That Spoilt And Triumphed Over Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Perfect Law Of Liberty Of Moses Whose Letter Is Being Made To Kill Without Waiting For Holy Spirit Who Inspired It To Interpret It Correctly! If Your Body Is Full Of Darkness Of Children Of Darkness Like Gamaliel Onosode The Vain Director Of Zain Who Was A Financial Adviser To Sanni Abacha Rubbish And Nonsense, Jesus Christ Is Sorry For You As A Rich Man On Who He Truthfully Prophesied Woe Because He Appears To Be An Incorporation Of Virtue As He Judges By Appearance Instead Of By Righteous Judgments! Matthew 6:22-23, Sura 19:21, John 7:24, 8:12, Colossians 2:15, James 1:25, 2 Corinthians 3:6, 2 Peter 1:20-21, 3:16, Luke 6:24(20-46), 16:8-13.


PARTIAL BLINDNESS CAUSES WARS BETWEEN NATIONS WHO ARE NOT EXALTED ABOVE OTHER NATIONS BY RIGHTEOUSNESS Of Righteous Abel, Son And Breath Of Life Of God’s Immortal One Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain Spear Of Elders Who Want To Possess His Possessions Cain By Sin Which Is A Reproach To All People Including America That Murdered Red Indians To Take Over Their Land Which Is Now Called America! This Is Why Jesus Christ Commanded Us To Ask For Holy Spirit One Hard And Narrow Way Of Truth And Life Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Which Leads To Heaven Where The Word Of God Our One Holy Spirit Word That Bears One Trinity Witness Is Settled Forever And The One Trinity Witness Of Christ Jesus Blood And Water Shed With A Spear, Cain, To Possess His Possessions Cain By Force From The One Selfsame Spirit Giver Of All Gift To All Living Soul Mortal Human Beings Who Are Flesh That Profits Nothing That Bears Witness With The Holy Spirit Is Settled Forever On Earth In Every Earthen Vessel Mortal Body Of Christ Our One Life Giving Spirit Lord In Who Alone There Is Liberty As One Is Moved From One Level Of Grace Glory To The Other Spiritually By Faith In The True God Who Is The One King Who Is The Avenger That Will Repay Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Olusegun Obasanjo The King Who Was The Temporal Avenger In Nigeria! James 4:1-17, Proverbs 14:34, Genesis 2:7, 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, Luke 11:13, Matthew 7:13-14, 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, 15:45, John 6:63, 14:6(1-30), 19:34, Psalm 119:89, 1 John 5:7-8, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Romans 12:19(1-21), Revelations 22:12(11-21). He Who Will Be Valiant Against All Disasters Must In Constancy Follow The Master Who Is Christ In Your Own Heart As Your Own Hope Of Glory! There Is No Discouragement That Shall Make You Relent Once Because Your First Avowed Intent Is To Be A Pilgrim Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation’s One Hard And Narrow Way Of Truth Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That Leads To Heaven Where The Word Of God The Father’s Holy Spirit Trinity Bear One Witness Is Settled Forever In God’s Kingdom Within You And I! Matthew 7:13-28, 23:8(1-39), Colossians 1:27, Joshua 1:7-10, 1 John 1:7-10, 5:7-8, Psalm 119:89, Luke 17:21. Whoso Beset Him Round With Dismal Stories, Do But Themselves Confound, His Strength The More Is. NO FOE SHALL STAY HIS MIGHT, THOUGH HE WITH GIANTS FIGHT: HE WILL MAKE GOOD HIS RIGHT TO BE A PILGRIM! Since Lord Thou Dost Defend Us With Thy Spirit, We Know We At The End Shall Life Inherit! Then Fancies Flee Away, I’ll Fear Not What Men Say, I’ll Labor Night And Day To Be A Pilgrim! We Did Not Choose Jesus Christ, He Chose Us And Ordained Us To Go And Bear Fruit Of God’s Holy Spirit That Came On The Day Of Pentecost To Bear One Word Witness Of Truth Of Christ Jesus With God Our Father That Sanctifies Souls Forever! John 15:16(1-27), 17:17(1-26), 18:37(1-40), Acts 2:17(1-40), Joel 2:28.
