Friday, September 26, 2008


every man’s way is right in his or her sight!

Every Man’s Way Is Right In His Or Her Sight But God Judges Your Heart Not Your Appearance Which May Deceive You Yourself. This Is Why We Are All Misleading Each Other With Self Determined Wide And Easy Ways That We Follow To Proud Lucifer’s Hell! Proverbs 21:2, Matthew 7:13-14, Isaiah 14:12-15. The Way That Seems Right To All Of Us Lead To Death In Hell Of Lucifer Because We Do Not Understand The Parables Of Jesus Christ The David, Commander, Hero And Beloved Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God Whose Word As The Son Of Mary’s Decree Of Mercy Of Allah Must Be Obeyed Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman Mary, Marah, Bitter Water Which Becomes Drinkable At Marah And Exquisite Wine At Cana In Galilee When The Servants Obeyed Christ Jesus Command To Fill Religious Cleansing Pots With Water At The Wedding Of Christ To His Bone And Flesh Wife Forever! Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 16:25, Isaiah 14:12-15, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, Matthew 3:17, 16:25, 17:5, 22:29-46, Exodus 15:23-26, Ephesians 5:32(25-33), Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91. Do Not Steal Money With Authority Like All Traditional Religious And Military Kill And Go Leaders Who Are Our Bosses Instead Of Unprofitable Servants Of God In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I, Do Blindly Not Knowing That It Is Worse Than Armed Robbery Like Olufela Ransom Kuti Preached Truthfully In Song As The Gospel Which His Professor Brother Who Was Privy To His Being Ejected With Aids Virus By Government When He Was Nigerian Federal Minister Of Health Rejected! John 10:8(1-42), 9:1-41, Matthew 10:8(1-42), 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Luke 17:10(7-21), Philippians 2:9(1-13), 3:7-11.

our flesh is dead without god’s spirit! james 2:26

God’s Breath Of Life Is The Spirit Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Who Gives Life Whose Words Of Commanded Faith In Grace And Truth Is Spirit And Life That Overcomes The Disgrace Work Of Professor Iwu’s Law Of Moses That Brought Musa Yar Adua Into Government And Power By Murderer Father’s Lies At Calvary 2000 Years Ago! Joshua 1:7-9, Genesis 2:7, John 1:17, 2:7, 6:63, 8:44, Colossians 2:15, 1 John 3:8-12. The Devil Is Cain Which Means Possessions And Spear Used To Shed Jesus Christ’s Blood And Water That Bears One Trinity Witness With God’s Spirit With Who You And I Have Been From The Very Beginning In Genesis Like Jesus Christ Told Us That The Spirit Who Will Come On The Day Of Pentecost Will Do With All Of Us Like I Am Doing Now In John 15:26-27 To Confirm The One Trinity Witness Of God Our One True Father’s Holy Spirit Word Is Doing In Heaven Where The Word Of God Is Settled Forever In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I! Genesis 4:10(1-17), John 19:34, Acts 2:1-40, 1 John 5:7-8, Psalm 119:89, Luke 17:21. Our Flesh Is Dead Without God’s Spirit Who Is God’s Breath Of Life Who Lead God’s True Sons And True Daughters From Within! This Is Why Declaration Of Faith In Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ Is Dead Without Musa Yar Adua’s Grace Action Of Being A True Servant Leader Is Also Dead! He Who Stole The Oil Of Gladness From The Loft Like Professor Maurice Iwu And Former President Olusegun Obasanjo For Him Are Not As Guilty As President Musa Yar Adua Who Accepted Stolen Presidency As A Fence Like The Yoruba Adage “Eniti Ogbe Epo Laja Ko Jale Bi Eniti O Gba Sile” Stipulates Clearly! James 2:26, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 8:14, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, John 1:17, Luke 17:10, Habakkuk 2:2-14, Psalm 45:7, Hebrews 1:9.

god gave all of us his equal son freely!

God Gave All Of Us His Equal Son Freely So That We Can Share All Things Freely And Equally With Him In The Sane Holy Spirit Socialist Communist All Men And Women Are Equal Living Soul Style And Not In The Mad Capitalist Apartheid Some Are More Equal Than Others Abomination Of Desolation Style! Romans 8:32, Ezekiel 18:25, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, 11:31-32, Matthew 24:15(1-51). Our Immortal, Invisible Omnipresent Holy Spirit Is God’s Breath Of Life Righteous Abel, Son That Set Us Free From Our Servants Who Cannot Set Anyone Truly Free Like Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Who Told Us That Before Abraham Was I Am! The I Am Spoke To Moses From The Bush That Burns Without Destroying The Vegetation As The Work That God Does Which Is Perfect And You Cannot Frame Charges Against Bloody Civilians Like General David Mark Big Hammer Is Doing! Genesis 2:7, 4:10, John 8:36(1-59), 2 Corinthians 3:17, Exodus 3:14, Ecclesiastes 3:14. It Is Time To Kindle Christ Jesus Fire That He Came To Cast On Earth After Being Crucified As His Own Baptism Of Fire Which He Endured! He Demonstrated Clearly That Musa Yar Adua Who Is A Relative Of Atiku Abubakar Is His Worst Enemy When Democratic Honor Of Being More Honorable Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow Is Concerned “Anjuwon Kosewilejo, Ija Ilara Kotan Boro” Like Ernest Sonekan Was Used By Babangida As An Interim Leader To Check Mate His Egba Relative Kasimawo Abiola! God’s Perfect Love That I Now Have For True Equity And Justice Of God Whose Way Is Equal While Our Elder’s Ways Are Unequal Cast Out All My Fear Of Violent Men And Women Who Steal God’s Authority By Force From Christ Jesus Given Temporal Gifts Of Possessions Cain! Luke 12:49-53, 14:26-27, Matthew 10:8(1-42), 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Ezekiel 18:25, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18.

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