Friday, September 26, 2008


every man’s way is right in his or her sight!

Every Man’s Way Is Right In His Or Her Sight But God Judges Your Heart Not Your Appearance Which May Deceive You Yourself. This Is Why We Are All Misleading Each Other With Self Determined Wide And Easy Ways That We Follow To Proud Lucifer’s Hell! Proverbs 21:2, Matthew 7:13-14, Isaiah 14:12-15. The Way That Seems Right To All Of Us Lead To Death In Hell Of Lucifer Because We Do Not Understand The Parables Of Jesus Christ The David, Commander, Hero And Beloved Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God Whose Word As The Son Of Mary’s Decree Of Mercy Of Allah Must Be Obeyed Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman Mary, Marah, Bitter Water Which Becomes Drinkable At Marah And Exquisite Wine At Cana In Galilee When The Servants Obeyed Christ Jesus Command To Fill Religious Cleansing Pots With Water At The Wedding Of Christ To His Bone And Flesh Wife Forever! Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 16:25, Isaiah 14:12-15, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, Matthew 3:17, 16:25, 17:5, 22:29-46, Exodus 15:23-26, Ephesians 5:32(25-33), Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91. Do Not Steal Money With Authority Like All Traditional Religious And Military Kill And Go Leaders Who Are Our Bosses Instead Of Unprofitable Servants Of God In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I, Do Blindly Not Knowing That It Is Worse Than Armed Robbery Like Olufela Ransom Kuti Preached Truthfully In Song As The Gospel Which His Professor Brother Who Was Privy To His Being Ejected With Aids Virus By Government When He Was Nigerian Federal Minister Of Health Rejected! John 10:8(1-42), 9:1-41, Matthew 10:8(1-42), 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), Luke 17:10(7-21), Philippians 2:9(1-13), 3:7-11.

our flesh is dead without god’s spirit! james 2:26

God’s Breath Of Life Is The Spirit Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Who Gives Life Whose Words Of Commanded Faith In Grace And Truth Is Spirit And Life That Overcomes The Disgrace Work Of Professor Iwu’s Law Of Moses That Brought Musa Yar Adua Into Government And Power By Murderer Father’s Lies At Calvary 2000 Years Ago! Joshua 1:7-9, Genesis 2:7, John 1:17, 2:7, 6:63, 8:44, Colossians 2:15, 1 John 3:8-12. The Devil Is Cain Which Means Possessions And Spear Used To Shed Jesus Christ’s Blood And Water That Bears One Trinity Witness With God’s Spirit With Who You And I Have Been From The Very Beginning In Genesis Like Jesus Christ Told Us That The Spirit Who Will Come On The Day Of Pentecost Will Do With All Of Us Like I Am Doing Now In John 15:26-27 To Confirm The One Trinity Witness Of God Our One True Father’s Holy Spirit Word Is Doing In Heaven Where The Word Of God Is Settled Forever In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I! Genesis 4:10(1-17), John 19:34, Acts 2:1-40, 1 John 5:7-8, Psalm 119:89, Luke 17:21. Our Flesh Is Dead Without God’s Spirit Who Is God’s Breath Of Life Who Lead God’s True Sons And True Daughters From Within! This Is Why Declaration Of Faith In Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ Is Dead Without Musa Yar Adua’s Grace Action Of Being A True Servant Leader Is Also Dead! He Who Stole The Oil Of Gladness From The Loft Like Professor Maurice Iwu And Former President Olusegun Obasanjo For Him Are Not As Guilty As President Musa Yar Adua Who Accepted Stolen Presidency As A Fence Like The Yoruba Adage “Eniti Ogbe Epo Laja Ko Jale Bi Eniti O Gba Sile” Stipulates Clearly! James 2:26, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 8:14, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, John 1:17, Luke 17:10, Habakkuk 2:2-14, Psalm 45:7, Hebrews 1:9.

god gave all of us his equal son freely!

God Gave All Of Us His Equal Son Freely So That We Can Share All Things Freely And Equally With Him In The Sane Holy Spirit Socialist Communist All Men And Women Are Equal Living Soul Style And Not In The Mad Capitalist Apartheid Some Are More Equal Than Others Abomination Of Desolation Style! Romans 8:32, Ezekiel 18:25, Acts 4:32-37, Daniel 4:32-37, 11:31-32, Matthew 24:15(1-51). Our Immortal, Invisible Omnipresent Holy Spirit Is God’s Breath Of Life Righteous Abel, Son That Set Us Free From Our Servants Who Cannot Set Anyone Truly Free Like Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Who Told Us That Before Abraham Was I Am! The I Am Spoke To Moses From The Bush That Burns Without Destroying The Vegetation As The Work That God Does Which Is Perfect And You Cannot Frame Charges Against Bloody Civilians Like General David Mark Big Hammer Is Doing! Genesis 2:7, 4:10, John 8:36(1-59), 2 Corinthians 3:17, Exodus 3:14, Ecclesiastes 3:14. It Is Time To Kindle Christ Jesus Fire That He Came To Cast On Earth After Being Crucified As His Own Baptism Of Fire Which He Endured! He Demonstrated Clearly That Musa Yar Adua Who Is A Relative Of Atiku Abubakar Is His Worst Enemy When Democratic Honor Of Being More Honorable Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow Is Concerned “Anjuwon Kosewilejo, Ija Ilara Kotan Boro” Like Ernest Sonekan Was Used By Babangida As An Interim Leader To Check Mate His Egba Relative Kasimawo Abiola! God’s Perfect Love That I Now Have For True Equity And Justice Of God Whose Way Is Equal While Our Elder’s Ways Are Unequal Cast Out All My Fear Of Violent Men And Women Who Steal God’s Authority By Force From Christ Jesus Given Temporal Gifts Of Possessions Cain! Luke 12:49-53, 14:26-27, Matthew 10:8(1-42), 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Ezekiel 18:25, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 1 John 4:18.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


