Thursday, October 1, 2009


MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF OCTOBER 8 Perfect Mercy Love Launching, To My Cry Has Turned To Joy Ekundayo Asaju Leader The Seth, Founder Of First Weekly Magazine Launched On That Fateful Day Which Is 7 Days After Perfect Love Of October One That Cast Out All My Fear For Nigeria! He Is The Better Husband That Christ Jesus Our Creator And Best Husband Gave Me, After Fill The House Kunle Bakare Father Of Virgins Of Genesis 19:8 My 10 Year Marriage May 1999 To May 2009, Of Encomium Who Puts Money Before Mercy! God Sent Me To Prove That Jesus Christ Is True, As I Receive And Run With His Testimony That I Write Out Clearly For Everybody To Read! 1 John 4:18, Luke 6:22-36, Matthew 5:43-48, John 3:33(1-36), Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Habakkuk 2:2-14. Jesus Christ The I Am, That I Am, One Lord God, Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above What We Can Ask In Prayer Or Think, With Less Than 2% Brain Capacity Utilization In The Most Brilliant Evil Genius Crafty Man Chosen Religious Or Secular, Militant And Military Democratic Leaders, Like President George Bush Who Murdered Sad Dam Hussein Legally After The Armageddon War That We Agreed With And Followed The Multitude To Do Demon Crazy Babylonian Democratic Evil, When The Day Of The Lord Jesus Came Like A Thief In The Night! Exodus 3:14, 23:2, Ephesians 3:20, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Proverbs 3:19-20, Revelations 16:15-16. LET GOD’S BELOVED SON CONTROL YOU, Not Possession Of Man! Son Is Immortal Righteous Abel Who Continues To Speak To God After He Was Murdered By Unrighteous Cain, Possession And Spear Of Worldly Soldiers Used To Shed Christ Jesus Blood In Your Followers To Possess Their Possessions For Yourself And Your Worldly Family Like Both Sad Dam Hussein And George W. Bush Junior Did To Show Us How Jesus Christ Spoiled And Triumphed Over Satanic Principalities And Powers That Have Been Having Dominion Over Our God’s Son Spirit For Lack Of Knowledge Of Jesus Christ Our Husband! Genesis 2:7(1-25), 4:1-10, 11:4-9, Hebrews 11:4, John 19:34, Colossians 2:15, Ephesians 6:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, Hosea 4:6, James 4:6, Isaiah 54:5.
OBEY ONLY DECREES OF MERCY, OF ALLAH GIVEN TO YOU Directly By God’s Omnipresent, Omniscient And Omnipotent Holy Spirit Of Jesus Christ, The Son Of Mary Who Is Also Called The Son Of God, Kum Faya Kum To Glorify The Woman And Her Son! Jesus Christ Himself Commanded And Obeyed The Decree Of Mercy Of Allah For All Mankind To Give Us Exemplary Leadership As An Unprofitable Servant Of God Our Holy Spirit Creator Who Wants All Of Us Who Truly Know Him, To Worship Him In Spirit And In Truth Forever And Ever! Sura 3:45-47, 19:21, 21:91, Luke 1:35, 17:10, John 4:22-24, 6:44-45, Isaiah 54:5(1-17), Acts 17:24-31. I Found The Joy Of God In My House Of God Who Does Not Live In Temples Built With Hands Using Unrighteous Mammon’s Money To Pay Workers! Joshua Whose Name Means God Is Salvation Declared “As For Me And My House, We Shall Serve The Lord”! We Have Misunderstood Joshua’s Declaration Of My House To Mean Members Of His Worldly Family Who Are His Worst Enemies Like Prophet Micah Declared And Jesus Christ Confirmed As His Brethren Did Not Have Faith In Him At A Point In Time! Joshua 24:15, 7:48-50, 17:24-31, Micah 7:5-10, John 7:5, Matthew 10:35(1-42). GOD THE KING OF KINGS, DOES NOT FORGET TO FORGIVE DEBT AND SIN Of Men Who Enforce Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Of Moses! Christ Jesus Is Righteous Abel, And Immortal Breath Of Life Of God Who Continues To Speak After He Was Murdered By Leaders Like Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Who Spiritually Beheaded Five Living Soul Managing Directors Of Money Banks As Governor Of Central Money Bank Of Nigeria For Giving Him Money Headaches! Remember That The Sum Total Of All Money In This World Cannot Redeem, Buy Back One Single Life For Any Living Soul! Mammon With Who We All Love To Commit Adultery Against God Our Creator And Husband Is The Enemy Of Jesus Christ! Revelations 19:16, Isaiah 54:5(1-17), 55:3, Matthew 6:12-15, 12:7, 18:35, Romans 6:23, John 1:17, 8:34(31-36), 9:25(1-41), 10:17-18, Hebrews 11:4, James 4:6(1-17).