ALL THINGS ARE YOURS BY GRACE OF CHRIST JESUS TRUTH AND NOT BY WORKS Of Righteousness Of Enforcing The Law Of Moses Wages Of Sin Is Death Which Is Filthy Rag Before The Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Eternal Life Free Gift Giving God Who Is Our One Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits Of All Flesh Including Professor Iwu, Law And President Musa Moses Used By The Head Of All Principalities And Powers For His Permissive Will Democratic Purpose In Nigeria! Ephesians 2:8-9, Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, 3:21-23, John 1:17(1-51), Isaiah 64:6, Romans 6:23, 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 1:16, Colossians 1:15(13-20), 2:9-10. Christ Jesus The Giver Of Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy Of David, Beloved, Commander And Hero Root And Offspring Is The One True God Who Is Victor Olusegun Obasanjo The King Who Is The Avenger Who Proclaims Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay The Deceitful And Desperately Wicked Olusegun Obasanjo Who Exploited His God Given Position Of Authority As A Child Of Democratic Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of The Light Of Life Of Jesus Christ Now In Their Generation To Enforce Moses Who Did Not Reach The Promised Land And Jonathan Who Did Not Reign On Saul His Father’s Throne On All Nigerians Temporally But Perfect Love Of Truth That Let Us Wait And See Who Is Born Into Wealth Will Drive These Spiritual Sodom And Egypt Rulers Out Forever! Amen! Romans 6:23, 12:19(1-21), 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18, Revelations 11:8-15, 22:16(11-21), Isaiah 55:3, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Deuteronomy 34:5(1-12), 1 Samuel 31:2-6. THIS WAS WHY CHRIST JESUS WHO WAS ASKED WHEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD THAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT, WILL COME? Proclaimed That The Kingdom Of God Does Not Come In A Way To Be Seen As American Wonder! It Is Also Not To Be Seen By The Display Of The Beautiful Sight Of Paris That Men Say You Should See And Die! Indeed, Not By The Demonstration Of Miracle Performing Power Gift Of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers And Pastors Who Are Called And Chosen By Jesus Christ, But Not Faithfully Fighting Beside The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World! Luke 17:20, Ephesians 4:11(1-14), Revelations 17:14, John 1:29.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


WITNESS OF TRUTH IS GOD’S GRACE LAW OF MOSES Musa Which I Found In My Closet Of Prayer, Yara Adua When I Asked It Of The Lord Like Samuel Whose Robe Tore When Saul Tried To Entreat Him To Go And Worship God Religiously And The God Of Israel Who Does Not Repent And Change His Mind Tore The Kingdom From His House! Seek To Give Mercy With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind And Might And Find It In Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation’s Kingdom Of God Our One Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirit Murderer And Reign With Him On His Throne At The Right Hand Of Unlimited Mercy Power Of God Which Seems Weakness To Us, But Is Stronger Than All Men And Women With Limited Money Power Rolled Into One As Liar And Murderer Fathers Of The World Like President Musa Yar Adua And President Barack Obama! John 1:17, 8:44, Matthew 6:6, 22:29-46), 1 Samuel 15:28(23-16:23), Acts 20:35, Genesis 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13, 1 Corinthians 1:24(1-31, Mark 1:24, 12:29-31, Luke 12:29-34, 17:21, Joshua 1:7-9, Revelations 3:21(1-22). God Sent Jesus Christ To Show Us His One Way Of Being One With Him Like Jesus Christ Demonstrated To Show All Living Soul Mortal Human Beings, Male And Female, Old And Young, Rich And Poor, King Or Slave That He Has Loved Each And Everyone Of Us Equally John 17:21(1-26), Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), And