flesh death costs money but spirit life is free!

Flesh Death Costs Money But Spirit Life Is Free! Death Of Wages Of Sin Is Death Law And Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That We Receive Through Jesus Christ Is In The Power Of Every Tongue! Romans 6:23, Proverbs 18:20-21. This Was Why I Fell Out With Professor Olikoye Ransom Kuti When He Declared That Nothing Is Free In Life Because The Free Health That Awolowo Secrets Of The Lord Which Belongs To Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scripture In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Have Respect, Talked About Means Someone Else Pays! Amos 3:3, Colossians 3:3, Deuteronomy 29:29, 2 Corinthians 3:17. I Was Persuaded By God Expands Wealth And Honor Olufela Ransom Kuti Cannot Die Who Sang The Song That If I See Truth, I Will Speak It Forth As An Oracle Of God That Does Not Lie, Nobody Can Shut My Mouth! Alas This Was Why Olikoye Ransom Kuti Agreed With Government When He Was Minister Of Health Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria That Judges By Government Magic Appearances Instead Of Righteous Abel, Son And Breath Of Life Of God’s Judgments To Inject Fela With Aids Virus! Can You Now See How Your Relative Is Your Worst Enemy? Matthew 20:25-28, 23:11(1-39), 1 Peter 4:11, James 4:11, Mark 4:11, John 7:24(1-53), 10:17-18, Hebrews 11:4, Micah 7:6(5-10).

come out from false freedom of possessions!

Go Back To True Freedom Of Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God In The Kingdom Of God Within You, In Eternity Where Jesus Christ The Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Crucified By Self Will Is The One Omnipresent All And In All As Lord Of All Lords And King Of All Kings In The Universe! John 8:36, 10:17-18, Genesis 2:7(1-25), 4:10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, Luke 17:21, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Colossians 3:11, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Isaiah 54;5, Revelations 19:16. The Lover And Servant Of Mammon Temporal, Temporary And Interim King Saul Loaned Money Who Hate Lovers And Servants Of God’s Sure Mercy Of David, Beloved, Commander And Hero Cannot Set Any Soul Truly Free From Sin And Death Law Enforcement Which Oppose And Destroy Law Abiding Eternal Life Free Gift Of Grace And Truth That Came Through Jesus Christ As New Covenant That Overcomes The Old Testament Laws That Came Through Moses By Fulfilling It And The Prophet’s Teachings And Not To Cancel Them! John 1:17, 8:34-35, Matthew 5:17-48, 6:24, Luke 16:13, Romans 6:23. Come Out From False Freedom Of Possessions Cain That Madam Speaker Peace Patricia Etteh Father Thought Has Become Her Personal Possessions Having Become More Honorable Than Her Equal Colleagues When Her God Father And Man Friend God The King Is Avenger Made Her Jabez Sorrow Prayer Of Ishmael, God Hears Religion Of The Son Of The Bondage Egyptian Hagar Woman A Reality! She Was Cast Out Of Office When Sarah Princess Demanded It From Abraham Father Is Exalted As Father Of Many Nations When She Gave Birth To Isaac Laughter! Call No Man Father On Earth, We All Have The One Spirit God And Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray In Heaven Where The Father’s Word Of The Holy Spirit Bears One Trinity Witness In The Kingdom Of God With The One Trinity Spirit Blood And Water From Christ Jesus Side On Earth Within Everybody Is Settled Forever! 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Genesis 16:11(1-21:10), Matthew 23:9(1-39), 1 John 5:7-8, John 19:34, Psalm 119:89.

god’s breath of life is the spirit of christ jesus!

