Tuesday, August 12, 2008


god’s spirit will not wrestle flesh forever!

God’s Spirit Will Not Wrestle Flesh Forever! Man Thinks He Is Flesh And Profits Nothing From God’s Life Giving Spirit Thoughts Of Peace For Us, Which Is Not For Evil! God Chose To Give Us 120 Years Of Grace And Truth That Came Through Jesus Christ To Fulfill The Conditions Of The Laws That Came Through Moses And The Prophet’s Teachings Of Elijah, Jehovah Is My God Who Demonstrated The Destructive Fire Power Gift Of God Which He Used To Destroy Soldiers Sent To Arrest Him, Which James And John Erroneously Wanted Jesus Christ To Give Them Permission To Use For Destroying The Samaritan Villagers Who Did Not Welcome Them! Genesis 6:3, Jeremiah 29:11, John 1:17, 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Matthew 5:17-18, James 2:10(1-26), 2 Kings 1:10-12, Luke 9:52-56. Keep Secrets Secret Is Evil Darkness Power Of Death And Curses Of Secretaries Who Work In Secretariats As Children Of Darkness Who Seem Wiser Than Children Of Light In Their Generation Like Mrs. Ewe Rachel Ajayi Meaning Born In A Posture Of Prayer Who Was My Secretary At A Point In Time In 1993-1997! I Asked Her To Permit Me To Make Photocopy Of My Comment On Dr. Egbuna’s Query After My Term In Office, And She Bluntly Refused! I Made Photo Copies Of All The Documents When I Was Again Made An Acting Head Of Department In Year 2003 After Her Retirement From The Service Of The Service Of The College Of Medicine Of The University Of Lagos! Luke 16:8, John 8:12, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, Romans 10:6-10. Agree And Walk With Jesus Christ Our One Omnipresent God’s Spirit Lord Of The Scriptures Including The Holy Bible And The Holy Quran Spiritual Mind Of Life And Peace Equal Mercy Decrees Of Allah In Who Alone There Is True Liberty! This Is Light Power Glory Of Christ Jesus Eternal Life Free Gift Of God That We Receive Freely And Must Give Freely Without Money Charges Or Price! Amos 3:3, Colossians 3:3-11, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Romans 8:6, Ezekiel 18:25(1-32), Isaiah 55:3, Matthew 10:8, 11:28-30, 12:7, Hosea 6:6, Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Sura 19:21.

god’s people perish for lack of knowledge!

God Created All Of Us Fearfully And Wonderfully And Planned Our Entire Itinerary In Life Before We Lived For 1 Day, Which Is 1000 Years To God! All Hidden Things Are Being Revealed By Jesus Christ Our One Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Spirit Lord In Who Alone There Is True Liberty As The Beloved Son, Abel, And Breath Of Life Of God In The Kingdom Of God Within You And I! Sura 32:5, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4, 139:14-16, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Matthew 3:17, 10:26, 16:26, Luke 17:21. Professor Tolulope Odugbemi The Current Vice Chancellor Is A Crafty Friend And Classmate Who I Did Not Vote For When He Contested Against Professor Olalekan Abudu Abdul Servant Another Friend As Provost Of Our College Of Medicine! I Told Him The Truth Openly In Mr. Ajayi The Husband Of Mrs Ajayi’s Business Center On Lagos University Teaching Hospital Compound When Professor Abudu Was Doing His Second 2-Year Term In Office As Provost! Odugbemi Tried To Set Late Rotimi Ola Against Abudu Who Was His Head Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Department But Was Not Successful As Abudu Has Shown Rotimi Ola His A. P. E. R. Form Earlier! 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20. God’s People Perish For Lack Of Knowledge That It Is Not By Mammon’s Money Power Or By Kill And Go Military Might, But By The Spirit Of God, That Zerubabbel Meaning The Root Of Babel, Confusion Of President Judge W. Bush Of America And Iraq, Shall Be Overcome! We All Love Money The Unrighteous Mammon Who Is The Enemy Of Jesus Christ Our Immortal Righteous Abel Husband And Spirit Judge, Lawgiver And King Of The Universe! Hosea 4:6, Zechariah 4:6, James 4:6, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37, Hebrews 11:4, Isaiah 33:22-24, 54:5.

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