DO NOT BE A COMMANDER IN THIEF WHO STEAL CHICKEN, Who Are Not Gathered Under The Wings Of Christ Jesus Our Mother Hen In Jerusalem Of Nigeria! This Is The Danger Looming On The Head Of All Men Who Do Not Gather At The Eagle Square Where Dead Bodies Are Being Shared Into Demon Crazy Capitalist Apartheid, Democratic Units At Abuja The Short Cut To Stealing Corporate Wealth Of Nigeria In The Federal Capital Territory, Which Is Not Of Believers In God’s Holy Spirit! Matthew 23:37-39, 24:28, Daniel 4:32-37, Acts 4:32-37. Each Of Us Have One Holy Spirit Who Teaches Us How To Inherit Our Father’s Eternal Life Free Gift Of Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ Directly, And Many Unclean Crafty Spirits That God’s Holy Spirit Checkmate And Make To Step Aside Like Father In The House, Babangida The Proud Evil Genius Who God Resists To Give His Humble Grace And Truth Of Jesus Christ As Eternal Life Free Gift That Overcomes Moses Money Wages Of Sin Is Death Laws Of Mammon Lovers And Servants That All Of Us Have Been Blindly! Romans 6:23, John 1:17, 6:44-45, 9:39(1-41), Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24, 3:19-20, James 4:6, Matthew 6:24(19-34), Luke 16:13(8-31). LET SON’S FREE SURE MERCY OF DAVID, The Emmanuel God With Us, Give You Power Of God, Our Holy Spirit Father! Free Mercy Is Grace Which Is Oore Ofe In Yoruba! This Is The Word Of Truth Of God That Jesus Christ Prayed That His Father, Who Is Our One Perfect And Merciful Father, Who Loves His Enemies And Friends Equally Should Use To Sanctify All Of Us! Isaiah 55:3, Revelations 22:16(11-21), 1 Peter 1:16-23, Matthew 1:16-23, 5:17-48, 11:28-30, Luke 6:36(20-46), John 17:17(1-26), Ezekiel 18:25(1-32).
GOD’S WORD OF TRUTH, IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD Which Cuts You Down, When You Use It To Cut Other People Down! This Is Why I Am Very Careful What I Hear, Because, God Will Judge Me By The Standards I Use To Judge Other People, But With Greater Severity! John 17:17, Hebrews 4:12, Mark 4:24. I Am Also Careful How I Hear The Word Of Truth Of God That Christ Jesus Prayed That God His Father Who Is Also Our One True Father Of The Spirits Of All Flesh Should Use To Sanctify All Of Us After Revealing His Eternal Life End Time Honor Of God! He Who Has Some Word Of Truth Will Be Given More To Have Enough And To Spare! He Who Has No Word Of Truth Of God Will Have The Truth He Seems To Have Stolen With Evil Genius Wisdom! I Spiritually Saw How Proud Father In The House, Babangida’s Annulment Of Open Secret Ballot That God Has Disannulled, Affect President George W. Burning Bush Rigging Of American Election Twice! Indeed His Signing Of The Death Warrant Of The Man Who Was Sentenced 12 Years Before His Tenure Revealed His Heart, As A Murderer And Liar Father Of American Soldiers, Who He Ordered To Fight Death Wars Against Afghans And Iraqis To Enrich His Mobil Oil Father’s Family Business Which Eventually Destroyed American Economy Beyond Redemption As God Our True I Am That I Am Alone Has Revealed Openly To All Of Us! Luke 8:18, 18:1-8, John 8:44(1-59), 17:17(1-26), Proverbs 3:19-20, 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, Galatians 3:15-17, Habakkuk 2:4(2-14), Isaiah 11:9, Exodus 3:14. SUBMIT TO YOUR GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT Who Is Christ In Your Own Heart As Your Own Hope Of Seeing The Glory Of The One Lord God In The Land Of The Living, And Resist The Devil Who Is Our Many Carnal Mind Of Death Unclean Spirits That Mislead Our Leaders And Ourselves, And He Will Flee! Deliver God’s Message As An Oracle Of God That Does Not Lie! We Err Because We Do Not Know The Holy Bible, Quran And Other Scriptures, Including The Ifa New Covenant Oracle Of God Who Judges Your Behavior Oduduwa, Written In Hearts And Minds And The Free Sure Mercy Power Of God! When The Dead Crucified Christ Jesus, Joshua, God Is Salvation Holy Spirit In God’s Kingdom Within A Specific Individual Is Resurrected, He Or She Will Be Like A Philadelphian Church Angel King Of Kings With Little Strength But Open Door Into God’s Kingdom Within Himself Or Herself! James 4:7(1-17), Colossians 1:27, Romans 8:6(1-39), Mark 1:24, 1 Corinthians 1:24(1-31), Matthew 22:29-46, 1 Peter 4:11(1-17), Isaiah 54:13(1-17), Jeremiah 31:31-34, Joshua 1:7-9, 1 John 1:7-9, Philippians 3:10(7-11), Revelations 3:7-22, 19:16, Luke 17:21.