God’s Breath Of Life Is The Spirit Of Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Who Gives Life Whose Words Of Commanded Faith In Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ Is Spirit And Life That Overcomes The Disgrace Work Of Professor Iwu’s Law Of Moses That Brought Musa Yar Adua Into Government And Power By Murderer Father’s Lies At Calvary 2000 Years Ago! Joshua 1:7-9, Genesis 2:7, John 1:17, 2:7, 6:63, 8:44, Colossians 2:15, 1 John 3:8-12. The Devil Is Cain Which Means Possessions And Spear Used To Shed Jesus Christ’s Blood And Water That Bears One Trinity Testimony With God’s Spirit With Who You And I Have Been From The Very Beginning In Genesis Like Jesus Christ Told Us That The Spirit Who Will Come On The Day Of Pentecost Will Do With All Of Us Like I Am Doing Now In John 15:26-27 To Confirm The One Trinity Witness Of God Our One True Father’s Holy Spirit Word Is Doing In Heaven Where The Word Of God Is Settled Forever In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I! Genesis 4:10(1-17), John 19:34, Acts 2:1-40, 1 John 5:7-8, Psalm 119:89, Luke 17:21. Our Flesh Is Dead Without God’s Spirit Who Is God’s Breath Of Life Who Leads God’s True Sons And True Daughters! This Is Why Declaration Of Faith In Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ Is Dead Without Musa Yar Adua’s Grace Action On Being A Servant Leader Is Also Dead! He Who Stole The Oil Of Gladness From The Loft Like Professor Maurice Iwu And Former President Olusegun Obasanjo Are Not As Guilty As Fake President Musa Yar Adua Who Accepted Stolen Presidency As A Fencelike The Yoruba Adage Eniti Ogbe Epo Laja Ko Jale Bi Eniti O Gba Sile Stipulates Clearly! James 2:26, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 8:14, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, John 1:17, Luke 17:10, Habakkuk 2:2-14.


elders use crafty wisdom of other men! 1 cor. 3:19-20

Oloye Loro Mbawi Means God’s Word Who Is God And Has Been With God From The Very Beginning With Jesus Christ When He Created The Heavens (Plural) And The Earth And We Have All Been With Him In Spirit Is Speaking To Truly Wise Children In God’s Kingdom Within You And I! We Are All Born Blind To Mercy Truth That All The Money In The World Cannot Buy One Single Free Breath Of Life, Abel And Son Of God Who We Must Believe! John 1:1-51, 3:17(1-36), 9:1-41, 15:26-27, Genesis 1:1-2:25, Matthew 18:3, 1 Corinthians 3:18, Luke 17:21. A Poor Wise Child In The Kingdom Of God Within Himself Or Herself Is Better Than A Rich Old Foolish Military Kill And Go King Like Obasanjo Or Mc-Cann Who Comes Out Of The Prison To Make His People Poor And Will Not Be Admonished By Wise Elder Nelson Mandela’s One Term Option! Obasanjo Must Tie A Mill Stone Round His Neck And Drown! Ecclesiastes 4:13-14, Matthew 18:6. Ogbon Ologbon Ni Koje Kiwon Pe Agba Ni Were Means The Crafty Wisdom Of Other Men Who Can Be Caught In Their Craftiness Like Proud Babangida And Made To Step Aside By Godly Wisdom Is Why We Do Not Call Elders Like Proud Lucifer George W. Bush A Mad Man Like He Is Calling Those Of Us Listening To Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation A Mad Man By Rigging American Election In Year 2000 And Year 2004 Whose Light Cannot Be Hidden! 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, 14:12, Isaiah 14:12-15, John 10:20(1-42), James 3:13(1-18), Joshua 1:7-9, Genesis 1:3-4(1-31).

do not judge by appearances like Men Who are flesh!

Do Not Judge By Appearances Like Men Who Are Flesh With Who God’s Spirit Who Lead True Sons And True Daughters Of God Will Not Wrestle Forever! God Gave Us 120 Years Of Grace Like He Gave Moses Who Did Not Enter The Promised Land After Living For 120 Years And His Eyes Were Not Dim To Come To Our Senses To Enter The Ark Of His Covenant Like Noah Rest, Who Entered The Rest Of God With His Household Of Only 8 People! Remember That Jonathan Did Not Reign After King Saul Who Were Both Slain In The War Against Philistines! John 7:24, Genesis 6:3-9:29, Matthew 24:37-39, 2 Peter 2:5, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, Romans 8:14(1-39), Deuteronomy 34:7(1-12), 1 Samuel 31:8(1-13). Seek Only The Glory Of The One Spirit Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh Who Is God Like Jesus Did To Prove That He Truly Loves Our One True Perfect And Merciful Spirit Father Who Loves His Enemies! He Accused And Proved That Looking For Honor From One Another As Traditional Kings Democratically And Religiously Is No Glory But Gory Of The Flesh That Loses Self Control Like Enoch The Son Of Cain The Devil Whose Money Work He Destroyed When He Was First Manifested As Flesh! John 5:41-44, Numbers 16:22, Matthew 5:43-48, Luke 6:27(20-36), Proverbs 25:26-28, Genesis 4:17, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 3:8-12. Learn How To Judge Righteously Like Jesus Christ The Only Begotten Son Of God Whose Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear Of Temporal, Temporary And Interim Wizards With Root Sonekan Who Was Given June 12 1993 Our God Reigns Mandate Of Let Us Wait And See Who Is Born Into Wealth Kasimawo Abiola’s Presidential Mandate Prophesied By Prophet Sin Dinku, Sin Decrease Father Of Virgins Bakare In March 1993 Before The Event Of June 12! S. D. P. Failed And N. R. C. Lost The Election, Which Father In The House Babangida Annulled On June 23 1993 But Could Not Stand As God Disannulled It With The Fall Of The Army Governance From Grace To Grass But We Did Not Understand The Prophecy Fully Then Tunde Bakare Whose Spirit Is Subject To Self Capitalized Upon! John 3:16, 5:30(19-44), 6:63, 7:24, 8:15-18, 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Galatians 3:17, Matthew 22:29-46, 1 Corinthians 14:32-33.