Given Us His Only Begotten Son, Righteous Abel, And Immortal Breath Of Life Breathed Into Our Nostrils As His Immortal Son Of Love Jesus Christ, That Anyone Who Believes In Him, Will Not Perish But Inherit Eternal Life Free Gift! John 3:16(1-36), Romans 6:23. Isaiah 2:22 Commands Us To Sever Connection With Man Whose Breath Is In His Nostrils And 2 Peter 2:22 Commands You Not To Go Back To Your Vomit Like A Dog! Follow The One Hard And Narrow Way Of Truth And Life Of Jesus Christ Commanded By God’s Breath Of Life In Your Own Nostrils To Get To Heaven Where God’s Word Is Settled Forever In His Kingdom Within You And I! John 14:6, Matthew 7:13-14, Psalm 119:89, 1 John 5:7-8, Luke 17:21. LET ME GIVE YOU SOME TIPS IN THE SPIRITUAL STUDY OF NUMEROLOGY As You See 4:29 In Deuteronomy Relation To 29:13(1+3=4) In Jeremiah Above! Proud Lucifer’s Wide And Easy Ways That Lead To Death And Hell Seem Right To All Of Us Who Are Born Blind Spiritually So That God Can Be Glorified By Opening The Individual’s Blind Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Insight Of Jesus Christ To Blind The Individual’s Open Carnal Mind Of Death And Chaotic Darkness Of Genesis 1:2 With The Light Of Genesis 1:3 Which Is So Good As To Destroy Capitalist Apartheid Democratic Madness Of The King Of Babylon Confusion Babel To Regain Your Throne With Holy Spirit Communist Socialist Sanity Of Christ Jesus At The Right Hand Of God Our Spirit Father Who Wants Us To Be Holy Like Himself! Isaiah 14:12-15, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, Matthew 7:13-14, 16:25, John 9:39(1-41), 16:25, Romans 8:6(1-41), Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37.
IN THIS WORLD I HAD TRIBULATIONS Pleading Free Sure Mercy Commands Of Jesus Christ For All Sinners Including Kings And Servants Because It Is Regarded As Indulgence By Men And Women Who Have Faith In Punishment Law Enforcement To Be Set Truly Free By Jesus Christ! This Was How I Learned The Truth By Obeying Christ Jesus Words Of Allah’s Mercy Decree Of The Son Of Mary Which I Obey Kum Faya Kum To Glorify My Bone And Flesh Woman Body And My Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God Breathed Into The Nostrils Of All Mortal Men And Women In God’s Kingdom Within You And I! John 8:31-36, 16:33 A, Revelations 22:16, Isaiah 55:3, Matthew 11:28-30, 12:7, Hosea 6:6, Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91. In The Year That King Sad Dam Hussein Died In The War Of Armageddon That Came As A Thief In The Night, At The Hand Of King Bush In The Burning Bush Of Babylonian Babel, I Saw Clearly The I Am, That I Am Lord God’s One Spirit Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty From Oppression Of All Murderer And Liar Fathers Who Send Their Soldiers To Enforce Law Of Sin And Death On Their Enemies In Disobedience To Holy Spirit Thou Shall Not Kill Command In Exodus 20:13, And Deuteronomy 5:17, Which Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! Matthew 12:31-32. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO LAW AGAINST BEING KILLED By Others Using Man Made Imperfect Laws Like We Used To Kill Christ Jesus Perfect Love That Drives Out All Fear And Made Him Lay Down His Life As Ransom For All Souls To Show Us That The Power Of Life And Death That Our Temporal Rulers Who Terrorize And Enforce Imperfect Laws Of Wages Of Sin Is Death Law On Others Is Of Mammon The Devil That Jesus Christ Was Manifested To Destroy As Work Of Cain, Possession And Spear 2000 Years Ago, Which Is Like 2 Days In Holy Spirit Calendar And Not Of God Whose Free Gift Of Eternal Life Free Sure Mercy Is From Christ Jesus Root And Offspring Of David! Isaiah 6:6, Revelations 16:15-16, 22:16(11-21), Exodus 3:1-14, Genesis 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, John 8:44, Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Romans 6:23, 10:6-10, 2 Peter 3:8, 1 John 3:8-12, 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18.