Saturday, October 18, 2008


stop striving to please human being’s flesh!

Meaning Of Your Name And Your Worldly Titles Affect Your Destiny like saul loaned became paul little before david beloved commander and hero that god chose as replacement! Your Flesh That You Must Resist After Submitting To The Lord, Is The Devil Who Competes Against Your Spirit Destiny Of God’s Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That You Receive Through Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty! Acts 13:9, 1 Samuel 16:1(15:23-16:23), James 4:7(1-17), 2 Corinthians 3:17-18. You Are Blessed When Men Revile You And Persecute You Falsely And Disbelieve You Like Jesus Christ Salvation Plan But Woe To You When Men Praise You Like Judas Whose Name Means Praise As A False Disciple Of Jesus Christ Who Betrayed Jesus, For 30 Pieces Of Silver Because He Was Looking For Money Which Seems To Answer All Things For Building A City Named Enoch Which Is Not The Enoch Who Walked With God To Be One With God Like Jesus And Taken To Prove To The World That God Himself Sent Jesus Christ! John 15:18(1-27), Mark 13:13, Luke 6:22-24, 10:19, Ecclesiastes 10:19, 1 John 2:16-29, Joshua 1:7-9, Genesis 4:17, 5:24, John 17:21-23, Proverbs 25:26-28. strive to Please God’s Spirit alone Like A True Son Or True Daughter Of God Led By The One Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Trinity Word Of God The Father’s Holy Spirit That Bears One Trinity Witness With The Blood And Water Shed With A Spear Like Jesus Christ Did, So That God His Father Who Is Also Our One True Holy Spirit Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray Will Always Be With You! Romans 8:14, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, 1 John 5:7-8, John 8:29(1-49), 19:34, Numbers 16:22.

We Are All Created As Gods And Sons Abel And Breath Of Life Of The Most High! God Made Each One Of Us One God’s Life Giving Spirit Second Adam And One Mortal Living Soul Flesh And Bone Of Christ From The Very Beginning And Commanded The Man Who Is Flesh Must Leave His Father And Mother And Become One With His Bone And Flesh Wife Not The Wife Leaving her Mother And Father To Become A Slave In The Husband’s Household Like We Practice In The World Where She Is Unloved Like Jesus Christ The Husband Loves His Church Which Is Every Human Body For Which He Laid Down His Life! Psalm 82:6, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 3:29(1-36), 6:63, 10:34-38, 16:25, Matthew 16:25, Proverbs 16:25, Ephesians 5:30(25-32)..God Commanded Prophet Father Has Returned Again, Babatunde Bakare, Father Of Virgins Like Lot Whose Wife The Flesh And Bone Body Of Christ His Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Husband Looked Back And Became A Pillar Of Salt, Genesis 19:8-26, 1 Corinthians 15:45, To Leave Prophet Enoch Adeboye’s Redeemed Church Of God Whose Water Was Polluted As The Prophet To Who His Spirit Was Subject Instead Of God Who Does Not Cause Confusion To Lose God’s Son Protection For His City! I Was Commanded To Leave Latter Rain Assembly Where Bakare Appears To Be An Angel Of Light! Proverbs 25:26-28, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Ephesians 5:25-28, Deuteronomy 11:14, 2 Corinthians 11:14. stop striving to please human being’s flesh! Jesus Christ Did Not Come To Judge Or Blame The World, He Came To Seek And Save The Lost Sheep Of Israel, God Contends With Flesh That Love To Judge Others By Appearances Instead Of Righteous Abel, Son And Breath Of Life Of God’s Judgments For 120 Years But Not Forever! John 12:47(1-50), 7:24, 2:7(1-25), Genesis 2:7(1-25), 4:10, 6:3, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4.

god himself is working out his purpose!

Have Faith In Sure Mercy Truth Thoughts Of Jesus Christ That Overcome Faith In “Owo Alare” Other People’s Money Liar Thoughts Of The Ijebu People! God Reigns In Zion Among Jebusites Who David Conquered Militarily And Changed Zion’s Name To The City Of David! A True And Tried Jebusite Stone Shall Triumph Over Violent Traditional Religious And Democratic Darkness Children Of Keep Our Secrets Secret Who Take God’s Kingdom By Force From Jesus Christ The Unseen Selfsame Spirit Giver Of Gifts To Men Like Senate President Beloved, Commander And Hero David Mark Big Hammer And Other Interim Builders Of Nigeria That We See! Isaiah 28:16, 55:3, Luke 16:12(8-13), 1 Peter 2:6(1-25), 2 Samuel 5:6-9, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, John 1:17, 8:12. God Has Now Restored Zion To The Jebusites! We Appear To Be Dreaming As We Are Moved From One Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Level Of Jebusite Obafemi Awolowo To Babafemi Ogundipe Who Was Neutralized By Middle Belt Sup Planter, Under Miner Cheat Jacob Gowon Go On With One Nigeria Who Himself Apologized To Us For Evil Done Using Him As A Puppet Military King Of Nigeria And Now Heaven Sent Timothy Honoring God Born By A Jebusite Jehovah Is My God Elijah Adenuga Crown In The Palace Father Who Wanted To Sacrifice Him Unsuccessfully Like Jebusite Samuel Olaitan Wealth And Honor Is Inexhaustible False Religious Father In The Lord That The Lord Jesus Christ Command Us Not To Call Father On Earth. God Our One True Holy Spirit Father Of Murderers And Liar Fathers Like Both Of Them Turned Out To Be Saved My Soul From Destruction By Both Of Them Who Were Buried This Year 2008 Because I Obeyed Jesus Christ To Write Olaitan That He Is My Brother Not My Father In The Lord! Psalm 126:1-6, Romans 8:6(1-39), 12:1-21, John 8:44(1-59), Matthew 23:9(1-39). God Himself Is Working Out His Purpose of making us find grace in his eyes like noah did, to find rest of god in noah’s rest ark in our personal mind As Year Succeeds To Year As The Earth Is Now Being Filled With God’s Glory As The Waters Cover The Sea! Become God’s One True Victor And Avenger Like Jesus Christ (Not A Military Wicked Liar Father Like Olusegun Obasanjo)! God Is Our One Immortal Invisible Omnipresent King Of All Mortal Kings Like All Abominations Of Desolation That We See Steal God’s Honor Like American President George W. Bushman The Terrorist Who Seem Civilized! Habakkuk 2:14, Isaiah 11:9, Genesis 6:8-9:29, Romans 12:19(1-21), John 8:44, Revelations 19:16, Daniel 11:31-32, Matthew 24:15(1-51).

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