your heart within you is your god and religion!

Okan Eni Ni Olorun Eni Ati Igbagbo Eni Is The Yoruba Saying That Means Your Heart Within You Is Your God And Religion! Stop Being A Fool Who Says That There Is No God In His Or Her Own Heart! Can You Now See The Unseen Omnipresent God Who Is Closer To You Than Your Jugular Vein Like Prophet Mohammed Whose Name Means The Truthful Glorious Man Prophesied? John 3:31-36, 21:20-25, Ephesians 1:21, 6:12, 1 John 5:7, Psalm 14:1-7, 53:1-6, 119:89. Heart Of God Gives Mercy Commands Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary That You Must Obey Kum Faya Kum To Glorify Mary The Woman And Her Son Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty As Our Commander In Chief Of God’s Heavenly Hosts Which His True Disciples Obey To Know The Truth That Sets The Souls Of True Sons And True Daughters Of God Who Are Led By God’s Spirit Truly Free! Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, John 8:31-36, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 6:17-18, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Romans 8:14(1-39). Jesus Christ Said It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive! Give Mercy Freely To Enrich Spirit Of God In You By Inclining Your Spirit Ear To Eternity Where Christ Is The Omnipresent All And In All To Eat Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Food That Fattens Your Soul! Do Not Receive Money To Enrich Flesh Which Profits Nothing From Jesus Christ God’s Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Whose Words Of The Son Of Mary Must Be Obeyed Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman And Her Son Who Angel Gabriel Said Is The Sign Of Allah’s Decree Of Mercy For All Mankind As Well As Son Of God! Acts 20:35, Matthew 10:8, 11:28-30, Isaiah 55:3, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Colossians 3:11, Romans 8:6, John 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Luke 1:35.


learn how to judge righteously like jesus!

Do Not Judge Others By Appearance Like Men Who Are Flesh And With Who God’s Spirit Who Lead True Sons And True Daughters Of God Will Not Wrestle Forever! God Gave Us 120 Years Of Grace Like He Gave Moses Who Did Not Enter The Promised Land After Living For 120 Years And His Eyes Were Not Dim To Come To Our Senses To Enter The Ark Of His Covenant Like Noah Rest, Who Entered The Rest Of God With His Household Of Only 8 People! Remember That Jonathan Did Not Reign After King Saul Who Were Both Slain In The War Against Philistines! John 7:24, Genesis 6:3-9:29, Matthew 24:37-39, 2 Peter 2:5, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, Romans 8:14(1-39), Deuteronomy 34:7(1-12), 1 Samuel 31:8(1-13). Unlimited Freedom Law Is Not Sold By God To The Highest Bidder As Indulgence That The Pope Of The Roman Catholic Church Did In The Early Church To Make Money Legally! The Secret Thing Which Belong To The Lord Who Reveal Them So That We Can Obey Them For Ourselves And Our Children Who Learn Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Truth From Us Are Free Gifts Of Eternal Life That We Receive Through Jesus Christ Who Learned Obedience Through Suffering For Doing What God Our One Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Holy Spirit Father Of The Unclean Spirits Of All Flesh To Who We All Pray In Eternity That God Has Put In His Kingdom Within You And I, Where Christ Jesus Is The One Omnipresent All And In All Forever And Ever! Deuteronomy 29:29, James 4:11, Romans 6:23, 8:6, Hebrews 5:8, 12:7(1-29), 1 Corinthians 1:24, Mark 1:24, Numbers 16:22, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Colossians 3:11, Luke 17:21. Learn How To Judge Righteously Like Jesus Christ The Only Begotten Son Of God Whose Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear Of Temporal, Temporary And Interim Wizards With Root Sonekan Who Was Given June 12 1993 Our God Reigns Mandate Of Let Us Wait And See Who Is Born Into Wealth Kasimawo Abiola’s Presidential Mandate Prophesied By Prophet Sin Dinku, Sin Decrease Father Of Virgins Bakare In March 1993 Before The Event Of June 12! S. D. P. Failed And N. R. C. Lost The Election, Which Father In The House Babangida Annulled On June 23 1993 But Could Not Stand As God Disannulled It With The Fall Of The Army Governance From Grace To Grass But We Did Not Understand The Prophecy Fully Then! John 3:16(1-36), 5:30(19-44), 6:63(1-71), 7:24(1-53), 8:15-18, 1 John 4:18, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Galatians 3:17(1-29), Matthew 22:29-46.

your heart within you is your god and religion!

Okan Eni Ni Olorun Eni Ati Igbagbo Eni Is The Yoruba Saying That Means Your Heart Within You Is Your God And Religion! Stop Being A Fool Who Says That There Is No God In His Or Her Own Heart! Can You Now See The Unseen Omnipresent God Who Is Closer To You Than Your Jugular Vein Like Prophet Mohammed Whose Name Means The Truthful Glorious Man Prophesied? John 3:31-36, 21:20-25, Ephesians 1:21, 6:12, 1 John 5:7, Psalm 14:1-7, 53:1-6, 119:89. Heart Of God Gives Mercy Commands Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary That You Must Obey Kum Faya Kum To Glorify Mary The Woman And Her Son Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty As Our Commander In Chief Of God’s Heavenly Hosts Which His True Disciples Obey To Know The Truth That Sets The Souls Of True Sons And True Daughters Of God Who Are Led By God’s Spirit Truly Free! Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, John 8:31-36, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 6:17-18, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Romans 8:14(1-39). Work For God’s Beloved Son Jesus Christ The Author And Finisher Of Your Faith In Life Grace That Overcame Death Disgrace At Calvary By Becoming A Curse For Us To Enable Us Reap The Good Life And Blessings Of Sure Mercy Truth That Came Through Him To Fulfill The Law That Came Through Moses Whose Letter Is Being Made To Kill Sinners Because We Are Not Waiting For The Holy Spirit Who Inspired The Scripture To Interpret It Correctly And Give Us The Rhema Sure Mercy Of David! Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Jeremiah 17:5-10, Hebrews 12:2(1-29), Isaiah 55:3, John 1:17(1-51), Colossians 2:15, Galatians 3:13, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10, 2 Corinthians 3:6(1-18), 2 Peter 1:20-21, 3:16, Matthew 16:19(16-28).


nigerian apartheid is worse than american!

Kingibe Means The King There, When Translated As Yoruba To English! God The Holy Spirit Father Of Christ Jesus The Only Begotten Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God As The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of The Beloved Son In Who Alone God Is Well Pleased, Indeed Uproots Any Tree That He Has Not Planted As King There! The Flesh Of Ambassador Babagana Kingibe Must Become An Unprofitable Servant Of His Own Life Giving Spirit Of Christ Jesus Within Himself Not Musa Yar Adua! Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 3:16, 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Luke 17:10, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 3:17, 15:13. Follow The One Hard And Narrow Way Of Truth And Life Light Of Jesus Christ Planted In Your Conscience As His Sheep Not A Stubborn Goat Like Pilate Who Queried Jesus Christ And Set The Son Of The Democratic Teacher Bar Abbas Closet Of Prayer, Yar Adua Who Is A Thief Free After Crucifying The King Of Glory That He Himself Confessed About His Shaky Mandate! Matthew 6:6(1-34), 7:13-14, 25:31-46, 1 John 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 8:12, 14:6, 18:37-40. Do Not Judge Others As Their God Who Is Their One Lawgiver And Judge Who Can Save Their Life Or Condemn Them Legitimately! Judge Yourself First, So That God Will Not Condemn You With The World That Judge And Condemn Others Being Blind To The Truth That We Are All Gods That We Make Tell Lies Temporally Out Of Ignorance Used To Destroy God’s People! James 4:11(1-17), , 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Luke 6:37(20-46), Psalm 82:6, John 9:1-41, 10:34-38, Hosea 4:6.

If You Obey All The Laws Of God And Fall Short In One Little Iota Or Title, You Have Disobeyed All Laws, For God Who Said Do Not Commit Adultery Also Said Do Not Kill Freedom Fighters Who You Call Terrorists In The Delta Region Of Nigeria Like Musa Yar Adua Who In Consensual Conspiracy, With Former President Olusegun Obasanjo And Professor Maurice Iwu Meaning Law Stole God Our One Judge, One Lawgiver And One President Of All Presidents In The Universe Eternal Life Free Gift Authority Temporally As A Thief And Robber To Who I Refuse To Listen! James 2:10(2-26), Matthew 5:18(1-48), Exodus 20:13, Revelations 19:16, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:4, John 1:17, 10:8. Freedom Law Of God Was Sold By Esau To Jacob For A Mess Of Pottage Because He Was Looking For What To Eat And What To Drink Being Of Anxious Mind In Disobedience To Christ Jesus Holy Spirit Command Which Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! President Nelson Mandela An African Esau Hunter Became Restive And Broke The Yoke Of Bondage Laws Of Caucasian Jacob Shepherd From Off His Neck When He Spoke Forth The Truth Put In His Mouth By God Our Spirit Father When He By Righteous Judgment Called President George W. Bush The Greatest Terrorist In The Whole World Like Mahatma Ghandi His Role Model Who Believes In Jesus Christ As A Hindu Who Rejects Religious Christianity Broke British Yoke Of Bondage From Indian Neck Spiritually As God Lifted Him Far Above All Principalities And Powers To Reign With Jesus Christ At The Right Hand Side Of God Forever! Genesis 25:29-34, 27:1-40, Luke 12:29-34, Ecclesiastes 10:19-20, Matthew 10:19-20, 12:31-32, John 7:24, Deuteronomy 28:1, Ephesians 1:21, Revelations 3:21(1-22). American Ambassador Sir Walter Carrington Told Us That Nigerian Apartheid Is Worse Than American Apartheid Of Sharing Resources According To Unclean Spirit Greed Of (The Greatest Terrorist American President George W. Bush) The Rich Mad King Of Babylon, Iraq Instead Of Sharing According To Communist Socialist Holy Spirit Need Of We Poor To Who God’s Kingdom Belong! Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, Mark 1:24, Luke 6:20.

receive 100 fold returns on your investments!

Learn To Receive 100 Fold Returns On Your Investments Of Land, Money, Father, Mother, Children, Brothers And Sisters That You Have Made Into Bringing Down The Kingdom Of God From Above Within Your Heart With Persecutions In This Age, And Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy In The Age That Has Come Upon All Of Us Without Money Or Price As Promises Of Jesus Christ Which Is Yes And Amen And Not Yes And No Like Men Who Lie And Repent Is Fulfilled As You Learn To Obey God Our One Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh Through Suffering Like Christ Jesus Did! Mark 10:29-30, Luke 11:20, 17:21, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 55:1-13, 2 Corinthians 1:19-20, Numbers 16:22, 23:19-24, Hebrews 5:8, 12:7(1-29). Punishment Is Discipline That Wicked Men Teach As Leaders Among God’s People! These Wicked Men Are False Christ And False Prophets Whose Spirits Are Subject To Prophets Instead Of God Who Is Not The Author Of Confusion Caused By Prophets Whose Zeal For God Lack True Knowledge Of God As Jews Like Job Who Darken God’s Counsel By Words That Lack Knowledge Of The Holy One Of Israel King Of The Universe! Jeremiah 5:26, Luke 6:26(20-46), Matthew 24:24(1-51), 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Romans 10:2, Job 38:2, Isaiah 54:5. Jesus Christ Told The Rich Young Religious Ruler Who Called Him Good Master To Obey All The Laws Of God. He Responded That He Has Done So From When He Was A Child! If You Will Be Perfect, Go And Sell All Your Possession, Cain And Give Alms To The Poor, Then Take Your Cross And Follow Me The Immortal Righteous Abel Of God Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Mortal Unrighteous Cain Elders Who Want To Possess His Possessions Cain By Force From Himself The One Self Same Spirit Giver Of All Gifts To All Men And Women Since John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Of Jesus God Is Salvation Even Till Now! Luke 18:18-30, Hebrews 11:4, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


god’s son is the king there, not kingibe or musa!

Kingibe Means The King There, When Translated As Yoruba To English! God The Holy Spirit Father Of Christ Jesus The Only Begotten Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God As The One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty Of The Beloved Son In Who Alone God Is Well Pleased, Indeed Uproots Any Tree That He Has Not Planted As King There! The Flesh Of Ambassador Babagana Kingibe Is An Unprofitable Servant Of His Own Life Giving Spirit Of Christ Jesus Within Himself And All Of Us! Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 3:16, 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Luke 17:10, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 3:17, 15:13.Follow The One Hard And Narrow Way Of Truth And Life Light Of Jesus Christ Planted In Your Conscience As His Sheep Not A Stubborn Goat Like Pilate Who Queried Jesus Christ And Set The Son Of The Democratic Teacher Bar Abbas Closet Of Prayer, Yar Adua Who Is A Thief Free After Crucifying The King Of Glory That He Himself Confessed About His Shaky Mandate! Matthew 6:6(1-34), 7:13-14, 25:31-46, 1 John 3:19-21, John 3:19-21, 8:12, 14:6, 18:37-40. Download Life And Peace Free Gift Of Eternal Life That We Receive Through Christ Jesus To Overcome Making Letter Of God’s Word Kill With Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Of Demon Crazy Traditional Kings, Religious Prophets And Democratic Leaders Using Witchcraft And Stubborn Pride Of King Saul Loaned God’s Authority Temporally! Romans 6:23, 8:6, 2 Corinthians 3:6, 4:18, John 3:6(1-36), 1 Samuel 15:23-16:23.

if you disobey one law, you have disobeyed all!

If You Obey All The Laws Of God And Fall Short In One Little Iota Or Title, You Have Disobeyed All Laws, For God Who Said Do Not Commit Adultery Also Said Do Not Kill Freedom Fighters Who You Call Terrorists In The Delta Region Of Nigeria Like Musa Yar Adua Who In Consensual Conspiracy Against The Lailla Illa Allahu That God Is Our King Professed Religiously With Former President Olusegun Obasanjo And Professor Maurice Iwu Meaning Law, Stole God Our One Judge, One Lawgiver And One President Of All Presidents In The Universe Eternal Life Free Gift Authority Temporally As A Thief And One Of The Robber To Who I Refuse To Listen Is Doing! James 2:10(2-26), Matthew 5:18(1-48), Exodus 20:13, Revelations 19:16, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:4, John 1:17, 10:8. Limited Freedom Law Was Sold By Esau To Jacob For A Mess Of Pottage Because He Was Looking For What To Eat And What To Drink Being Of Anxious Mind In Disobedience To Christ Jesus Holy Spirit Command Which Is Unforgivable Now And Forever! An African Esau Hunter Like President Nelson Mandela Became Restive And Broke The Yoke Of Bondage Laws Of Caucasian Jacob Shepherd From Off His Neck When He Spoke Forth The Truth Put In His Mouth By Our Spirit Father When He By Righteous Judgment Called President George W. Bush The Greatest Terrorist In The Whole World Like Mahatma Ghandi Broke The Yoke Of The British From Who America Wrested Power Militarily Spiritually As God Lifted Him Far Above All Principalities And Powers To Reign With Jesus Christ At The Right Hand Side Of God! Genesis 25:29-34, 27:1-40, Luke 12:29-34, Ecclesiastes 10:19-20, Matthew 10:19-20, 12:31-32, John 7:24, Deuteronomy 28:1, Ephesians 1:21, Revelations 3:21(1-22). Sir Walter “Omowale, Son Has Come Home” Carrington Told Us That Nigerian Apartheid Was Worse Than American Apartheid Of Sharing Resources According To Unclean Spirit Greed Of (President George W. Bush) The Rich Mad King Of Babylon, Iraq Instead Of Communist Socialist Holy Spirit Need Of The Poor To Who God’s Kingdom Also Belong! Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, Mark 1:24, Luke 6:20, 17:21.

receive 100 fold returns on your investments!

Learn To Receive 100 Fold Returns On Your Investments Of Land, Money, Father, Mother, Children, Brothers And Sisters That You Have Made Into Bringing Down The Kingdom Of God From Above Within Your Heart With Persecutions In This Age, And Eternal Life Free Gift Of Sure Mercy In The Age That Has Come Upon All Of Us Without Money Or Price As Promises Of Jesus Christ Which Is Yes And Amen And Not Yes And No Like Men Who Lie And Repent Is Fulfilled As You Learn To Obey God Our One Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh Through Suffering Like Christ Jesus Did! Mark 10:29-30, Luke 11:20, 17:21, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 55:1-13, 2 Corinthians 1:19-20, Numbers 16:22, 23:19-24, Hebrews 5:8, 12:7(1-29). Punishment Is Discipline That Wicked Men Teach As Leaders Among God’s People! These Wicked Men Are False Christ And False Prophets Whose Spirits Are Subject To Prophets Instead Of God Who Is Not The Author Of Confusion Caused By Prophets Whose Zeal For God Lack True Knowledge Of God As Jews Like Job Who Darken God’s Counsel By Words That Lack Knowledge Of The Holy One Of Israel King Of The Universe! Jeremiah 5:26, Luke 6:26(20-46), Matthew 24:24(1-51), 1 Corinthians 14:32-33, Romans 10:2, Job 38:2, Isaiah 54:5. Jesus Christ Told The Rich Young Religious Ruler Who Called Him Good Master To Obey All The Laws Of God. He Responded That He Has Done So From When He Was A Child! If You Will Be Perfect, Go And Sell All Your Possession, Cain And Give Alms To The Poor, Then Take Your Cross And Follow Me The Immortal Righteous Abel Of God Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Mortal Unrighteous Cain Elders Who Want To Possess His Possessions Cain By Force From Himself The One Self Same Spirit Giver Of All Gifts To All Men And Women Since John The Baptist Preached The Gospel Of Jesus God Is Salvation Even Till Now! Luke 18:18-30, Hebrews 11:4, Matthew 11:12, 1 Corinthians 12:11-12.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Seeking Your Own Glory Is No Glory As You Are Seeking The Glory Of Your Flesh Which Profits Nothing From Christ Jesus Who Is God’s Life Giving Spirit Second Adam Crucified Within Your Own Heart In The Kingdom Of God By Your Self Will! Proverbs 25:27, John 6:63, 1 Corinthians 1:23(1-31), 15:45. Christ The Life Giving Holy Spirit Of God In The Kingdom Of God Within Your Own Heart Where The Trinity Father’s Word Of The Holy Spirit That Bears One Witness In Heaven Is Settled Forever Is Your Own Personal Hope Of Seeing The Glory Of The One Immortal, Invisible, Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent God In The Land Of The Living Soul Mortal Human Beings On Earth! 1 Corinthians 15:45, Luke 17:21, 1 John 5:7, Psalm 119:89, Colossians 1:27. God Hides Sure Mercy Heart Glory From All Men, But Reveals It To Honor Kings Who Search Out This Matter Like King David’s Root And Offspring Jesus Christ Did To Inherit The Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Of God’s Good Will To All Men And Women Which Heavenly Hosts Of Angels Announced To Shepherds Watching Over Their Flocks By Night! Proverbs 25:2(1-28), Isaiah 55:3(1-13), Matthew 11:28-30, Revelations 22:16(11-21), Romans 8:6(1-39), Luke 2:14(1-52).

Do Not Pray To God To Make You More Honorable Than Your Equal Brethren Like Jabez Whose Name Means Sorrow Did Blindly! Jesus Christ Came To Open Our Blind Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Eyes Of God’s Children Of Light By Blinding Our Open Carnal Mind Of Death Darkness Eyes Of Mammon Children Like My Friend Olugbemiga Abosede Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Light Now! 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), Romans 8:6(1-39), John 8:12(1-59), 9:39(1-41), Luke 16:8-13. Falana Gbo Tire Ti Ara Eni Langbo Means Listen To Your Own Command Of God That Leads To The Way Of Truth And Life Not Command Of Other! A Careful Research Of Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Righteous Judgment And Condemnation Of The Carnal Mind Of Death Of Myself And My Friend Olugbemiga Abosede Instead Of His Appearance Revealed The Truth That He Has Always Been Criticizing And Judging The Freedom Law Of God For Others That His Mortal Father Michael Chose To Favor His Sister Olufunke And Brother Olutosin Who He Sent To America To Study Above Himself! He Became Very Hostile Especially To Mrs. Funke Taiwo And Has Been Trying To Prove To His Father That He Is More Successful Than Her As A Murderer And Liar Father! He Attended His Son Olugbemiga Junior’s Wedding In London As Well As His Child’s Naming Ceremony, But Chose Not To Attend His Daughter Banke’s Wedding Who Was Given Out By Olutosin Her Uncle Who Came From America To London To Act As Father Because Gbenga Refused To Honor Her And Thinks He Has Freedom To Favor One Child Above The Other! Romans 8:6(1-39), John 7:24(1-53), 8:44, 14:6, James 4:11(1-17). Examine And Judge Your Own Evil Heart Of Flesh That Profits Nothing From God’s Spirit Who Gives Life Like Jesus Christ Did Knowing That The Son, Abel And Breath Of Life Of God In God’s Kingdom Within You And I, Does Not Use Personal Initiative And Personal Authority For Judgment To Remain Just And Righteous So That God Will Not Condemn You With The World That Criticize And Judge God’s Freedom Laws As God The One Lawgiver And One Judge Who Can Destroy Or Save Lives To Others Like Olugbemiga Abosede Is Doing Like Proud Lucifer Heading For Hell! 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Genesis 2:7(1-25), John 2:7(1-25), 5:30(19-44), 6:63(1-71), Luke 17:21, James 4:11-12, Isaiah 14:12-15, Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, Matthew 16:25.

Do Not Be A Borrower Or Lender Is Perfect Law Of Liberty And Self Control Which I Lost Temporally When I Accepted Abosede’s Counsel To Take A Loan In Order To Build A House In 1982! I Had Hypertension For 2 Years When I Took An Overdraft Of 2000 Naira, Thereby Learning By Experience Not To Follow The Loaned Money Wide And Easy Way Of Evil, Death And Curses To Hell! James 1:25, 4:11, Galatians 5:23(16-26), Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6(1-30), Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10. Heart Of God Gives Sure Mercy Commands Of Jesus Christ The Son Of Mary That You Must Obey Kum Faya Kum To Glorify Mary The Woman And Her Son Jesus Christ Our One Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures In Who Alone There Is True Liberty As Our Commander In Chief Of God’s Heavenly Army Which His True Disciples Obey To Know The Truth That Set Souls Of True Sons And True Daughters Of God Who Are Led By God’s Spirit Truly Free! Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Isaiah 55:3, John 8:31-36, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 6:17-18, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, Romans 8:14. Jesus Christ Is In God Our One Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh, We In Him And He In Us Means Omnipresent! He Is Speaking Clearly Now And I Listen Diligently To Him And Obey Him, To Be Promoted Far Above All Principalities And Powers To Reign With Him At The Right Hand Of God In Heaven Within Every Heart, And So Can You, Olugbemiga And Every Other Mortal Human Being On Earth! John 14:20, 16:25, Numbers 16:22, Luke 17:21, Deuteronomy 28:1-69, Ephesians 1:21, 6:12, Revelations 3:21(1-22).